8- I see the press is just as annoying here

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When I approached my school, I noticed there was a large group of people standing outside. It was the press. Back in my universe I had to deal with the press a lot after I became a hero, and it became the most dreaded part of the job.

I managed to weave through the crowd, but when I was almost to the gates, one of the reporters tapped my shoulder.

"Excuse me, can you tell us if All Might is a teacher here? If so, what is it like to be taught by the number one hero?"

I sighed. "Unless the school makes a public announcement, it is not the business of the public."

The woman looked baffled.

I managed to get through the gates without anymore trouble.

I arrived in homeroom, and took my seat next to Midoriya, who was writing in a notebook.

My natural curiosity kicked in, and I looked over.

On one page, there was a pretty good drawing of me in my hero costume, with little notes about my weapons. On the next, there were more notes about me.

Astrid Odinson

Quirk: Vibration Frequencies- She can tap into vibrations an manipulate them. I haven't seen an obvious downside to it yet.

She has a metal arm that is very strong, I wonder what happened for her to need it?Her voice is surprisingly calmingEven though she's only five feet tall, she's intimidating. I think she could easily win a arm wrestling contest with anyone in class.Carries around multiple weapons, like throwing knives, a gun, and a large battle axe. I'm still not sure why she needs them, as she is already really powerful.Her smile makes me happy. So does her laugh. I noticed she twirls her pencil when she gets bored.She's really nice to me, and really encouraging.I definitely want to know her better.

"When I my power first manifested, I would cause earthquakes when I got nervous, scared, or upset. I would also fracture my bones when I tried to stop it or use my ability, because I would absorb the vibrations, which would cause damage to my body." Midoriya jumped when I spoke out of nowhere.

He looked confused. "Huh?"

"I was reading your notes, and I saw you didn't know the downside of my power."

Midoriya looked embarrassed. "O-oh. Thanks." He wrote that down in his journal.

"So, do you have information on everyone in the class, or am I just that interesting?" I playfully teased.

He turned red. "I try to take notes on pro heroes to help me improve myself. So, yeah. I have a page on everyone in the class."

I nodded. "Cool. Have you ever heard of the pro hero Bucky?"

"Yeah, only a little though. He isn't that popular, but I have a little information on him." He flipped back to the first few pages.

There were only a couple notes, and the drawing was of a guy wearing a hoodie.

"I like to try to have a drawing of everyone so I can label and make notes of their weapons and things like that, but all the pictures I saw of him were blurry." Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck.

I pulled out my phone, and scrolled through my pictures. I found a picture of Bucky and I eating ice cream at a fair.

"Here, so you can draw a better picture." I showed him the photo, and his eyes went wide.

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