Chapter 10

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Roxy's visit was brief and awkward. Through no fault of her own though. I was just too upset to talk.

She told me before she left, yet again, to call Jack.

We hugged and then she was gone.

It didn't take me two seconds after closing the door to decide I needed drugs.

I pulled out the stash I kept under my bed and frowned at how low it was. I've only ever needed to buy it twice in my 6 months of using it. And after the encounter last night, I needed it more than ever.

I snuggled in between my bed and nightstand and let my haze begin.


"Yeah, I'll need a medium in that one" I told the merch guy, pointing to the A Day To Remember shirt I wanted. It was Warped Tour of 2011 and I was here writing about all the acts for Alternative Press. But that didn't mean I couldn't treat myself.

"Nice choice" I heard a guy beside me say.

I mumbled a thank you without looking up. I'm sure he was just some drunk guy trying to hit on me. That's pretty much the crowd here. Drunk guys and half dressed girls.

"What's your name?"

My eyes lifted for a second but then I stopped, and completely looked up.

A guy about 6'0, with messy hair, warm brown eyes, and just the right amount of stubble to make my stomach turn to goo was standing there smiling at me. His smile was kind of crooked and boyish. He was cute in the punk rock way and cute without trying.

Why did he look so familiar?

"My name is Valerie. Valerie Majors"

"Well Valerie. Valerie Majors, I'm Alex Gaskarth"

OMG! He was the lead singer of All Time Low.

"Oh! Why are you here? I didn't think you were playing this year."

"Well can't I come watch?"

Alex stepped towards me and I nervously scratched my arm and looked away.

"Hey! Can you two like move?"

That's when I realized we were still standing at the merchandise table and being complete pricks.

I quickly paid for my shirt and we moved off to the side.

"So you're here for ADTR then?" He asked.

"Actually I'm here to write about all the bands for Alternative Press Magazine. But yeah... I do suppose I favor them."

"You write for AP?! That's wicked man!"

He was looking down at me with those eyes and I felt my cheeks flush.

"I do. And I... uh... don't have to ask what you do."

Alex chuckled a little and stuffed his hands into his short pockets.

"No I guess not. You a fan?"

"Yeah, you're pretty good." That's right Val, play it cool.

"Just pretty good?"

"Just pretty good" I confirmed giggling. In all honesty, I hadn't listened to them a lot but when I did, I loved them.

"What can make us great?" He asked.

I thought for a moment. I could say something absolutely crazy and make him laugh. I could say something sarcastic and possibly risk him getting angry. I could take this question and spin it however I wanted.

"Write a song about a Disney character and then we'll talk."

Alex raised his eyebrows. I couldn't help but take notice to how majestic his eyebrows were.

"A Disney character? Which one?"

Again, another question I could spin however I please. I could say anyone and it wouldn't matter. This guy wasn't going to write a song about a Disney character and I was probably never going to see him again.

I looked beyond Alex and saw 3oh!3 about to perform. I really wanted to go see them so I could write about how horribly catchy all their songs were.

I looked back to Alex and smiled a little.

"Surprise me Lost Boy. I gotta go."

I went to walk away but Alex called after me.


"Yeah?" I spun around on my heels and shielded my eyes from the sun with my hand.

"Want to come meet my band?"

I dropped my hand and stared at him through squinted eyes. Meeting his band would most certainly be more fun than seeing 3oh!3.

"You don't even know me"

Alex shrugged and held out his hand.

"I'd like to."

Ok so he was pretty charming. I sighed and followed Alex to meet his three band mates.


"Val? Val!"

I was half in and half out of my daze. I could still hear Jack's voice saying my name. I could practically still see him in front of me.

"Valerie. What the hell?!"

I was being shaken. I could feel hands on my shoulders and the sensation of being tilted from side to side.


Then I was smacked lightly in the face.

My vision unblurred and a figure was coming into focus.

It was Jack. Jack was really here. And he had just caught me smoking weed.

Our eyes were locked and his mouth was in a tight line. I had never seen Jack Barakat look disappointed. And it was a painful sight to see.


While I took a shower, Jack sat in my living room.

I walked in to see him sitting on my couch, silent and stoic. I wrapped my hair up into a towel and sat on a chair to the side of my couch with my legs tucked under me.

"Are you going to explain?"

Jack couldn't look at me.

Why was this fair?

I was hurting. I needed something to make it easier. Isn't that a good thing?

"It's not that bad Jack" was all I could say.

He whipped his head around.

"It's the fact that it's not you. You're a lot of things Val but a stoner? No it's not that bad. It's just that it's not you. Is this about Alex?"

There was no hiding it anymore. If I was going to tell the truth, I was going to tell the whole truth. So I did.

Jack was quiet but moved to the end of the couch and touched my thigh.

"You have to tell Alex."

Hello lovely people! I hope you like the story so far! I love including flash back scenes because you get to see cute and happy Valexander (ship name provided by @StephHoran93 )

Next update coming soon because I'm excited for her and Alex to talk again!

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