2 - Oof

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        Everything started to spin, and I felt like I was going to throw up. I squeezed my eyes shut, when I heard Steve start yelling curses. That made the situation a bit better.

After a few seconds of spinning, I hit the ground with an 'oof.'

I pushed myself off the ground, and looked around. We were in an ally way.

Ok, evaluate the situation. I thought. We had just gotten sucked into a portal, and landed in a dark ally. I didn't know where we were, and I think Bucky is unconscious.

Steve held out a hand and helped me up. "Are you hurt?" The blonde man started to look for signs of any sort of injury.

I nodded. "Yeah, but I think Bucky is knocked out."

Steve picked up my adoptive dad. "We just need to figure out where we are."

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed someone watching us. I turned, to see a woman around the age of twenty-three. Her white hair had streaks of red, and her turquoise eyes sparkled behind rectangular glasses.

I jogged up to her. "Excuse me, ma'am, where are we?"

She smiled. "Japan. My name is Fuyumi Todoroki. I noticed your friend is hurt, is there anything I can do to help?"

"Um, I don't know."

"We can bring him to my house, I can care for him."

My anxiety was telling me this was a bad idea and this woman was going to murder us, but my instincts were telling my anxiety to fuck off because this was obviously someone who genuinely wanted to help. And of course my heart didn't care, as long as we got Bucky help.

I looked to Steve, who smiled at Fuyumi. "Thank you. We would greatly appreciate the help."

Fuyumi smiled. "It's no problem. Follow me."

She lead us through the city, and surprise surprise, a fifteen year old girl with a black body suit, metal arm, and a big buff walking American flag drew a lot of attention. Thank Asgard all my weapons were hidden, otherwise I might have been arrested.

Eventually, we came to a large Japanese style house. Fuyumi opened the door, and gestured for us to come inside.

"Did you get us-" A guy my age with half red, half white hair walked into the room, and completely froze when he saw us.

"I'm not even gonna ask." He turned and went back the way he came.

"That's one of my brothers, Shoto. You can set your friend on the couch, I'll get a damp wash cloth."

Steve gently set Bucky down, and turned to me.

"What do you think?"

I tilted my head. "About?"

"Wherever we are. I know it's not our universe, because we would have been recognized by now."

I clicked my tongue. "From what I've seen, it's not as advanced technology wise. I'm guessing they don't have any Tony Starks."

Steve chuckled. "Maybe."

"I'm back!" Fuyumi set a cold rag on Bucky's head, then sat down on the floor. "I didn't catch your names."

I started to fidget with the zipper of my suit. "I'm Astrid."

Steve held out his hand. "Steve Rogers. Thank you for your help, Fuyumi."

Fuyumi smiled. "Your welcome. I always try to help in any way I can."

She kind of reminded me of Pepper, in a nice motherly way.

And that's how my new life started.

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