Chapter 14

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"Damned if I do ya, damned if I don't"

It was like I was back in Baltimore; like I had walked through a magic door into the past.

I woke up to the sound of Alex's slight snoring, the smell of his cologne on my sheets, and his arm wrapped my shoulders.

I instinctively snuggled into his side and took one of my fingers down the middle of his chest.


What the hell happened last night?

Why was Alex in my bed?

Why was I naked?!

I shot up like a catapult and grabbed at my messy hair. I desperately tried to think of how this could have happened.

I felt Alex stir beside me. Oh please don't wake up.



I looked at him through the corner of my eye. He was stretching and his eyes were only half open.

I felt about 3 inches tall. I wanted to crawl under my covers and not come out until next year.

"Alex.... did we......?"

He raised up to sit beside me but I averted eye contact. I don't think I could bring myself to look at him.

"You mean you don't remember?"

I closed my eyes and tried to relax. Once my mind wasn't running a mile a minute, last night started to come back to me.

We were drunk and in my kitchen. We were talking about the time Jack slept with a girl from a show and she followed him around for months.

That's what we were talking about it! Of course it'd be about Jack and his crazy antics. And sluts.

Then we started kissing. Things got heated; I remember ass grabbing and moaning.

Then we went to my bedroom.

Flashes of Alex running his lips up my legs, kissing my chest, and his face in the faint light of my bedroom while making love to me all came to my mind.

Oh we did. And it was wonderful.

"We were really drunk last night" Alex noted. I glanced at him and raised my eyebrows.

"But I knew what I was doing. I can still feel you wrapped around me" he added.

I tried to fight the blood rushing to my cheeks. How was I supposed to feel?

"Want to go somewhere and get some breakfast?" He asked sheepishly.

I knit my eyebrows together and swallowed hard.


We didn't move immediately.

"I should probably shower first" I mumbled.

Alex nodded and moved his legs so I could crawl out of the bed.

I didn't bother to cover up as I started my trek to the bathroom. I stopped before reaching the door and spun around. I wasn't sure why I was going to ask but what the hell?

"You coming?" I asked.

Alex stared at me for a moment before a smile spread on his face.

He joined me for a long and.... steamy shower.


Alex and I got dressed and walked to a nearby cafe. Neither of us talked about what happened last night... or again this morning or what it all meant.

To be completely honest, I didn't want to think about what things meant. I just wanted to kiss and touch and have sex and eat breakfast. I think that's perfectly reasonable.

We were sitting in a little booth, our legs tangled together, and sipping coffee.

"Have you texted Jack or anybody?"

He sat down his coffee cup and his face turned a rather lovely shade of pink.

"Yeaah... they all know I never left your place so I told them all to go whack off and I might explain later."

I couldn't help but laugh. The four of them were just like that. They knew each other's business and they picked as much fun as they could without getting punched. On Zach's end, he got picked on the least. Thinking about them all together made me feel like I was getting kicked in the chest. But weren't things different now?

If there was anything I didn't want to ask about more than the sex, it was about when he was leaving. But sadly, I also had to know that answer more.

"When are you guys leaving?"

He put his elbows on the table (manners Alexander) and rested his chin in his hands.

"Tuesday. So we still have all day tomorrow. Which brings me to ask...."  He trailed off and looked out the window diagonally across from us.


His gaze found it's way back to me and he stretched his arms out on the table.

"You want to go on a date tomorrow night? Like a real date? Give me a chance to make up for everything. It'll be a surprise, by the way."

Alex had been out of my life for so long. Then this weekend happens and he's managed to wedge himself back in and deep in at that. No pun intended.

Even though I should probably still be upset with him; even though I should probably tell him to stick it where the sun dont shine, I was happy to have him here. And I wanted to spend time with him.

"Yeah... yeah let's go on a date Alex."

Another happy Monday to everyone! Unfortunately it's not so happy for me. My favorite animator, Monty Oum, passed away. It was quite a shock and I'm finding myself watching his show RWBY to cope,  even if I feel similar to Val (getting kicked in the chest) He'll be missed.

Sorry to get sad on you guys! I was supposed to update over the weekend but I got sick with a cold and Netflix became my only solace. But I hope you guys enjoyed this Valexander filled chapter. The date will be coming at you soon!!!

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