Chapter 9

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A/N: I double updated because leaving off on smut causes problems with the feels and this chapter is kinda short. 

"Lisa! Get out!" Alex screamed, tilting his body to shield my half naked torso. I hid behind his shoulder and tried to ignore the stinging in my eyes and the burning in my cheeks. 

"I came to surprise you on you big night. But it looks like I'm interrupting something." she spat. I swear I hated her so much. Alex told her, yet again, to get out but she held her ground. She jutted out her hip and rested her hand on it. I saw Alex jerk his head at his bandmates for them to get her out of here.

Jack and Rian didn't have to be told twice. They pulled her away and I immediately started to fix my dress and pack up my bag.

"Val, wait." Alex was up and trying to block my path. He held out his arms and I had to duck under them.

"This was a horrible mistake. I can't believe this. I shouldn't have even came."

It was so hard not to cry. It was so hard not to go kill Lisa. I was rambling and tripping over my own feet. Alex tried to reach out to me but I jerked away. I stumbled out of the dressing room and stomped through the venue. People stared and hid their mouths behind their hands, clearly talking shit.

"Val, wait!"

I spun around to see Jack and Alex running to catch me. I looked at Alex first.

"I can't believe you."

Jack took a step forward.

"Val, she just showed up!"

I lost my temper and started shouting. I was already embarrassed. Why not make it worse?

"And you! 'They haven't spoken since the night you left!' You lied to me! You of all people Jack!"

I didn't know what hurt worse. That Lisa had shown up to ruin my life again, or that Jack had lied to me.

"Val you know I wouldn't lie to you. I was telling the truth! She showed up here!"

"You didn't hear me out last time. I deserve this time" Alex interrupted.

"The only thing you deserve is my foot up your ass and my hand across your face."

His shoulders slumped and he hung his head. Jack looked down and kicked the ground.

"Please stay Val. What about what happened in there?" Alex questioned weakly.

"What happened in there.... shouldn't have happened. Goodbye Alex. And goodbye Jack. Tell Rian and Zack that I'm sorry..."

I turned away and walked out with what little dignity I had left. I was proud of myself for not crying until I reached my apartment. But I didn't even make it to my bed or out of my clothes. I fell asleep in my floor with nothing but my purse as a pillow and my heart shattered into pieces you could pass through a needle.


The next morning, I had 11 missed calls from Jack, 17 from Alex and countless texts from them, the other two bandmates and Roxy. I turned off my phone and threw it under my couch.

My back was killing me and my neck was stiff. Everything about last night sucked.

Ok not kissing Alex... not almost having sex with him...

But it didn't matter. It didn't mean anything. Lisa was still around and that changed everything.

Or did it change nothing?

Either way, I needed to clear my mind.


"You okay?" Roxy asked as I finally answered my phone.

I had taken a long bath, pulled on a raggedy My Chemical Romance shirt and some shorts, blazed up, ate 12 mini sausage biscuits and finally felt at least 39% alive.

I texted Rian and Zack that I wasn't mad at them and they could come to me whenever, ignored Alex and Jack, and told Roxy she could call me. So naturally, three seconds later, she did.

"Not at all. But whatever. Sorry I didn't see you before running out."

"She really did just show up Val. Jack didn't lie to you. Neither did Alex."

"Look Roxy, it doesn't matter. I got through it before, I'll get through it again."

"Getting high isn't getting through it."

I didn't respond. I didn't need to argue with Roxy on top of everything else.

"I'm sorry" she said quietly. 


She asked to see me before she left tomorrow and I told her that would be fine then we hung up. 

A thought occurred to me after I sat my phone down and laid back on my couch.

Last time I walked out on Alex, it was because I saw him with Lisa.

This time, she saw him with me

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