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Baltimore mornings were perfect for coffee on the porch.

It was early spring so I was wrapped up in a thin blanket and had my ears hidden by my favorite beanie as I crept outside. Alex was upstairs, still knocked out and the boys were all at their places in similar situations, I'm sure.

We were officially home from tour and they were going to be finishing their album soon. Then when the summer started, they were rejoining Warped Tour; an event held near and dear to all our hearts. Then, in the fall, me and Alex would get married.

I heard the door swing open and out stepped Alex. His hair was messy and he was still in his pajamas. He looked like a small child as he stood there, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles.

"Why are you ready awake?" He asked sleepily.

I giggled at his almost understandable question and motioned for him to join me on the small loveseat I was perched on. He moved my legs to sit down and I rested them atop his lap.

"No, really. Why the hell are you awake?" He asked again, now laughing a little.

"Just woke up and wanted to enjoy the morning. What woke you?"

Alex rubbed his chin and shot me a cheeky grin.

"My bed was missing a certain 5'3 element that keeps me warm and comfy."

I rolled my eyes and puffed out my chest. "I'm 5'4."

Alex narrowed his eyes and titled his head down. I avoided the look of complete lie detection and tried to fight my smile.

Alex lightly smacked my thigh and I scooted down further into the love seat while making a face.


He laughed and leaned over to kiss me but I turned my head before he could.

"Absolutely not" I teased.

Alex's jaw dropped and his eyes widened.


I held up my hand and stared at the clear blue sky. I could still see Alex staring at me in my peripheral vision. He grabbed my hand and swiftly moved to kiss me but I fought against him. He was much stronger, much to my chagrin, and was able to pin me to the loveseat with one hand while hovering over me. He used his other hand to grab my face and kiss me.

I tried to keep my lips pursed and scrunched my face. I refused to lose this battle of lovin.

Alex chuckled as he kept trying to kiss me. The sound was childlike and made it hard to keep him away. His eyes were squeezed shut and his cheeks had a pink tint. That with his smile on my lips made it even harder not to give in so I finally kissed him back.

He released my face after a dramatic "mwah!" and pushed some hair away from my forehead. My beanie had fallen off during our struggle and was laying on the porch.

I smiled up at him and my eyes scanned every inch of his face.

"I love you" I murmured, feeling particularly overflowing with it.

He kissed me in response and I got so lost in it, I forgot where we were. No matter how much time passed, Alex still made me feel love stricken and like my whole body was floating.

There was a whistle, a scream for us to take it inside, and some disgusted noises that interrupted us. We moved away in a haste and looked over to see Jack, Zack, Rian, and Roxy all standing on our porch with bemused expressions on their faces.

Alex and I laughed awkwardly and got back into sitting positions, folding our hands into our laps.

"You two need to control the hormones. Save it for the honeymoon" Rian deadpanned, but with a bit of a smile.

Alex's eyes lit up like amber fire in the morning light.

"Speaking of which; October 18th. That's our wedding day."

We smiled at each other lovingly and all our friends erupted into cheers and ran to hug us.

"We have to celebrate!" Roxy exclaimed.

"I'll get the booze!" Jack insisted.

"It's the morning" Zack noted, grabbing Jack before he ran in to get some bottles.

But Jack pouted and when Zack looked to us for support, we all just shrugged.


So we all celebrated on that spring morning with shared toasts and hugs and ideas for the day that we were all excited for and it filled me with unbeatable joy.

I couldn't wait to go to Warped again and be where it all started.

I couldn't wait to marry the guy that I've loved for so long.

I couldn't wait to just spend every day of the rest of my life like this.

I needed more days like this one. The whole day, we all spent time together. We watched movies, ate pizza, drank beer, and at night, had a bonfire complete with a small show. Jack and Zack played guitar, Rian played bongos, and we all sang.

There was nothing better than being at peace after a civil war.

As I watched all the people I loved sing and laugh, I remembered what it was like being alone in New York. And as much as I loved that city and my job, those things could never compare to the life I had made for myself here and was able to find again.

And I wouldn't let it slip away. Not again.

So there you have it. That's the end of "You're Gone and I've Gotta Stay High."

Thank you so much for everything and I hope the story continues to get popular.

Do you guys REALLY want a sequel? Really?

Do you want to see the return of certain characters?

Maybe see some Warped Tour fun?

And maybe a certain wedding....?

Oh and because I don't think I've done this before; disclaimer.

I do not own the members of All Time Low (though I wish), Lisa, or Alternative Press magazine.
But I do own my characters; Val, Roxy, Callie, Mark, and Sierra.

I love you guys.


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