16- I think I might just have a heart attack

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I will only be writing Astrid battles, and not the others because that would be a lot. Just wanted to clear that up. And for some of them I just wrote how she beat them, not the full fight.

"Next up, we have Tenya Iida, our class 1-A representative," Present Mic announced over the speakers. The crowd cheered. "Who'll be fighting Astrid Odinson, who is also from class 1-A!"

I winced at the loud cheering. It was the First Round of the fight tournament, and I was fighting Iida.

"Ready? Set. GO!" Midnight yelled.

Iida charged at me, but I set a blast of shockwaves his way, slowing him down. It didn't send him flying like I hoped, but he did stumble slightly.

He tried to come at me again, but I grabbed his wrists, turned, and threw him over my shoulder and onto the ground.

"Ouch, that looked like it hurt! Remind me to never make her mad. She just judo flipped someone almost a whole foot taller than her." Mic commented.

Aizawa's voice was quiet, but we could still hear him. "Don't underestimate her. She's taken down about twenty people by herself."

While Iida was still distracted, I drug him closer to the border. He managed to surprise me by jumping up and grabbing my shoulders, quickly pushing me towards the border. At the last second I launched myself off the ground, and sent shockwaves into his back, pushing him over the line.


Everyone cheered, and I blew a strand of hair out of my face.

I helped Iida up, and we shook hands.

"That was a very impressive move, Odinson." Iida bowed respectfully.

I smiled. "Thanks, you did pretty good too, Iida."

*Time Skip*

I sat cross legged on the table in the waiting room, when the door burst open.

Bucky scooped me up in a hug. "You did so good!"

Steve chuckled. "That was an amazing performance. All of it. The race, Calvary Battle, though, I am curious as to why you were glued to Midoriya before and after the Calvary Battle."

I raised an eyebrow. "He's really nice, and can handle my constant need for hugs."

Bucky smirked. "Is he the person you've been giving those notes to?"

I turned red. "How did you-"

"It was easy. We saw them on your nightstand, then All Might told me about how Midoriya said something about someone leaving him cute little notes. The pieces lined up." Steve explained, as I grew even more embarrassed.

I looked at the ground. "Please don't tell anyone. I might die of embarrassment."

Bucky laughed. "Don't worry kiddo. Your secret's safe with us, though if you two start dating, I expect to be notified immediately."


My dads gave me one last hug. "Good luck out there kid."

"Kick some ass!"


I laughed as Steve chased Bucky down the hall like a pair of little kids.

"Hey, um, Astrid?" Izuku's voice said from behind me.

I turned, and smiled. "Hey Izuku! What's up?"

"I uh, brought you this." He held up a small flower. "I thought you might like it, I remember you telling me you liked dandelions."

I took the flower out of his hand. "Thank you! You really are amazing."

He blushed. "And I wanted to say good luck out there."

I hugged him. "Thanks. I'll make sure to win for you."

We looked into each other's eyes for a second to long, and I heard Izuku mumble something under his breath.


"ISAIDYOULOOKREALLYNICEANDIREALLYWANTTOKISSYOURIGHTNOWGOTTAGOBYE!" He talked really fast, and tried to walk away, but I grabbed his arm.

"Slow down."

He shook his head. "Never mind, it's nothing."

I scoffed. "If it's nothing, then why are you so worked up? You can tell me anything, I won't judge you."

He is eyes sparkled like emeralds when he met mine. "Really?"

"Yes, now tell me what you said slowly or I will not bring you any cookies for a week."

He sighed. "I said that you're really nice, and I want to kiss you right now. ANYWAY GOOD LUCK IN YOUR FIGHT!" He tried to get away from me again, but I kept a grip on his wrist.

I pulled him closer to me, forcing him to meet my eyes.

"Then kiss me." I said, making sure my anxiety didn't show through my voice.


I cut him off by pulling him down to my level and kissing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I played with his curls.

We had to pull apart when they called me down to the arena.

"I have to go, but we can work out a date later." I waved, kissing the shocked boy on the cheek one more time before running off.

I made my way down to the battle area, putting the dandelion in my hair.

When I stepped up onto the fighting platform, I smiled at me opponent.

She was easy. All I had to do was hit her with some shockwaves, and she was over the line.

When Izuku passed out fighting Shoto, I almost died on the spot. I must have obviously been panicked, because Ashido gave me a big hug.

"I'm sure he'll be ok, try and think positive."

I composed myself, my determination going up.

The next fight I had was against Shoto.

"I'm not going to hold back against you, Astrid." He told me.

"I don't expect you to." Thunder boomed as I smiled.

We charged toward each other, and Sho made the first move, sending a wall of ice towards me. I shattered it, getting close to him. He tried to punch me, but I ducked, kicking my leg across his, knocking him down. I picked him up by the back of his shirt, dragging him to the border.

Sho reached back, icing my metal hand. I dropped him, shattering the ice on my wrist.

He attempted to flip me like I did Iida, but I did an aerial over him. He sent another wall of ice at me, and the thunder go louder as I shattered, it.

"Are we having a surprise thunder storm today?" Mic asked through the speaker.

We fought for a while, until I managed to pin Shoto down rather close to the border.

I quickly picked him up by the wrists, and threw him across the line.


Everyone cheered.

"You did great, Sho." I smiled at my friend.

"Thank you Astrid."

"If you want to talk to me later, I'm free to chat. You've been distant, and I miss you."

He nodded. "Ok."

Well, I guess I have to fight whoever wins between Bakugo and Tokoyami...

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