WCKD Is Horrible - Ch. 9

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Sonya's POV: We find the door and people are everywhere. We immediately spot Aris and he's a bit far from the door. As we walk, people stare at us in awe. While they are wearing grey sweatpants and grey long-sleeve shirts, we're over here looking like pop-stars. "Why are people staring at us?" Minho asked me. "I don't know maybe because we are the pop of color in a room full of grey?!" I answer sarcastically. Aris spot us and they're surprised by our appearance too. "Why do you guys look... famous?" Aris asks.

"And why weren't you there with us when we woke up in this place?" He adds. "Look, we don't have much time before you go into testing." Minho tells them. "Testing? Is it what me and Thomas saw? Where we saw a bunch of people being hooked up and drained?" Aris asked. "We don't know. All we know is that the testing shouldn't hurt you." I answer. "What about you guys? When is your testing?" Aris questions. "We don't have testing. They picked us out of the group because they're hoping for us to work with WCKD." Minho answers. "And you said yes?!?" Aris says.

"No, we didn't, Aris. They're giving us two days to think about it. They gave us privileges during our stay here. We're not going to be swayed by this. We'll try and scout the area. Find places for us to escape. We can bring you things if you need it. We have..." I look at my watch and I see only five minutes are left until their testing. "We have five minutes. We'll try to visit as much as we can." As soon as I am done with my sentence, the loudspeakers beep. "Will Aris please come to testing chamber 90BN in 5 minutes? Testing chamber 90BN in 5 minutes." It beeps once it's done. "Alright, visiting time is over. The next time you will be able to visit them is around 12:30. Right this way, sir." A guard says over our shoulders. We both take a glance at Aris before walking back to the entrance of the visiting center. "What do we do now?" I ask Minho. "Well, let's try to map out this place, look for possible exits." I respond.

Before we even take a step, the loudspeaker goes off again. "Will Minho and Sonya come to the 95th floor. Assistance is needed. 95th floor, please." Then it beeps. We make our way to the elevator and hope that what ever we have to do, isn't helping WCKD. The elevator dings and the door opens. Waiting there is Teresa, hold a stack of papers. "Chancellor Paige has concluded that both of you will examine what we do here in WCKD. Seeing the help that is given to others may help you see the good in our studies." She says. "Please, follow me to one of my patients."  She nods her head and leads the way.

The door we're lead to is different than the ones in the visiting area. It doesn't need a key card but a thumbprint. She presses her thumb down and parts of words jumble together to create the WCKD logo. It slides open and we can see doctors at their desks or walking around. Some are standing next to a glass door that has a crank on the other side. Teresa doesn't seem to be phased by any of it. At the end of the room, is a small girl that is on an examination bed.

A light is shone over her and doctors are studying her. "What are they doing to her?" Minho asks. "Well, this little one is infected with the Flare. We are using the blood of some of the immune to heal her. The blood has to go through a process, though. Many have tried to steal the blood from the immune and inject themselves with it. That only speeds the infection because it irritates the Flare, if it is irritated or shrunken, it will try to increase the process of consuming the brain.. We have taken it upon ourselves to help this girl. It is currently her third day of receiving the remedy and though, it slows the Flare, it cannot stop it. The cure is out there but, we have yet to find it." Teresa explains. "Hi, Ms. Teresa." The girl greets. Her voice is hoarse and she looks exhausted. "Who are they? Can they help me, too?" The girl asks, referring to us. "We hope so." Teresa coos, glancing up at us.

A doctor comes us with a swab and a substance on it. He cautiously rubs the swab on her arm. "What's going on?" I ask. A doctor behind us brings us stools to sit on. We gladly take them. "It's time for her treatment." Teresa sighs as she is given a syringe. "Do you have any happy memories of your childhood?" She asks the girl.

We stay quiet in curiosity. Teresa turns on the syringe and blue liquid is sloshing around inside. "I remember my house... I had a tire swing on the tree." The girl says. Teresa slowly injects the serum where the doctor rubbed the swab. "It... burns!" The girl says weakly. "Almost done." Teresa tells her. The syringe beeps and she quickly removes the syringe.

The girl opens her eyes and the become less red, as if it was, retreating. The black veins on her face grow fainter and fainter. "It's okay now." Teresa assures her. "What just happened?" Minho asked, super confused. "Ms. Teresa helped me. But, I won't be like this for long. What are your names?" The girl changes the subject quickly. "My name's Sonya and this is Minho." I answer. "Both of you can go now. The Chancellor just wanted you to see how our work is helping the human race." Teresa says.

We stand up from our chairs still eyeing the girl as we slowly go towards the door. We take our eyes off of her and one of the doctors opens the door for us. "Let's get to the first floor and look around outside. Wanna stop for brunch right now? It's only 11:30. We can visit Aris after. Then, we can map out the place." I nod knowing my body is going to need the energy. Going to the elevator we spot windows that look into the lab. The girl is now sitting up and is having a conversation with Teresa. "Is that really what we can do if we work for WCKD?" I ask Minho empathetically. "Are you actually considering working with these people?" He asked me.

"Minho, look how happy and healthy that girl is. What if we could do that for everyone with the Flare?" I say to him. I look at him and he has a serious, worried expression. "I think you've forgotten that Teresa said they needed blood from immunes. This 'cure' could kill Aris. If they get more of us, they could take more of our friends' lives. We are trading a life for what? A delay of time? You heard Teresa! There is no actual cure! We would be taking lives of innocent people to delay someone's inevitable death. No matter how much they say it, no matter what they show you! WCKD. Is. Horrible." Minho reasons, pointing at them through the glass. I nod in agreement and we go to the elevator to get brunch. "I'm sorry, I was a little harsh. I was a little thrown off by you. I was just hoping you weren't thinking about trading our friend's lives for others that are already ending. I'm really sorry for shouting." Minho apologizes, patting me on the back. "It's fine, I understand. If one of my friends were to betray us like that, I would do the same." I assure him. I smile at him and we make our way to the buffet.

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