Chapter 30

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I felt A LOT better.

After I was released from the hospital, the band and their managers decided to have us all stay in the hotel where my party was going to be for a couple of nights. I couldn't contain my excitement to stay somewhere other than the tour bus. I had a wonderful hot shower, we had a delicious meal of expensive room service curled up on the beds, and then we all watched The Dark Knight. It was a perfect night in and I couldn't have been happier.

The next night, however, was a damn fairytale. I got to wear a new dress that was the most gorgeous shade of green, made of smooth silk, and fit just right. The guys got dressed up too and Alex was a total knock out. He had on nice black pants (with no American flag on them, I may add!), a button up back shirt and a bowtie that matched my dress. I was a lucky lucky girl.

We stood in the hotel bathroom and I was straightening his bowtie and giggling.

"What?" He asked, a cute and sly smile on his face.

I rested my hands on his shoulders and looked up at him. "You're my Doctor."

Alex got ridiculously giddy and boyish and grabbed my face. He was hesitant at first but I pushed myself upward on my toes and our lips collided. Not once did I shy away. I tangled my fingers in his hair and enjoyed how for once, his lips just tasted like toothpaste.


The party was in the small ballroom of the hotel. The entire band and crew for ATL, the bands they were touring with, and a handful of other band members and family were there. Jack was dancing with a girl I presumed to be the lady friend he's mentioned a few times, Rian and Cassadee were feeding each other and looking as in love as ever, and... I'll be damned, my boss Sierra was here and talking to Zach. I took in the scene as Alex grabbed us two flutes of champagne.

"Stay here. I'll be right back."

I nodded and continued to look around. There was a small stage where a DJ was standing and spinning records. There were beautiful chandeliers hanging down, the tables were decorated in black and purple, and everyone was dressed to the nines. I had never felt happier to be alive.

I had to spin around to take in everything. I felt like I had finally found myself on the pages of my favorite storybook. I was Cinderella. I was Sleeping Beauty. I was a princess and this was my castle for the night.

"Excuse me, can I have everyone's attention?" Alex's voice filled the room.

He was standing on the stage and holding a microphone. Everyone turned to him and I skeptically watched him.

Jack had made his way over to me and wrapped an around me. He was smiling ear to ear and it was nothing but contagious.

"You don't want to miss this" he whispered.

I sat my champagne down on a table and crossed my arms to listen to my boyfriend's announcement.

Alex cleared his throat and continued with my favorite lopsided smile painted on his face.

"I was going to wait to do this until a bit later but I just couldn't. It's one of those things that could burst you at the seems if you don't get it out as soon as possible. So here it goes..."

"Three years ago at Warped Tour, I saw this girl buying an A Day To Remember shirt and just thought; wow! She's a babe."

Everyone glanced at me and laughed, causing my cheeks to flush and making me look like an elf with my red face and green dress.

"I don't know how and I definitely don't know why but I got her to agree to come meet my idiot band that night. And why that made her decide to kiss me, I will never know. But I'm so glad it did. She's amazing and I'm so unmistakably lucky. We've had a long journey together and when she wasn't in my life, I was miserable. Now she's back and every day seems to get better with her around. I hope that we have an even longer journey ahead of us and I hope I never have to know what it's like without her again."

Jack squeezed my shoulder and his smile was so big, I thought his face might break.

"She's unpredictable, crazy, funny, gets along with my band, knows how to handle her liquor, and she's insanely perfect. She watches Doctor Who with me. She sings loud and proud... and off key. She's easily the most amazing girl on the planet."

My eyes were welling with tears and my throat was burning. What was he doing this for?

"Valerie Miranda Majors..."

Alex got down on one knee and I thought my heart might explode.

"Will you marry me?"

Jack faced me immediately and I noticed he was crying too. I was speechless. I was dumnfounded. Flabbergasted. I was every word that could coincide with a good or shocked feeling. When I was able to collect myself enough to walk, I stumbled a little ways to the stage and just nodded furiously. I still couldn't find words in a sea of possibilities and answers. Even if there was only one word I needed.

An eternity must have passed right there in that hotel ballroom.

"Yes!" I finally got out.

Alex jumped from the stage and ran for me. We met in the center of the room and he picked me up and spun me around. It was like everything was in slow motion and I was in an old movie. No, a dream.

Nothing was there but me and Alex. Nothing mattered but me and Alex. And nothing ever would again. When I was back on my feet, he pulled out a small velvet box.

I was bouncing on my feet and shaking in excitement. This moment, this beautiful moment, was what even girls like me have dreamed about since their first Disney movie.

He opened it and I burst like a happy and amorous bubble; giggling, crying, and sputtering incoherent words.

A silver band with a large light green stone in the middle and diamonds going down the sides sparkled from inside the box. He pulled it out and held it up so I could see the inside.

"Wendy, run away with me."

How typical. How Alex. How perfect.

He slid on the ring, looking up at me through his eyelashes and grinning. Once it was on, I threw my arms around his neck and kissed on his cheek and neck.

"I love you so much." I mumbled.

"I love you, too. I love you so much."

Late night romantic fluffy updates are what I live for.

So, I'm just going to tell you, this week has been hell. A break is much needed but, alas, I have work ahead of me this weekend.

I just hope you guys are doing great! Keep smiling and reading because we're only 3 updates away from the end! And then the sequel... if you want it. You have to tell me ;)

I also wanted to take a moment to congratulate a dear friend of mine KaitlynJade again for getting a super awesome scholarship!! She's so wonderful and she deserves all the love in the world!

Love you guys. Xoxo

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