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*Astrid's P.O.V*

It had been two weeks since I started leaving the notes for Izuku, and I didn't think he suspected a thing. We had started training together, and he had really improved in hand to hand combat. Hopefully he could use it for the Sports Festival today.

"Good luck kiddo, do your best!" Bucky ruffled my hair with his metal hand. "Show the world what you're capable of."

I smiled. "I will. I have the upper hand, remember? I've fought armies from different planets, multiple times. Not to mention I some killer muscles, and Asgaurdian powers."

Bucky laughed. "Fair enough, don't kill anyone."

I gave him a hug. "I won't, love you."

He hugged me back. "Love you too, kiddo."

I ran to U.A, and I would be lying if I said I didn't use at least a bit of enhanced speed. I wanted to walk with Shoto, but he had become distant lately.

We had to change into our P.E uniforms before we entered the arena. When we did, we mixed in with the other freshmen classes.

Midnight asked Bakugo, who for some reason was the student rep, to lead the pledge.

He went up on stage. "I pledge, that I'll be number one."

Everyone started booing for him. I swear I wanted to punch him in the face. Now I was really determined to win, just to prove this bastard wrong!

After that, Midnight took back the stage. "The first round of the festival will be an obstacle race four kilometers around the stadium."

We all went to the starting line, and when the race started, we had trouble getting through the door, it was so crowded.

Suddenly, Shoto covered the floor in ice, and ran ahead. I scoffed. I sent shockwaves towards the ground, forcing me ahead, the ice just making it easier to go. We were attacked by a robot, which Shoto froze. I ran past him.

"See ya!" I yelled, giving him a cheesy salute.

A lot more of the bots showed themselves, and I made quick work of them, leaving the scraps behind as extra obstacles.

I came across the next obstacle, a large canyon you had to cross on only a tightrope. Been there, done that. I easily cleared it, using my agility.

Next was a mine field.

It's almost like they made this course based on everything I've already done. I thought to myself. I had to slow down a little bit.

I was close to the finish line, when I heard a large explosion behind me. I turned my head to see Izuku flying through the air on a piece of metal.

He lands closed behind me, setting off more of the mines, sending him flying ahead of me.

He lands and runs across the finish line, me close behind, followed by Shoto, then everyone else.

I hugged the male that won. "You did awesome!"

Izuku was surprised, but hugged me back. "Thanks Kit-Kat. You did amazing as well."

We overheard a few students talking.

"He may have won, but he'll be difficult to market. He hasn't shown off his quirk yet." One of them said.

"The girl however, did you see that? Her quirk is really powerful." Another one chimed in.

"Are you two together?" One of the class 1-B students asked us.

I sighed. One, I was disappointed the answer was no, and two, because I apparently couldn't show any sort of physical affection to my guy friends without people shipping us. "No, I'm just really proud of my friend and I thought her deserved a hug for that awesome stunt he pulled."

The girl nodded.

I looked back up at Izuku, who had tears in his eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.

He smiled. "You're just so nice. No one's ever believed in me as much as you have."

I grinned. "I know talent when I see it. I also know someone who needs a friend when I see one. Also, you're the only one of my friends who has accepted my hugs lately. I'm a very physically affectionate person, and require daily hugs."

We laughed.

"Attention everyone, the next round will be a Calvary Battle. The top forty-two people in the race will make groups of two to four. The team's point value is based on the individuals. The members of the team will receive their point value based on their place in the race." Midnight explained the next round, and the score board popped up on one of the large screens.

Izuku, in first place, was worth ten million points. My second place spot was worth 205.

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