3 - Not a couple, just really close friends. Know the difference.

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        Fast forward a few months.

Steve's the number four hero, and we live in a large house in Japan. Bucky found a stray lab mix that we adopted and named Ceberus. We stayed good friends with the Todorokis, though Bucky and I agreed that jail time just might be worth killing Endeavor. Shoto and I get along well, both being introverted and not liking people much.

Shoto was teaching me how to make soba, while Ceberus weaved between our legs. I was covered in buckwheat flour, and miserably failing at making my best friend's favorite food.

When I burnt my hand, Shoto decided that I should probably just watch.

"I could make some tea." I offered.

Shoto shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

I turned on the Keurig, and started to make two cups of tea, one green, the other honey vanilla chamomile. (Literally the best tea, try it. It's at Walmart.)

Usually, I would use a kettle, but Sho had told me about his past, so I got into a habit of using the Keurig.

"Here you go, it's still hot." I slid Sho his tea, then started making mine.

"Thank you." The heterochromatic boy took a small sip.

"Your welcome!" I started to hum the Disney song.

"Hey kiddo! Whatchya doing?" My adoptive father came into the room, wearing one of Steve's hoodies.

"Sho's making Soba, and I'm making tea."

"Nice! Well, someone gave Steve some free tickets to a movie that just came out, any chance you two would want to go?"

"What genre?"


I looked over to my friend. "Do you like scary movies?"

"Never seen one. They probably aren't as scary as you at three in the morning."

I dramatically gasped. "Betrayal!"

Sho ruffled my hair. "You know it's true."

I sighed. "Sure, we'll go."

Bucky laughed. "Ok, it's this evening. Here you go."

He handed me the two tickets. It said the movie started at five. It was currently four.

"We got two hours." I informed the boy beside me.

"Ok, I have clothes in my bag."

Sho finished the soba while I got dressed. (The outfit at the beginning of the chapter) I brushed my hair and put it in a messy bun.

When I went back downstairs, Shoto was putting the soba in the fridge.

"We can eat it when we get back. Soba is better cold." He said, matter-of-factly.

"Whatever you say, Icy Spicy."

He sent me a death glare, which would make most people shiver, but I had never been most people. I just simply stuck my tongue out at him, putting my hands on my hips.

"You're so childish." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "That's what happens when you didn't have a childhood."

"I'm going to go change, Rumble." He attempted to make a joke using my 'quirk'.

"That was horrible!" I groaned.

"Whatever." He walked up to my room.

While I waited, I decided to listen to music.

I scrolled through my playlist, looking for what I was in the mood for. Three Musketeers? Not right now. 45? Not in the mood for Shinedown. Unstoppable? Eh, sure. I started to play the song, and it reminded me of my own universe. When I would save the world with the Avengers, watch vines with Peter, train with Nat, play video games with Shuri, and at the end of the day, my favorite thing was always getting to spend time with Bucky and Steve. I don't know what I would do without them, and I was glad they were the ones who fell through the portal with me.

I listen to a couple more songs until Shoto came back. He wore some jeans, red converse, and a white sweater I got him for no apparent reason.

"Let's get going." He said, walking toward the door. I jogged up to him, grabbing his left hand, which was warm, as always.

*Time Skip*

We walked through the mall to the movie theater, which was in the back. We were still holding hands.

A woman who looked to be in her forties approached us.

"You two are the cutest couple! How long have you been together?" She asked, gesturing to our intertwined hands.

Shoto raised and eyebrow. "We aren't a couple?" His confusion showed in his voice.

I nodded. "Yeah, we're just good friends."

She smiled. "Oh, just give it a couple years."

Sho and I shot each other a 'what the hell' look. We had never felt any romance towards the other. More of just mutual understanding and Philia.

"I'm lesbian. " I said, just to throw her off.

Sho seemed to know exactly what to do with me having to say a thing. "Yeah, and I'm gay."

The woman's face turned pale, and she awkwardly walked away. When she got out of earshot, I started laughing.

Sho gave me a small smile. "We should be going, the movie's starting soon."


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