A Stranger and Her Impatience - Ch. 15

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Aris's POV:

I can feel low rumbling from beneath me. Why am I lying down? Wait. Wait, wait, wait. Where am I? There are people around me, my eyes are closed, my arms are chained but aren't restrained. "This one's moving a bit. You think the effects are wearing off?" A man says next to me.

"It shouldn't. Just in case, let's move faster. We were given strict instructions to make no scenes." Another said.

I could hear them instructing others to move faster and the busy commotion was all that I could hear. It smelt fresh, clean wherever I was. The cold metal I laid on and the lack of any draft indicated we haven't been outside yet. I slightly reach for the note Sonya gave me, ensuring it's still there. I need to give this to him soon. Minho. Minho. Where's Minho?

"Load 'em up!" Someone from afar shouted. Suddenly, I get thrown over someone's shoulder and they start bringing me somewhere.

"Hey! Let me down!" I shout. I can't be captured again. I need to at least try. I start punching and kicking the guy until I can struggle out of his grip.

"This little-" He starts but I knee him in the middle of his ribs. It's enough to get him to drop me. Dropping me onto the ground, injuring my arm a bit but I manage to get to my feet.

"MINHO! WHERE ARE YOU?" I yell. No response. Shit, shit, shit.

"HEY KID GET BACK HERE! B1 IS ON THE LOOSE AT CAR 3! SEND AS MANY UNITS AS POSSIBLE!" The guy calls from behind me as he struggles to get up. I start running for it as he chases me down the halls of the train station. Sonya's note falls out of my pocket and falls onto the floor. I rush back for it and I get there just in time to get it in my hand but not fast enough as the man's foot crushes my fingers.

"What do we have here?" He asks as I scream out in pain. He lifts his foot off only to throw it towards my face.

"A- little- hero- huh?" He says with each kick as blood spurts out of my mouth.

"Hey! Leave the kid alone!" Someone yells. He looks up at the hooded figure and smiles.

"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?!" He shouts. 

I said," He emphasizes. "Leave... the kid... alone." The figure repeats as he pulls something out of his jacket. It seems to scare him off enough but of course, he just couldn't leave me.

"Hey! Leave him! Put him down! Get back here!" The person says as he chases us down. I can hear a herd of guards running towards him though. He won't be able to save me. He sits me down roughly next to someone, I can't tell who it is from all the blood on my face but I can't even stay conscious enough to try as I pass out from the pain and exhaustion.

Elizabeth's POV:

The trip is going smooth and it's almost lunch time. I'm in the middle of a discussion with Ava until I overhear one of the guards' radio go off.

"SUBJECT B1 IS ON THE LOOSE! SEND AS MANY UNITS AS POSSIBLE!" A muffled, scuffed voice remarks. Aris!

"What? What happened to Aris!" I panic.

"Dr. Elizabeth, please stay calm. I'm sure there's a reasonable answer for this. And, he will be just fine." Ava reasons.

"We will tell our units to do no harm to him, to hold up our end of the agreement." Janson adds on. This is going too far. I don't know how much more I can tolerate their bullshit.

"Lizzy, I'm sure Aris will be just fine." Teresa comforts as she reaches out a hand. I slap it away on instinct which raises a few eyebrows.

"S-sorry. I'm just a bit on edge from everything that's happened. I just need to have a moment by myself. Is that alright?" I cover up. They give me a reassuring look as they nod their heads and I make my way towards the girl in the other car. Betraying Minho and Aris, working with WCKD, running from the Right Arm, it's too much. I have to find the serum soon. It's the only way this'll end.

Peering through the glass, I can see her strapped on a hospital bed. Her dark veins are becoming visible again and we'll have to inject her in a few days.

"You may be having second thoughts but please remember they're safe here and with your help, were saving the world." Teresa persuades, approaching me by the door.

"I wasn't having any doubts; I'm just getting impatient. If we can save her, that means we can save everyone, doesn't it? So as long as I'm contributing, the process should be speeding up." I reassure her. She reaches for my arm to console me but I quickly back up by instinct.

"Ah, sorry." She apologizes, retracting her hand and giving an awkward smile but also glancing at my arm. Glancing at it as well, the crossbow is poking out a bit, making my arm look weird. 

"No, I'm sorry. I'm still a bit shaken up." I apologize, clasping the crossbow to hide it away from her. In an effort to change the subject, I look to the girl.

"Will she ever get better? As in, becoming healthy without these constant booster-shots." I ask, genuinely saddened at the thought.

"Hopefully. With all the samples from the immunes, they seem to be working great on the test-subjects. Once we get the final result serum from the Last City, we should be able to publicize it and firstly, use it on the girl." Teresa explains. Something is still bothering me about this still.

"Can't we know her name? It feels wrong calling her 'the girl'. It's like making someone an item." I ask.

"You know all personal patient info is private once an adult makes the decision to do so. We have no choice. Try to take a nap or have a bite to eat, it might clear your mind a bit." She added, trying to help. I only nodded in response while staring at my feet. Her receding footsteps, the low rumbling of the train, and faint talking in the neighboring cars, it all faded as my thoughts clouded my brain.

The cure is so close. If I can manage to get a hold of it, I'll be able to heal everyone. That's all I've ever wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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