Part One: chapter 8: History Maker

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Victor was standing in a little store looking at the figurines. 'Hm which would she like?' Victor held up a "Black Butler" figurine and examined it. He placed it back down and picked up a "Clannad" figurine of Tomoya and Nagisa standing together. "Sir we need to hurry. We need to meet the CEO of.. Uhm sir?"
Victor holding the figurine in his hands. "Well considering you were late this morning you can wait for me a little while longer."
Goldman sighed. "Sir I planned to get up bright and early for my flight this morning but Lina and Liliana..-"
"Goldman." Victor placed the figurine back down.
"Yes sir." Goldman fixed his glasses.
"Which one do you think Liliana would like? I know she likes these sorts of things but I'm not sure which one she likes the most..?" Victor still pondering what to get for Liliana. 'Maybe I should get her another necklace..?"
"Well considering she love's that show.. What was it called again.. Oh Clannad I think she would like that one." Goldman pointed at the figurine of Tomoya and Nagisa.
"Are you sure Goldman? I don't really watch these kinds of cartoons but..-" Victor leaned down to pick up the figurine.
"If Liliana would've heard you say that she would ream you a new asshole for hours.." Goldman gulped.
"And how so?" Victor looked at Goldman.
"Well she would tell you that there is a huge difference between 'Cartoons and Anime.' Then she would go on a huge spew explaining the differences between the two." Goldman sighed.
Victor chuckled. "I guess you had one of those conversations?"
Goldman nodded his head. "Yes..."
"So Goldman.. Are you scared of Liliana?" Victor asked paying for the figurine.
"Sir I am just as scared of you as of her.." Goldman fixed his glasses again.
Victor laughed. "You both can be very harsh with your words. Now come on sir we need to make it to that meeting with the CEO of.-"
Victor nodded getting into the Limo. "Yes, yes I know Goldman."

Liliana was sitting in her living room deciding what to watch. "Hmm.. Yuri!!!! One Ice?"
Liliana pondered to herself. "I think I'll watch this and give it a try. I do love ice skating even though I personally can't ice skate but lets give it a go."
*Four episodes later*
"Can you hear my heartbeat. Tired of feeling never enough. I close my eyes and tell myself that my dreams will come true. There'll be no more darkness when you believe in yourself. You are unstoppable. Where your destiny lies  dancing in the blades. YOU SET MY HEART ON FIRE! DON'T STOP US NOW! THE MOMENT OF TRUTH! WE WERE BORN TO MAKE HISTORY! WE'LL MAKE IT HAPPEN! WE'LL TURN IT AROUND! YES , WE WERE BORN TO MAKE HISTORY! BORN TO MAKE HISTORY!" Liliana heard a knock on her door.
She paused her show and got off the couch. "Hmm I wonder who could that be.. I wasn't expecting anyone.."
Liliana opened her door and a pile of news reporters were standing outside her door. "Ms! Ms! Can we get a comment."
"Oh shit this is not good.. Took them long enough to notice." Liliana locked her door and ran over to her phone.
She dialed Victor's number. "Come on Victor pick up.."
"You have reached the voicemail box of 'Victor Li'. Please leave your message after the tone." Liliana sighed.
"Look you might be in a meeting but we have a huge problem back here at Loveland City. In case you are wondering what's going on I have news reporters outside my apartment door." Liliana rubbed the back of her neck.
"Oh and by the way if I can't get out of my front door I won't be able to work Mr. Workaholic. Please call me back soon." Liliana hung up the phone.
Liliana got dressed and walked to her front door. She opened the door to flashes of cameras. "Ms! Ms!"
"Are you dating Mr. Li?" A reporter with thick brim glasses asked Liliana holding a recorder in his hand.
"Are you just using Mr. Li for his money?" A young woman holding a microphone in her hand shoving it in Liliana's face.
"Now just look here! I'm not sure why it took y'all so long to notice but to answer your questions. Yes I am dating Mr. Li. And no I'm not using him for his money. Now buzz off before I call the police." Liliana sighed.
The man with the thick brim glass looked at Liliana again. "So why would Mr. Li be with someone who is obviously levels beneath him. You're obviously pregnant."
Liliana got very really angry and slapped the news reporter across the face. "Just because I'm poor and he's rich doesn't mean we can't date or incompatible. If I was pregnant that would be mine and Mr. Li's business and our business alone. Now have a nice day."
Liliana sat on her living room couch and stared at the ceiling. "UGH!!!!!"
"Victor thank god you called!" Liliana sighed.
"I just got your message. Don't do anything stupid..-" Victor just getting out of a meeting on his way to the airport.
"Too late.." Liliana closed her eyes and rubbed her temple.
"What do you mean too late?!?!" Victor sitting in his Limo heading to the airport.
"Well I just slapped the news reporter in the face.." Liliana heard his deep sigh. She knew the scolding would be worse than what it usually was.
"Why?" Victor rubbing his temple.
"Well first he asked me if we were dating. Then told me because I'm poor and your rich which by the way I'm not sure how they knew my background.. that I'm levels beneath you and that I'm obviously pregnant. Pretty much a one night stand ordeal considering we haven't even gone that far yet and.-" Victor cleared his throat.
"Look I understand why you hit him but please next time wait until I get back home. Then I will personally take care of it myself." Victor had a frustrated look on his face.
"Don't go anywhere. Just stay home and I'll come get you." Liliana blushed.
Liliana smiled. "Okay I'll behave myself until you get home. Please be safe."
Victor chuckled. "Dummy."
Liliana looked at her screen and picked up her controller. "Back to my show until Victor gets home."

Liliana was sleeping on her couch when she heard a knock on the door. Liliana sat up and stretched scratching the back of her head. She stood up and walked to her front door. "Yes.."
She opened the door and a suit coat was thrown over her head. "Follow me Liliana."
Goldman ushering Liliana down the stairs quickly while sleeping news reporters slept outside of Liliana's apartment door. "I already got the lecture. Trust me I'm not going to let you get caught or fall."
Liliana nodded her head and followed Goldman into the Limo. Goldman got into the driver seat and drove off.
Liliana was slowly waking up when she heard Victor's voice. "Hey dummy.. Took you long enough."
Victor took the suit coat off of Liliana's head and looked at her. Liliana turned her head and jumped into Victor's arms pressing him against the Limo door. "I missed you so much Victor.."
She was taking in his scent. 'It's so good to have him home..' Victor wrapped his arms around Liliana tightly. "Goldman."
Goldman looked up at Victor in the rear view mirror. "Yes sir."
"Can you give us a little privacy please." Victor looking at Goldman.
"Yes sir!" Goldman pressed a button that closed the gap between him and Mr. Li

Victor cupped Liliana's face in his hands. "Your cheeks and ears are red. So cute.."
Liliana blushed still pressed against Victor. "Victorr."
Victor chuckled. "Yes my little idiot."
Liliana brought her hands up and held both of Victor's hands. "Victor.. Do you really want to be with me? I mean I can understand if you didn't want to be with someone as lowly as.-"
Victor brought Liliana in and held her tight. "Would you stop asking that question."
He placed his hand under Liliana's chin and brought her ear close to his lips and whispered. "You belong to me and only me." Liliana blushed and shivers ran down her spine to her toes.
"I told you our relationship is not a secret. It is private yes but it's not a secret." Victor held her in his arms.
Liliana snuggled into Victor's chest. "Victor.."

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