14- I didn't know Draco Malfoy went to U.A....

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We had fifteen minutes to form teams.

"I'll be on your team." I told Izuku.

He looked shocked. "Are you sure? Everyone will be after me. Aren't you closer to Todoroki?"

I sighed. "Shoto's been distant lately. Besides, with your brain and my brawn, we'll be sure to beat everyone's ass!" I pumped my fist in the air.

"What do you mean? You are really smart! You aren't just brawn." The green haired male said quickly.

"I was playing around. Let's go find some more teammates."

We split up, and I managed to convince Tokoyami, and Izuku got Uraraka.

When the battle started, everyone came straight for us. One team made the ground soft, and we sank in.

I created a small earthquake, and then pushed us up with my shockwaves.

Jiro came at us with her Earphone jacks, but Tokoyami had Dark Shadow block the attack.

"You're quirk is really strong, Tokoyami." Izuku commented.

Jiro's team tried to attack us again, but they noticed their headband had been stolen by a blond guy. He gave me Draco Malfoy vibes.

Shoji was the next to approach us, he looked alone, but I knew that wasn't true when Mineta's sticky balls stuck my boot to the ground.

I sent a wave of electricity through my leg, which cause the substance to shrivel up, and we were free.

The same team that stuck us in the ground attacks again, and I use my shockwaves to propel upwards, but we were followed by Bakugou using his explosions. He tried to knock us out of the air, but Dark Shadow blocked him, sending him back toward the ground.

After another team attacked, Todoroki's team came to us.

"I'll take that." He pointed to our headband.

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