6- Just break your arm, why don'tchya?

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*Astrid's P.O.V*

It was the last class of the day, and we were getting changed into our hero outfits. Mine was a black strapless top, with black ripped leggings, tactical boots, a black belt, and multiple weapons. There was a strap on the back for my axe, and a holster on the belt for my pistol. I kept my gauntlets on, and got Ashido to braid my hair.

I realized that I had the least color in my costume, only the green of my knives. Jiro gently punched my shoulder.

"Nice costume, great for a stealth mission!"

I laughed. "That's how I designed it."

Mina pointed to my belt. "You defiantly have the most weapons out of all of us. Surly you're not planning to use those on your classmates?"

I shrugged. "It's like using my quirk. Besides, it's not the knives or gun you need to worry about." I pulled my axe off my back. "It's this."

All the girls looked amazed.

"That looks so cool!" Uraraka pumped her fist in the air.

"Thanks, hopefully I can show you guys the coolest thing about it."

Yaororozu studied it carefully. "I don't recognize this metal."

I rubbed the back of my neck with my metal hand. "It's extremely uncommon." 'Technically not existent in this universe.'

The raven haired girl nodded. "I see. It's quite beautiful."


We met the guys where the entrance exams took place. I noticed that Shoto's hero costume covered his fire side with something that looked like ice.

"Shoto, what the hell?" I asked my best friend.

"I reject my old man's side. I'm going to only use my ice." His face was emotionless.

"Ok, let me know if you need help."

"I AM HERE!" A loud booming voice came from behind us, then All Might landed in front of the class.

Everyone started whispering to each other, talking about how All Might was our teacher.

"Listen up students! I won't be your only teacher in this class. Everyone meet..."

Someone dropped down beside the pro from one of the nearby 'buildings.'

I covered my face with my hand, trying to hide the fact I was there from my adoptive father.

"Hey there future pros!" Steve waved, strapping his shield to his back. "I'm Steve Rogers, but most of you know me as Captain America. You can call me Mr. Rogers or Cap. And yes, I can see you Astrid. Nice hero costume, by the way."

I awkwardly waved. "Hey Steve."

"And you look awesome too, Shoto."

My best friend nodded. "Thank you sir.


I grabbed his wrists. "Yes, I live with him for fuck's sake."

Midoriya's eyes grew wide and his eyes sparkled with interest. "That's so cool! Could I ask you some questions later?"

I shrugged. "Sure."

Steve chuckled. "Settle down everyone, I'm sure Astrid can tell you funny stories later, but we work to do."

All Might nodded. "Yes. Today we will be doing some indoor battle training."

Not our World (MHA x Marvel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz