Chapter 17

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So I lied. Update came a bit early. I guess Tom Hiddleston's birthday just motivated me! That and the glorious nap I took before logging on.

I woke up and smiled as soon as the memory came back to me. Me and Alex had gone on a wonderful date then had beautiful sex last night and he was now laying beside me in a peaceful sleep. But a not so pleasant thought came to me after that. He was leaving for tour today.

I pushed the thought away and kicked back the sheets. It was time for breakfast. I hurried to the kitchen and hustled around, making all of Alex's favorites. It may have been awhile but I still knew it all by heart and it was so familiar to me. Everything felt so right again.

It was about 40 minutes after I had started cooking that Alex walked in. He was just in his pants from last night and not wearing a shirt. His hair was everywhere and his smile was lopsided.

"Good morning" I greeted him happily. He walked towards me and grabbed my face.

"Good morning."

He sounded tired, and almost, sad. I stared up at him and racked my brain for what could possibly be wrong. Is that he was leaving?


He raised an eyebrow and pursed his lips.

"What's wrong?"

Now he dropped his hands and turned away from me. I let my eyes scan his bare back. The muscles seemed tense but what really caught my attention was the long red scratches painting it. Oops.

"I have an extra day here... we're going to take off tomorrow instead."

I instantly perked up. "That's great!"

Still, he remained with his back to me and his shoulders slumping.

"Can you tell me something?"

Oh God... What?

I swallowed hard, feeling my palms get clammy and my hair starting to stand up.

"Tell you what?"

"What this is."

Then he tossed the bag of weed I kept in my nightstand on the table.

I could have passed out right there. My heart was hammering. I was about to enter a panic attack. I tried to get words out but kept stumbling over them. Frantic was an understatement. Alex turned around and grabbed me, holding me in place by my arms and gazing into my eyes.

"Valerie, relax. Just explain."

I had hit overdrive and started to scream.

"It's not like I'm some drug abuser! It was just to help! And it's not a big deal! Please don't be mad! I just-!"

Alex crashed his lips to mine to silence me. I was too shocked to kiss back or move away.

He stopped when he realized I was out of things to scream.

"I'm not mad at you over the weed, Val. I don't care. Though I do want to know why. I'm only mad that you didn't tell me."

I cocked my head to the side. "What?"

"All these times we've caught up, all these chances. Why didn't you tell me? But you could tell Jack..."

"He told you?!"

Alex shook his head quickly and took my hand in his.

"I woke up this morning and knew you were in here so I went through your nightstand to find your phone charger to borrow and found this. Jack called right as I did and I said something about it and he told me he knew."

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