You Knew?!? - Ch. 5

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(A/N) I'm going to change the subject names. Just so you can see the connection between everyone and their Equivalents.

time skip to when everyone is captured


Newt's POV:

After WCKD comes in and swarms us, they line us up on our knees. I see a guard bring in Sonya and I just wanna hit that guy with all my might for even laying a single finger on her. She looks at me and gives me a look that says, "I'm sorry". Sorry for what? She didn't mean for any of this to happen! None of us did. I start trying to get up to follow that guard and make a way for Sonya to escape, but a guard behind me hits me on the head and I knock out.

Sonya's POV:

I'm literally getting dragged by this guy. He's holding me by my jacket collar as he leads me to the rest of the captured. I pass Newt and give him a look trying to apologize. If I had known this would've happened, I would've sent him in the mountains and tell him to stay there. As I take a few more steps, I hear a clang and Minho shouting at someone. Immediately, I turn around and see that Newt is knocked out on the ground and Minho isn't only shouting at someone, he's punching that guy, until he gets electrocuted by one of the guards. I break free of the guard and run to Newt.

"Newt?! Newt?! Please, wake up! C'mon, Newt!!" I shout at his lifeless body as I try and pull him onto my lap. I look around everyone is looking at us. He groans and wakes up. "What the bloody hell happened here, Lizzy?" Newt asks. "Lizzy? Whose Lizzy?" I ask him. I shake my head reminding myself that my brother is in my arms, half unconscious. "Those two will be fine. Just give them a few minutes. That one tried to get up and follow you so I took care of him." He said.

These people make me sick. They're ruthless. "YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO HIT HIM ON THE HEAD, YOU ASSHOLE!" I screamed. "Alright, alright. Scene's over. Get over here. Your boyfriend will be fine." He says. "He's not my boyfriend! He's my-" I cut myself off. "He's a living, human being. I can't see how you can just hurt someone." I said quieter, gritting my teeth. If they found out he was my brother, someone important to me, who knows what they would use us for.

I let myself get taken and put in line next to Aris. I watch as they prop up Minho and Newt. Both, barely able to hold themselves up. I hear a guard come up behind me and grab me by the collar. The device buzzes before he says, "B5" to the other guards. What does that mean? He scan Aris next but I couldn't hear him because a man comes towards another guard.

He asks, "How many did we get?". Are we just pawns in this game? "All of them give or take." He responds. "Give or take what?" The man says. "Well they lost a few." He replies. I realize I'm sick of what they're saying and I go back to listening to the guard scanning us. He scans Newt and says, "A5".

Next Minho, "A4". On and on until I can't even hear him. Suddenly the man shouts, "Where's Thomas?". Why is he looking for him? Out of nowhere, Thomas appears with his hands up and says, "Right here." All guns go to his voice. Why would he give himself up?!?

I thought he was the one with all the brains. Maybe even the smartest ones know when to quit. Maybe there is no way to get out of this. A guard grabs him and he doesn't resist. He only stumbles over his own feet. He's presented in front of the man and he says, "Thomas..."

Do they still know each other? Even with his mind being era-. My train of thought was gone once this man grabbed Thomas's shoulder and punched him in the gut. He falls to the ground and Vince is held back trying to reach out for Thomas. "Get him in line." The man commands. Okay, maybe they do just not on a good page. The guard behind him, lugs him next to Minho.

"Ok." The man says. There isn't a sliver of guilt in this man's voice. He walks over to the guy with the device and tells him, "Bring 'em in." This is it. All that we worked hard for... it's all gone. I can hear the conversation starting between Thomas and Minho. "Why didn't you run.?" Minho asked.

"I'm tired of runnin'." Thomas responded after a while, shaking his head slightly. That's when I completely lost hope. A Berg flies over us and lands. The door opens and a woman with a blonde bun and white coat steps out and walks towards the man. "Is this all of them?" she asks. "Most of them. It'll be enough." The man answers. Enough for what?

"Start loading them." She commands. He obeys her and start commanding others. I don't even want to listen to what he has to say. My eyes are glued on to this woman. For some reason, I know she is not evil. Not like that man who punched Thomas. She gazes upon our group and stares at me and at Newt.

"Do they know?" She asked a guard quietly but I strained my hearing to hear her. "No but, we hit him on the head for trying to get up and he seemed to have remembered her former name. I don't think he will remember it after we capture them." He responds.  "We can't let them know or else it will ruin everything." She says. The woman walks away and just stares at what is happening. I watch as my friends are being taken away against their will and trying to resist. Thomas is grabbed and presented to the woman. "Hello, Thomas." She says calmly.

Suddenly, Teresa is being escorted towards the woman, almost willingly. Is this some kind of sick joke? "I'm glad your safe." She tells Teresa. Minho, Frypan, Newt, Aris, and I rise up to our feet and walk towards Thomas. "What the hell? Teresa." Frypan said. "Wait, what goin' on?" Newt asked. "She's with them." Thomas answered.

"And you knew about this?!?" I asked Thomas. "Sonya, it's not like that..." He says, facing me slightly. "Oh, really? If you knew about this then why did you keep it from us. We could've moved earlier and WCKD would've never found us, Thomas! Why did you bring her here if you knew!" I screamed. Newt put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a look. "Sonya, Tommy would have a good reason for why he kept this a secret. Right, Tommy?" Newt said as he glanced at Thomas. "He does," Teresa answered. "I only told him right when the Bergs showed up. He tried running, the fastest he could back to the camp and I knew he wouldn't make it." She answered. 

Minho changed the topic and asked, "Since when?". The man came up and answered for Thomas. "Oh, Teresa's always had an overall appreciation of the greater good, once we restored her memories. It was only a matter of time." He said. All Teresa could do was look down in shame. And she should be ashamed. She betrayed her friends and took away our only chance of being free. She finally looked at all of us with tears in her eyes and saw each one of our disappointed faces.

"I'm sorry... I had no choice. This is the only way. We have to find a cure." She explained. Thomas shook his head with tears in his eyes. A tear rolled down my cheek as well. "She's right. This is all just a means to an end. You used to understand that, Thomas. No matter what you think of me. I am not a monster, I'm a doctor. I swore an oath to find a cure... No matter the cost." She disclosed. All of us were just silent. Only a helicopter could be heard from above. "I just need more time." She said quieter.

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