Part Two: Chapter 9: History Maker

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Liliana woke up in Victor's bed that night. She sat up and stretched out her arms. "I wonder where Victor is?"
Liliana scratched her head and looked around. "I must've fell asleep in the Limo on the way here."
She yawned and flopped back down on to the bed. She turned to her right side and looked at the alarm cloak sitting on the nightstand. "It's 6:08pm.. I should get up huh.."
Liliana sat back up and threw the blankets off of her and she got out of bed. "I'm sure what I did to that news reporter is already making it's rounds huh."
She walked out of Victor's room and walked down the stairs to see Victor sitting on the edge of his seat, tie off, and thinking. 'I wonder what is on Victor's mind? I've never seen him like that before..' Liliana nearly got half way down the stairs when Victor turned his head. The look in his eyes was the look of 'You are about to get the longest scolding of your life..' Liliana nervously giggled and rubbed the back of her head.. "Evening Victor.. So uhmm what's new?"
Victor stood up and walked to the foot of the stairs. "Why didn't you at least wait until I was there. You idiot! You made this situation so much worse than what it is. Goldman is getting the  news media and including the news reporters.-"
Liliana looked at Victor. "I thought I did the right thing by standing up for the person I'm in a relationship with. I don't regret saying what I said and I don't regret hitting that reporter the way I did either. You knew what all of this entailed when you decided you wanted to be in an open relationship! If I was going to be too much of a hassle you could've at least left me believing you were dating Chik!"
Victor crossed his arms over his chest. "Not to mention why didn't you say anything about this earlier. I told you that I hit the news reporter and don't regret it either. Why all of a sudden is it such a big freakin deal now?"
Victor sighed looking down towards the floor like a sulking cat. "What do you have nothing to say? I thought you didn't care if the public found out about us? If we made it public.. And now it seems like to me you regret being with me since I'm too much of a hassle. I'll just leave and get out of your hair.."
Victor jerked his head up and walked up the stairs. He pulled Liliana into his chest and placed his index finger under her chin bringing her face close to his looking deeply into her eyes. "You aren't going anywhere. You are mine and that is that."
Liliana looking deeply into Victor's eyes she felt her cheeks getting hot. "Don't make me repeat myself. You know exactly how I feel about you and that won't ever change. Understand?
Liliana blushed even brighter and nodded her head. "Good."
He picked up Liliana and carried her down the stairs and sat on the couch with Liliana laying her head on his chest. "Victor.."
Victor turned off the TV and just held Liliana. "I got you something.."
Liliana looked up at Victor. "You did? You didn't have to Victor.."
Victor picked up Liliana and sat her down on the cushion of the couch. He brought back two bags. "I picked these items up at some kind of anime convention in America. Goldman talked me into going and I figured you would like these kind of things. The other item is something very special."
He sat down next to Liliana and handed her the bags. "Victor that's so sweet."
She leaned over and wrapped her arms around Victor's neck and kissed his cheek. "Well are you going to open them or not?"
Liliana let go of Victor's neck and took the first item out of the bag. "No way.."
She opened the box and gently pulled out a Tomoya and Nagisa figurine. "Victor! How did you know I liked this anime?"
Victor cleared his throat. "Well I've heard you talk about it all the time so I kinda figured this is something you would really like."
Liliana smiled. "Try lying to me again."
Victor sighed. "Well I love it Victor."
She leaned over again and kissed Victor on the cheek. Victor became a little flustered. 'Hehe.. he's kinda cute when he gets flustered like that.' Liliana pulled out the second item that Victor got her. Liliana opened the box and it was a bracelet that had a time watch charm on the bracelet. "Victor.. It looks exactly like the pocket watch I made for you.. How..?
Victor chuckled and pulled the bracelet out of the box and put it around Liliana's wrist. "Well while I was in America I'm friends with a well known jeweler so I asked him to remake the pocket watch you made me but as a charm."
Liliana looked at the bracelet around her wrist and smiled. "Victor.. You know you don't have to get me gifts like this all the time right? Just having you here with me is the best gift anyone could give me."
'She has no idea how cute she can be when she doesn't realize it.' Liliana waving her hand in Victor's face. "Victor! Hello?"
Victor looked at Liliana. "Hm?"
Liliana sighed. "Did you hear a word I said?"
Victor sighed. "Well anyways when is the meeting?"
Victor sighed again. "Tomorrow morning."
Liliana sighed. "Well how about we cook something together for dinner? What is your favorite dish oh Mr. chef?"
Victor chuckled. Hm well I'm not sure. Should I be scared of your cooking? No chance of being poisoned right?"
Liliana dropped her jaw. "You keep your mouth open like that you'll catch flies. Dummy." Victor stood up and closed Liliana's mouth and walked out to the Kitchen.
Liliana turned and walked behind Victor sticking her tongue out.

Later that night Victor sat up in bed. Liliana fast asleep snuggled up to his blanket with a small smile on her face. He leaned over, kissed her cheek, and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. But lightly to not disturb her. He stretched and got out of bed. He grabbed his phone off of his desk and walked down the stairs to the living room. He seen a message from an unknown number.
        I have more information on the group Black Swan if you are still interested.."

Victor sighed and looked out the window. 'It's almost morning.. I'll need to wake up Liliana soon.' He looked at his phone again and replied back to the unknown number.
       I have some things I need to take care of this morning. I'll meet you this afternoon."

Liliana was sitting in a room full of news reporters and media outlets from Good Morning China, to ETV, to Fox News, and more all cramped in the meeting room of LFG. Camera's taking pictures of Liliana and Victor sitting side by side. Victor had a beat of sweat running down the side of his face. Victor took his handkerchief and dabbed his face and cleared his throat. Goldman stood up and spoke to everyone. "Thank you all for coming. We will take one question at a time."
The news reports holding recorders and microphones all of them trying to speak at once. "We'll take yours ma'am." Goldman pointed at a woman with her hair in a bun and a pencil sitting on her ear.
"Yes, Mr. Li how did you two meet? Some party or threw a friend?"
Victor cleared his throat and spoke through the microphone. "We met through my company LFG. She is funded under our company. No we did not meet at 'some party' or through a friend. Do you guys have nothing better to ask than some idiotic questions?"
The woman writing down Victor's answer. Goldman pointed to a man wearing khakis and sandals. "Yes, I have a question for the Ms in the blue and white dress."
Liliana spoke in the microphone. "Yes go ahead." Liliana's voice was a little shaky. She was very nervous but she was trying to stay calm.
"Yes can you tell us why you are with Mr. Li? We're all very curious. Now we did see what you did to that reporter yesterday so tell us. Why?" The news reporter holding a recorder in his hand.
Liliana cleared her throat. "I'm dating him because I like him. No, I'm not secretly pregnant. No, I'm not using him for his money. I don't need money considering I've probably made some of you a doll house for your daughters, nieces, parties or whatever. Anymore repeats of yesterday's quest.-"
Liliana could feel Victor's eyes staring daggers of death deep into her. Liliana slowly turned her head to in fact see Victor's eyes staring daggers of death into her. Liliana slightly giggled. 'Oh I'm feeling it..' Victor slowly tapping his finger on the table. Goldman took another question from a woman wearing a skirt to her knees. "Yes ma'am?"
The woman looking directly at Victor. "Yes I have a question for Mr. Li"
'Why is she looking at him like that?' Liliana thought to herself. "Yes, go ahead."
Victor getting slightly frustrated. "Yes, Mr. Li whatever happen between you and Chik? It seemed like you both had chemistry. Why are you with someone like that woman next to you?"
Victor rubbed his temples and sighed. "Look there was nothing between Chik and myself. We are just friends and will remain as friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. Me being with Liliana is my business and my business alone."
Victor sighed again. "I'm done answering questions."
Victor stood up out of the chair, grabbed Liliana's hand and walked out of the room. Liliana being dragged behind. "Victor. Wait."
Victor just wanted to get out of there as quick as possible. "Victor... Slow down."
Victor pressed the elevator button and got inside with Liliana. He let go of Liliana's wrist and leaned against the wall of the elevator looking out the window watching as they ascended down. 'Victor must've really wanted to get out of there. I know he said he doesn't do well with parties but I thought he would act a little more professional. He was getting on to me for the exact same thing.' Victor pulled out his phone and called up Goldman. "Escort the reporters out and meet me in the Limo. Afterwards I have some things I need to get done."
Goldman nodded escorting the reporters out of the room. "What about Liliana?"
Victor sighed. "Take her back to the house."
Goldman sighed. "Yes sir."
Victor hung up the phone and stuffed it back in his pocket. He pulled out the pocket watch and checked the time. 'I'll make it in plenty of time.' Victor did not like a shift in his schedule or a change of plans. He liked to know ahead of schedule to make sure he can shift other things around as much as he hated it. "Victor.."
Victor looked at Liliana dabbing the sweat off his brow. "Hm?"
Liliana looked at Victor. "Are you not coming?"
Victor sighed. He walked over to Liliana and pulled her into his arms pressed against his chest. "I won't be long. I'll be back soon. Now if you want to go back to your apartment I'm sure Goldman can do that for you."
Liliana shook her head and wrapped her arms around Victor embracing him. "No. I'll wait for you at home."
Liliana looked up at Victor and smiled. "Okay?"
Victor was taken aback from her breath-taking smile. 'I will never get tired of seeing such a beautiful smile..' Victor thought to himself. 'Wait does she consider my home her home as well?' "Alright. Now if you get tired go to sleep. But I shouldn't be too long."
Liliana nodded. She held Victor just a little while longer. "You have now reached the first floor." Liliana shook her head. "What?"
Liliana shook her head again. "Nothing."
They both departed the elevator and left LFG. Lina smiling a wide grin seeing Victor and Liliana holding hands. She was so happy for Liliana and the choice she made.  

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