4- I have to go to school to be a hero? Oh joy -_-

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 I was sitting at the dining table with Bucky while Steve was cooking mac n cheese.

"So, have you decided?" The dark haired man across from me asked.

"Decided what?"

"About U.A. Do you want to go?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Why can't I just skip to saving the world?"

Bucky chuckled. "That's not how it works here. Most of the best pros went to U.A."

"Steve didn't!"

"He was a special case."

I sunk into my chair, blowing a strand of hair out of my face.

"Come on, it would be a breeze! You probably have more experience than anyone there." Steve set the pot of food on the table, setting beside Bucky.

"Fine, but only because I want to be a hero here too."

*Large Time skip. Steve recommends Astrid to U.A, and she gets in. It's now her first day.*

I changed into my uniform, cringing at the fact the skirt was so short. I pulled my hair up, and put on my that helped my channel my 'quirk' I called Vibration Frequency. I could tap into any frequency and manipulate it. It wasn't really a quirk, it was the power I got from my Inhuman side.

I shrunk down the battle ax Thor had given me, and slipped it into my pocket. I hid multiple small throwing knives in my skirt, and put some pepper spray in my backpack. I had found that metal detectors in this universe didn't detect vibrainium, which was what 99% of my weapons were. My ax was made of Uru metal, which also was undetectable.

I jogged down the stairs, and grabbed the piece of toast Bucky threw at me.

"Have a good day, sparky!" Bucky waved as I left.

"You too, love you!"

"Love you too!"

I ran towards Shoto's house, where he was waiting.

"Good morning Ash." He greeted.

''Morning Sho!" I smiled.

"We should get going."

I nodded. And off we went!

*Time Skip*

I walked into class 1-A, which was already pretty loud.

Shoto sat in his seat, and I sat on his desk, cross legged.

"What are you doing?! It's only the first day of school, and you're already disrespecting school property!" A navy haired guy started yelling at me, causing me to flinch.

"All right, jeez!" I slid off the desk, covering my ears.

The guy bowed. "Thank you. My name is Tenya Iida."

I awkwardly smiled. "Astrid Odinson."

He opened his mouth to say something, when he noticed a guy sitting with his feet propped up on his desk.

"Excuse me." He went over to lecture the guy.

I continued talking to Shoto, when a really small guy with dark purple balls on his head came to us. Was he, drooling?

"Hey, you're really hot. Can I touch-"

"No." I interrupted him, seeing exactly where this was going.

"Aw! None of these girls are fun." He pouted, stomping off.

Great, I had a pervert in my class. All I had to do was constantly remind myself murder was illegal.

As we waited for the teacher, my ADHD got the better of me, and I started to make small braids in my hair. I had just started on the fourth, when someone walking in the room caught my eye.

He was taller than me, which wasn't saying much, I was five foot. He had curly emerald green hair, and matching eyes. His expressions were easy to read, and he looked pretty scared. My first thought was 'Precious bean. Must protect.'

Iida approached him, and introduced himself. Poor bean looked so nervous.

A girl with short brown hair smiled. "Hey! You saved me!"

Precious bean rubbed the back of his neck. "I-it's nothing."

The girl pumped her fist in the air. "Thank you! We're all going to have such fun becoming heroes."

"If you're here to have fun, go home."

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