Chapter 5: LFG office party

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Liliana woke that morning and stretched out. She looked over to her phone and picked it up. 'Hm two missed calls.' She unlocked her phone and looked who called. 'One from Lina and from Victor. I should call Victor back..' She held her thumb hanging over Victor's name. Instead she called Lina back.
"Hey Lina. Whats up?" Liliana rubbed her eyes.
"Hey bubs. Did I wake you up?" Lina was sitting inside her apartment almost ready for work.
"No. I was just getting up. What's up?" Liliana yawned and stretched out again.
"Well I'm glad you're okay. I was a little worried when I didn't hear from you for the last week. So we are throwing a Office Party and you are invited." Lina took a sip of her coffee.
"Sis I don't know.. I kinda don't want to go.. To be honest with you." Liliana turned and looked at the necklace sitting on her night stand.
"And why not? Don't you want to see Victor? He's been acting a much worse than he was before the last two weeks." Liliana giggled.
"I'm sure it isn't too bad." Liliana got up and walked to her kitchen.
"Bubs whatever happen between you and him has him really really strict. He's fired two people just because they looked at him funny." Lina took another sip of her coffee.
'Well that's usually not like Victor.' Liliana scoffed. "Well he has Chik. He obviously doesn't need me." Lina choked on her coffee.
"Bubs look I love you but whatever you think is going on between Chik and Victor is not true." Lina wiped her mouth off with a napkin.
"Sis, Chik told me herself that they are dating and to top it off she kissed him on the cheek! He doesn't want me nor needs me. I'm just so idiot dumb girl who got wrapped up in someone who is completely out of my league." Liliana started her coffee maker.
"Bubs Chik has always loved Victor. If Victor really wanted her he would have her and you know that just as well as I do. Chik always destroyed relationships between him and any female that he had the slightest interest in. Look just come to the party. If you two happen to see each other then I'm sure you two can talk. Oh and there will be important people from the other companies as well there. I can come pick you up tonight.-" Liliana sighed and poured herself a cup of coffee.
"No it's fine. I'm going to walk there. I'll think about what you said and I'll see you tonight." Liliana sat in her living room staring into her coffee cup. 'I mean.. what if it's true. What if they aren't together and I just over reacted.'
Liliana took a sip. "Ow."
She sat her cup on the coffee table and fanned her tongue. "Why do I keep doing that to myself!"
She got up and walked to her bedroom and stood in front of the nightstand where the necklace sat. Shimmering in the sunlight. 'I'm such an idiot..' Liliana slightly smiled and put the necklace back on. She felt that she was hole again. 'I hope I see Victor tonight at the party. He'll probably shut himself in his office again..' Liliana thought to herself. She could see the look on Victor's face. 'He'll probably call me a moron.' She giggled. 'I'm sure Victor is pretty furious with me..' Liliana walked to her closet and picked out an outfit for the office party.

Later that night Liliana stood outside of the meeting room hearing laughter and chatter. 'Should I go inside?' Liliana stood in the doorway twiddling her thumbs. "Hey bubs!"
Liliana heard Lina's voice behind her. "Hey sis!"
Lina walked up to Liliana and hugged her tightly. "I'm so glad you came. You look amazing bubs!"
Liliana smiled and held Lina tightly. "You look amazing too sis!"
They both laughed. "So I brought some alcohol to spike the punch." Liliana looked at Lina with wide eyes.
"Uhm you know those kinds of things aren't allowed ya know." Lina did a 'shh' motion.
"Other staff are doing the same thing. We need a little relaxer every once and a while." Liliana giggled.
"Well I'm not apart of that. Don't say I didn't warn you." Lina giggled and they both walked inside.
Goldman walked up to Liliana with his hair a slight mess. "Hey Goldman."
Goldman placed both of his hands on Liliana's shoulders and looked at her with a serious look on his face. "Please you have to talk to him.."
Liliana could tell he was very exhausted 'Victor must've worked the dog crap out of him. Poor Goldman.' "Look have a seat and relax."
Goldman sat down looking up at Liliana with pleading eyes. "Please Ms. Liliana.. Please I'm begging you."
Liliana smiled. "Goldman just relax. Lina brought some special stuff to help you relax. I'll let Victor come to me. I'm sure he'll come down looking for me."
Goldman took a deep sigh and slouched. "I'll help but like I said he will come down here and come to the party to see if I'm here. If not he'll come looking for me. He can come to me for once."
Liliana stuck her tongue out in a playful manner and patted him on the back. "Lina will come back with a few drinks for you. Just sit tight."
Goldman nodded his head. Deep dark circles under his eyes. 'Victor must've worked him around the clock.' Liliana thought to herself. 'I'm not sure if this little talking will do anything. Hell I don't know if it'll change for the better for everyone. But I can try.'

Most of the people at the party was feeling pretty relaxed and enjoying the party. Goldman was finally relaxed. Victor noticed that everyone was ever so slightly drunk. 'Those idiots. Drinking on the job. They really must want to get fired.' Victor seen Goldman slouched on a table.
"Goldman." Silence.
"Hey! Goldman." Goldman brought his head up and was ever so slightly drunk.
"Hey boss.. How's it goin." Victor facepalmed his forehead.
"Goldman you're drunk." Goldman chuckled.
"Yeah you could say that. Oh Liliana is here." Victor felt his heart drop to the floor.
"Where? Where is she?" Goldman shrugged his shoulders.
"I think she went to the bathroom. I'm not sure." Victor clenched his fists.
"Damn it." Victor turned and walked out of the room to go look for Liliana.

Out of everyone in the party Liliana wasn't drunk. She didn't want to drink for the simple fact she wanted to talk to Victor. So Liliana decided to go use the bathroom to fix her makeup.
"Hey pretty lady.." Liliana stopped and then kept walking.
"Hey I'm talking to you." A hand reached out and turned her around.
A drunken man who was from a different company was standing in front of Liliana and pushed her up against the wall. "Now I have your attention. What say me and you go to the mens bathroom and have a little fun."
Liliana shook her head. "No. I'm not interested in you. I'm waiting for someone. Now if you would excuse me."
Liliana tried to walk past the man and his grip got tighter. "Do you not know who I am. I am a high ranking worker at BBE. Give me what I want or I can take it by force."
The drunken man licked his lips. Liliana slowly reached in her purse and pulled out her pepper spray. The man grabbed her wrist with the pepper spray in hand and made her drop it. "Now that's not nice."
She stomped on his foot. "OW! YOU BITCH!"
He brought his hand up to smack Liliana in the face when his hand was stopped in mid air. "Who do you think you are!" 'Victor?' Liliana thought to herself.
"Back off she's mine." And he brought his hand up and hit the drunken man in the cheek.
"Hey who do you..- Oh.. Uhm.. Hi Mr. Li. I'm so so sorry! Please don't tell my father this." And the man ran off.
Liliana grabbed her pepper spray and put it back in her purse. "Victor.. I.-"
Victor turned around and grabbed her wrist. "Where have you been?! You know I've called you! Why didn't you answer!"
Liliana looked up at Victor. "I thought..-"
Victor grabbed her waist and pulled her close to him. "Don't ever believe something that you know would never happen. You are mine."
Liliana blushed. "Excuse me...-"
Victor brought her face close to his. "Is some idiot deaf. I said you are mine."
Liliana's face got a brighter shade of pink. "I belong to you.."
Victor brought her a little closer. "Yes you belong to me and only me. Don't ever forget that... Dummy."
Without a second thought Victor placed his lips on Liliana's lips pulling her deeper into the kiss. 'I can't believe it's finally happening..' Liliana dropped her purse, wrapped her arms around his neck, and finger tips laced between the tips of his hair. Liliana was in eternal bliss. The man she's loved for so long finally accepted her feelings and accepted her for who she is. Victor was also happy that this very special girl accepted his feelings and felt the same way for her that she felt for him. Victor stopped time for this special moment. 'Nothing will come between us.' Victor thought to himself. Holding her even tighter in his arms afraid to lose this very special girl.

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