Chapter 7- The Interview

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So here we have it! Val and Alex are reunited! How ever will this end up?! And holy shit, I actually named a chapter! It's the chapter with the infamous interview so I have that part sectioned off and italicized! 

Also, this chapter is dedicated to KaitlynJade because she's lovely and I adore her. Check out her story- it's great!

Alex was frozen and so was I. It had been seven months since we've seen each other. What were we supposed to do?

Rian and Zack had appeared and were smiling ear to ear. "Val!"

They ran and scooped me up into a big group hug. I tried to focus on hugging them back but my entire being was only focused on Alex right now. I lightly patted their arms and managed a small but sincere smile. 

They set me down and Alex made a step towards me. "What are you doing here?" He asked. His voice was hostile and made me wince a little.

I couldn't find my voice. I simply lifted the press pass out of my bag and held it up.

Thank God for Jack Barakat and his perfectly timed interruptions. 

"She's here to interview us Alex."

Alex's head shot to his best friend and back to me a few good times and his mouth was a "O."

No one knew what to say next so we all went to their dressing room and sat down. It reminded me a lot of the one in Arizona from that night, only nicer.

Jack sat beside me on the sofa to comfort me while the rest of them sat in a circle of chairs. Alex sat the direct opposite of me. His face was hard and he had his arms crossed over his chest. It made me want to fall in the floor and drown in my tears. Not to mention that it was hard not to find his huffing and puffing kind of adorable. 

Then the interview began. I had to be professional and act like I didn't already know them so the experience was very interesting, considering I lived with them for three years. Surprisingly they all gave answers; Alex only when needed and always short and through gritted teeth.


Me: "How amazing was it playing in the Madison Square Garden?"

Rian: "Amazing. A total dream come true."

Alex: "Momentous."

Jack: "Totally boner worthy."

Zack: "It was everything we've always wanted."

Me: "Do you think the crowd was great? Are you proud of the turn out?"

Alex: "Immensely proud."

Rian: "The crowd and turn out were both great. We sold out!"

Me: "That's amazing! Really. Such a huge milestone for you guys. How different was this than playing Warped Tour?"

Jack: "So different. Warped is kind of intimate. Even with all the people. Like an orgy. This was just incredible. On a scale that we couldn't imagine."

Rian: "Everything is about sex with you Jack, oh my God."

Jack: "You know me."

I tried not to laugh. Come on Jack, I'm trying to be professional.

Me: "Which do you like better?"

Rian: "I think there is something to love about both. This was a new experience and it was amazing but Warped is our roots and our family so I love both."

Alex: "Warped is where everything took off for us. It's like embedded in our souls."

Me: "Are you guys playing Warped this year?"

Alex: "We are, yeah."

Jack: "It's gonna be great to be back."

Me: "Do you guys think you'll ever make it here again?"

Zack: "I think it'd be pretty cool but if not, we did once and it was worth it. We really work hard and we're lucky to be where we are. It's all because of our amazing fans."

Me: "A lot of people from Warped end up doing MSG and bigger venues. People like Katy Perry. You guys preformed with her once right?"

Jack: "We did! It was awesome. Her tits are out of this world."

Alex: "My girlfriend at the time loved it. She was a big fan."

I was momentarily paralyzed. I couldn't believe him... Jack touched my thigh and I took a second before I went on.

Me: "She is great. So last question for all of you guys, what's next for you?"

Alex: "New album then off to Warped Tour."

Jack: "I'm extremely sexually attracted to this album. It's gonna be the bomb. Alex really put everything he had into the lyrics and it sounds a lot like the work we did for 'Don't Panic'."

Rian: "It's a lot of emotional stuff but also a lot of fun. We hope the fans love it."

Zack: "It's gonna be fun to release some new stuff again. We like to keep giving the fans stuff to relate to and fall in love with."

Alex seems have lost all of his patience and threw his arms up. 

Alex: "So thats it? Can we leave now? Or do you have any more questions to ask?"

I don't know where my spontaneous bout of bravery came from but Alex's attitude struck a nerve and I dropped my notebook.

"Yeah, just one. Why did you cheat on me?"

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