Filler Chapter: Part 4: A memory slowly resurfacing

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Liliana running through a dark abyss again. Chased by voices of the past. "Run little one run!"
Liliana running for her life. Dark shadows chasing her. She was a small child in this dream. Splotches of blood on her dress and hands. A girl standing at the end of the dark abyss. Cackling.
"No. No. No! GO AWAY!!" Liliana surrounded by a ring of fire engulfing everything that stood around her. People screaming and shouting.
"Don't you see those people?" The little girl walking through the flames.
Liliana crouched to her knees and put her hands on her ears. "STOP IT!"
The little girl cackled. "Did you forget your purpose?!?!"
Liliana screamed again. "I SAID GO AWAY! STOP IT!"
The little girl brought her hand up and snapped her finger engulfing Liliana in flames. "You will return to whom you use to be."
Liliana screaming in agony.

Liliana woke up screaming and sweating. Victor immediately woke up and held her. "Shh it's okay. It was just a nightmare."
Victor held her tightly in his arms rubbing the back of her head. "Victor..."
"Yes?" Victor holding her to calm her down.
"I think I did something horrible.. I can't remember anything after the accident.. The dream it-it-it felt so real." Liliana held on to Victor panting.
"What do you mean?" Victor's eyes becoming a little wide.
"In my dream I was a small child.. I was covered in blood but people were screaming and shouting. Someone told me to run and all I did was run. I ran as fast as I could. Then another version of me she told me that I would return to whom I use to be. Victor what if something happens to me? What if I lose control of my evol ability? What if.-" Liliana starting to become frantic.
Victor held her even tighter. "Liliana I won't let anything happen to you. I will always be here to protect you. No matter what. If someone was to take you I would look for you. I wouldn't stop looking for you until I found you! Do you understand!"
Liliana nodded her head tears streaming down her face. Her body covered in sweat. He kissed her cheek. "Go take yourself a nice hot bath and then come back to bed."
Liliana went to her closet and pulled out some clothes and went to take a shower. While Liliana was in the shower Victor heard a ding on Liliana's laptop. He grabbed it and flipped open the cover of her laptop. He pulled up her emails and seen a message from an anonymous email address. 'We know?' Victor scrolled down and seen an image of a girl with two-degree burns on her arm. 'Why hasn't she told me anything about this?' Victor thought to himself. 'Why would she keep this from me?' Victor closed the laptop and stretched. 'Is she trying to protect me?' Victor sat in Liliana's bed and pondered. 'I'll ask her about it in the morning.'
Liliana opened her door and seen Victor sitting up in her bed asleep. Liliana giggled and shook her head. She tossed her clothes in the dirty hamper and laid back down. Victor slightly woke up and laid back down into the bed pulling Liliana into his arms. Liliana held onto him tightly. 'Victor I am so scared...' Liliana thought to herself. Victor kissed her cheek and pulled her close to his chest. She held onto Victor's arms and slowly started to close her eyes. 'Was that a piece of my memory..?' Liliana thought to herself. She yawned and rolled in Victor's arms facing his chest. She could feel the heat radiating off of his chest. Taking in slow breaths. Liliana feeling her world slowly becoming dark around her again. She kissed Victor's chest and she was off in her dream world. Held by Victor's embrace.

Lucien sat in his office resuming his game of chess. A man in a black cloak stepped through a dark hole. "Is it time Ares?"
"Yes it is time. Plans are now in motion. This friendly game of chess will continue. Let the others know." Lucien knocking over the rook.
"As you wish Ares." And the man stepped back through the dark hole and vanished.
'I'm sorry my little delicate flower.. I have to do this..' Lucien laid his head on the desk sitting in a now dark and quiet room.

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