Chapter 26

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We're back to Val's POV, by the way

"Alex, I can't fucking believe you did that."

I took a rag and dabbed his face, making sure to be careful and attentative. We were in the cramped bathroom of the tour bus while he recalled his heroic tale and I cleaned his wounds. Was it weird that I actually found him really sexy like this? He worked the post-bar fight look.

"Are you mad?"

I stopped what I was doing and put my hands on my knees.

"No, of course not. I'm worried," I started to tick the words off on my fingers as I spoke.

"Touched, amazed, in awe, thankful, enamored, a little turned on..."

Alex lifted an eyebrow and his lips twitched into a smirk.

"Oh really?"

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the back of the toilet. I was sitting on it with the seat down and Alex was facing me, sitting on the sink. Oh, tour bus bathrooms.

Jack popped his head in and smiled. "Hey there, Muhammad Ali. How ya feeling?"

Alex started to laugh but his face twisted in pain and he grabbed his ribs.

"I'm good, really. Just bent, not broken."

Jack smiled and opened the door completely, leaning against the frame.

"Future song lyric?" He inquired.

"Too cliche for us, I think."

Jack shrugged in agreement.

"So the bartender was hot?" He asked, making my ears perk up like I was some sort of cat.

I couldn't hear Alex's reply so I snapped my head towards him and caught him nodding. He stopped in mid "yes" mode and quickly tried to change it to "no", shaking it from side to side.

I reached over and smacked him in the knee.

"Not compared to you baby!"

I chewed on my lip thoughtfully and averted his eyes.

"As long as it's not Lisa."

Alex and Jack both chuckled.

"You don't need to worry about her. Me and a lady friend of mine sold her to the Mexican drug cartel" Jack chimed in.

We all burst into laughter and again, Alex clutched his ribs.

"Pierce the Veil?" Alex teased.

Jack shook his head and held up his hand. "Naa, their sketchy cousins."

I stood up and wrapped an arm around Alex's shoulders. "You're going to the hospital in the morning. And Jack, next time you're in Mexico, take Mark."

They both said "yes ma'am" in unison and Alex kissed my cheek.

With everything going on, I had actually felt halfway decent again. But it didn't last long.


*I was in my room at home. I was sleeping soundly on my bed when I heard someone come in and a man's voice mumbling. Thinking it was Alex, I raced to the living room. But my balloon of happiness was popped when I saw, no one other than, Mark.

I backed away and tried to scream but in a flash, Mark was there. He gripped my throat and threw me into the wall. I squirmed and tried to bring my leg up to kick him.

Before I could, he punched me in the ribs and I doubled over.

"Shut up and take it" he spat.

I cried in anguish and he smacked me in the face. Falling to the floor, he climbed on top of me. Not again...

I could feel his rough hands grabbing at my thighs and spreading them. I tried to close them with all my strength but he slapped me again.

Then he yanked my pants and underwear off in one motion. I tried to move my hands but he bound them over my head, his grip practically breaking my wrist.

I screamed as he pushed into me. It was so painful. It was horrible. It was how I know the first time went. Even if my subconscious blocked it out, it was still there.

l cried as he continued to defile me. His breath hit my face and smelled like cheap beer and tar. He finally finished and collapsed on the floor beside me. I lay there, shivering and crying.*

I jolted awake, screaming. Alex's arms came around me and he tried to calm me down.

"Shh, baby. I'm here. It's okay."

He soothed out my hair and kissed my head repeatedly. He rocked me back and forth slowly, and I could feel my heart thumping.

"Val, I'm here. Just breathe."

I caught my breath and looked up at Alex. It was dark but I could see his face; his stubbly tired face. I wanted to kiss him. But I was too scared...

He must have noticed my fear and lightly pecked my lips. I kept my eyes open and didn't react. I could barely feel it. His hand grazed my shoulder and I jerked back.

Alex sighed and put his face in his hands.

"Alex... I'm sorry."

"No. Don't be. I understand. Let's just try to get you back to sleep."

I laid back down and Alex draped an arm around my waist. I could hear him humming and then he started singing "A Daydream Away."

I eventually fell back asleep for a few hours and saw nothing but emptiness. And I didn't know if that was better or worse.

Time changes suck. I'm sick. I'm tired. But I updated for you guys!

Plot twist coming your way on Thursday.

Hint: Alex gets frustrated with Val jerking away from him.

You guys are amazing and leave me speechless.

Love you all.

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