Chapter 18: Discovering the truth; Bread crumbs and a scavenger hunt.

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As Liliana stepped inside of Victor's home, it was quiet and still no where to be seen. She had hoped that may she would find something, maybe a clue or a hint of where he had gone. Even though Victor wasn't there, she made sure to still clean his home, just in case he was to come home. With her bag laying over the table and her shoes off, she walked further in.

A few hours flew by and still there was nothing she could find, not a trace, not even a single note as to where he was or where he had gone in his calendar book or even in his study. As she still searched around in his study, a bright yellow folder fell to the floor from the book shelf and she gathered the contents. As she put the papers back into the folder, her eyes landed on her name. "Hm?" Holding the thin paper in between her fingers, her eyes scanned over the paper. "What.. What is this? And why does Victor have this in his possession?" Sitting on the floor, she continued to look through the paperwork and her eyes grew wide with the information she read. It was about her, all of it. The kidnapping, her parents, the incident, all of it. "Victor.. Why... Why would you hide this from me? Everything was explained in black and white, the letters bold and in fine print. She was used as a weapon for Black Swan and it seemed they weren't done with her yet, though that information was quite unclear to her, she didn't know who or what was this 'Black Swan' and what was their purpose of using her as a weapon. And why her, why her and her parents. She needed more, if she found Victor, this was something she needed to discuss with him about.

With the folder in her hands and downstairs, she drank a glass of water and laid the folder on the table. All she had read was a puzzlement to her, but even so; she needed to find Victor. But where exactly could he have possibly gone. It was already almost a year since he went missing and she was still unable to find him. As she cleaned her glass, drying it and putting it away, she always had a hard time reaching the cabinet. "Victor.. Why do you have everything so damn high?" As she tried putting the glass in the cabinet, it dropped to the floor and shattering to pieces. With a sigh trailing, she began to clean the glass. But, she stumbled upon what appeared to be a letter. Quickly cleaning up the glass, she picked up the letter and wonder how she could've missed this or over look it. Carefully opening it, her eyes grew wide.

"𝒞𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝒹 𝓂𝑒 𝒶𝓉 𝓈𝓊𝓃𝓈𝑒𝓉 𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓎~."

This was in fact Victor's handwriting, but how did this get here and who put it here, there was simply no way she would've missed something this important. Unless this way some sort of trap by Black Swan or whatever this group was. No, she believed in her heart that this was in fact from Victor. Liliana quickly pulled out her phone and dialed Lucien's number but it went straight to his voicemail.

"Lucien.. I think.. I think I may have found Victor. I don't know how else to explain it but I found this letter and it told me to find them at Sunset Alley. It sounds crazy and illogical, but I have no other choice. Please go home and take care of yourself." She hung up the phone, stuffing the folder and letter into her bag and departed from Victor's home and headed towards Sunset Alley.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2021 ⏰

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