Chapter 32

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The days ticked by until we reached the one that always brought on a mixture of emotions; the day that was simultaneously the worst and the best.

It was the last day of tour. And of course, it was taking place in the boys' hometown of Baltimore.

Alex was a bundle of happiness and nostalgia. He was ready to take a break until Warped but he'd miss playing shows; he always did.

The rest of the guys, however, seemed more than excited to be home and start their time off.

"ARE YOU GUYS READY?!" Alex screamed as he ran through the bus. Zack rolled over in his bunk and threw a pillow at Alex, who a second later, screamed and tripped into a small table.

Zack smiled, clearly proud of himself and rolled back over. I giggled and burried my face into my own pillow. The smell of Alex was almost intoxicating and I was too comfortable to get up. I thought I was going to get by easy and get some extra rest but my life is never that simple.

"Vaaaallll.... come make breakfast..." I heard Jack whining.

"Everyone shut up. I'm trying to sleep" Rian snapped.

"Well wake the fuck up and get pumped!" Alex called.

"Oh and Val, will you come make breakfast?" He added, a little quieter. Did he think he was so cute that I would just give in and get out of my comfy blanket burrito just to make breakfast?

I decided it was my turn to hit him and threw my pillow in the direction of where he was. He dodged it and taunted me as he skipped back to the bunks. He jumped up and gripped the railing of ours and rested his chin on it.

"Please, baby. Itll be the perfect way to kick off the last day of tour."

His brown eyes were wide and his bottom lip was sticking out in a pout. Stop. That's cute. Stop being so cute.

"Oh alright" I mumbled, kicking back the blanket and climbing down. Alex hopped down too and squeezed me into a huge hug, lifting my feet off the ground.

"You're the best."

There was no crashing Alex's last day home show high.


"What is up Baltimore?!"

All Time Low took the stage and Alex stood at the frontline, smiling brilliantly. My heart swelled at the sight and my only thought was, 'damm, I'm lucky.'

"It's great to be home! Me and the guys are in a great mood so let's kick this shit off the right way!"

They started playing "Break Your Little Heart" and I watched from backstage. My foot tapped and I danced a little while sipping on a water bottle. I can't express enough how good it feels to feel so alive again.

The therapy sessions over the phone with Dr. Stevens were, at first, really tough. I didn't want to be open about everything that happened. Especially over the phone. But I was eventually able to let it all out and our talks since then have really helped. My nightmares decreased slowly then disappeared. My health improved. Mine and Alex's relationship was stronger than ever. Long story short, I felt better. I was better. And I was definitely over my need for illegal substances.

Now my only drive was my work and being engaged to Alex. I fingered my fairytale perfect ring and grinned to myself. Everything was at ease. What was a storm, was now a calm summer breeze. I was with Alex, we were going to get married, I was happy again, and they were currently singing the song Alex wrote for me after we met; "Somewhere in Neverland."

You're Gone and I've Gotta Stay HighOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora