10- My, what a shocking discovery

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"Woah, is this part of the training?" Kaminari asked.

Aizawa put on his goggles. "No, these are villains. Thirteen, evacuate the students and contact U.A." He lept into battle

Thirteen tried to lead us out, but a large black mist covered the door.

"I am Kurogiri. We are the League of Villains, and we are here to kill the pro hero All Might." It said.

"DIE!!!" Bakugo yelled, charging at it, along with Kirishima.

The mist covered us, and when it went away, I realized I was underwater. A villain has a hold of my ankle, and attempts to drag me under. I sent a shockwave at him, sending him backwards. I manage to get above water, and was instantly picked up by something and throw onto the nearby ship.

Midoriya, Mineta, and Tsu looked down at me.

"Are you ok Odinson? Kerro." Tsu asked.

I nodded, sitting up. "What happened?" I asked.

"I'm guessing that villain used it's quirk to separate the class. It's our job as heroes to protect each other, and if those villains are really here for All Might, protect him, too." Midoriya handed me my axe. "This ended up with me somehow."

I took it from him. "We need a plan." I looked over the railing, only to see we were surrounded.

"They obviously don't know about our quirks, otherwise they would have sent me to somewhere like the fire zone." Tsu pointed out.

Midoriya seemed to get and idea. "You're right! Here's the plan."

When the villains got impatient, one used it's waterbending quirk to break the ship to bits, and Midoriya and I started to execute the plan. He used a Delaware Smash on the water, and I sent a big shockwave right behind it, causing the water spread out then rapidly collect together, making a vortex. Mineta shoots his sticky balls into the water, making the villains stick together, then Tsu carries us with her tongue out of the shipwreck zone.

We crawl ashore, and think of our next move.

"We should head to the center plaza so we can give Mr. Aizawa back up." Midoriya suggested.

"When we get there, leave the guy that looks like Davy Johns to me." I ordered.

They looked surprised. "Are you sure?" Midoriya asked.

"Yeah." I handed him my gun. "If I get out of control, shoot me in the leg, got it?"

His eyes widened. "Wait, what? No, I'm not going to-"

"I can heal. If Hive controls me, I could kill everyone. Please do it. You don't even have to kill me. just shoot me in the leg."

He gulped, and nodded.

We made our way to the plaza, but Tsu was grabbed by a villain. Aizawa used his quirk on him, so he couldn't do anything.

I looked to Midoriya to make sure they could handle it. He nodded.

I ran off to fight Hive.

"Well well well. Astrid Odinson, what a pleasant surprise." The alien smiled. "The battle just got so much easier, now my new soldier is here."

I growled. "I'm no one's soldier, Hive. Especially not yours." I charged at him with a battle cry, but he dodged my attack.

He tried to grab my neck, put I swung my axe.

"Now now. Don't make this difficult."

I attacked again, but he grabbed my arm and threw my into a nearby wall.

"It's easier if you just comply." His hand wrapped around my neck.

"I'M DONE COMPLYING!!!!!!" I screamed as thunder boomed, and a bolt of lightning struck me, charging me up.

*Deku's P.O.V*

"I'M DONE COMPLYING!!!" I heard Odinson scream as thunder boomed, and a large bolt of lightning came through the glass roof, and struck her.

I panicked, until the dust cleared.

Odinson stood there, electricity sparking off her body and surrounding her arms. Her eyes glowed white, and electricity seeped from them. She looked terrorfying.

*Astrid's P.O.V*

I felt energy course through my body. I hadn't wanted to use my Asgaurdian powers while at U.A, but desperate times, desperate measures.

Hive laughed. "I've fought someone with electricity powers before, he died."

I laughed, the electricity made my voice sound rather demented. "Have you ever fought a god?"

The monster looked confused, until I sent a bolt of lightning into his chest, cooking him.

The villains around me looked scared.

"WHO'S NEXT, BITCHES?!" I opened my arms out, inviting them to come at me.

One made an attempt, and I did the same thing.

I was going to help Midoriya with the Nomu, but All Might dropped in.

"EVERYTHING WILL BE OK, BECAUSE I AM HERE!" He took out the rest of the villains in a flash, then got Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta away from the blue haired guy with hands all over him, and they carried Aizawa, who was passed out.

The pro came over to me. "Young Odinson, are you alright?"

I nodded. "Fine."

"Please join your classmates."

I shrugged. "Ok."

I jogged over to Midoriya, who grabbed my face and started to move it around so he could make sure I was ok.

"Why are your eyes glowing? Are you ok? Why did that lightning hit you?" He hit me with questions.

I grabbed his hands. "I'm fine, it just charged me up, that's all."

"GO ALL MIGHT!!" Mineta cheered, and we looked back to see the pro struggling.

Midoriya rushed to help him, me close behind. Kurogiri was about to warp us away, when Bakugo dropped out of nowhere, sending a explosion his way and pinning him to the ground.

Shoto froze the Nomu's body.

"I'm impressed with your effort." The blue haired guy's voice was raspy. "Nomu, save Kurogiri."

The beast broke out of it's ice prison, and regenerated it's frozen limbs. It went to attack Bakugo, but All Might took the brunt of the attack.

All Might got into an aggressive fist fight with the Nomu, and they battled across the U.S.J with major speed.

Each time they landed a hit, it created a shockwave, making us unable to get close and help. Eventually, All Might managed to throw the Nomu to the ground for extremely high up, and finished the beast off with a smash.

"You villains are finished." He declared.

Suddenly, pro heroes entered from all angles, surrounding the villains.

"This mission is over!" The blue haired man yelled, and ordered Kurogiri to get them out of there.

The rest of the day was a blur, and all I could think about was Midoriya. I hoped he was ok.

Not our World (MHA x Marvel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon