Chapter 10: Answers to the hidden truth

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Liliana was headed back to Victor's place. Listening to the news about what happen during the meeting with her and Victor. Liliana rolling her eyes at the comments they were saying. "Seems like to me Mr. Li has a spunky type of gal don't you think Su?" Liliana giggled. 'Well I just don't put up with people invading privacy.' Liliana thought to herself.
"Well I say Mr. Li caught him a really good catch. Women like her are a dime a dozen. I say good for her! Mr. Li hasn't dated anyone that we know of since being in the public eye." The woman chimed in. Liliana felt that she was now going to be hated by many of the women across the globe. She didn't care what people thought about her or what they felt about her. Victor was hers and now the world knew Victor was hers.
"Well all those single women out there are going to be really jealous of her. Some may even hate her at this point." Liliana laughed and looked out the window.
"Hey, Goldman can you turn the radio to some kind of music station?" Liliana looking out the window watching the clouds.
"Does it matter what it is ma'am?" Goldman looking at her?
"Anything is fine." Liliana looked at Goldman with a smile.
Goldman turned the station to the classical music station. "Is this fine ma'am?"
Liliana nodded her head and looked back out he window to watch the clouds. Liliana yawned and leaned her head back. "Ma'am it'll be a little while before we make it back to the house. Please take yourself a nap and I'll wake you when we get there."
Liliana nodded her head and slowly closed her eyes.

Victor was driving to where he was suppose to meet the hacker who had all of the information on the group Black Swan. He needed to know more about this group and what do they want with Liliana. Victor drove up to a hill top to see a black vehicle sitting and waiting. Victor parked next to the vehicle and stepped out. He walked to the black vehicle and knocked on the window. The driver unlocked the door and Victor stepped inside of the vehicle. "So what information do you have?"
The man sitting next to him dropped a file in between them. "This is a file that has all of the information on Black Swan and your girl."
Victor picked up the thick file and opened it and took a quick look through. "To let you know your girl might've been involved in something.."
Victor looked at the hooded man. "Explain?"
The hooded man sighed. "The police covered it up from the public but twenty years ago there was an accident."
Victor sighed. "Continue."
The hooded man cleared his throat. "That girl went missing and wasn't found until two months later. Prior to that the accident both of her parents and her suddenly vanished. Not a trace of her anywhere."
Victor sighed. "Get to the point."
The hooded man sighed. "There was a terrible fire two months after that girl vanished. Witnesses seen a small child surrounded by fire and burning innocent people. One old woman said the child looked as though she was crying."
Victor sat in silence and remembered Liliana's nightmare and the email he seen on her computer. "The police found that girl running down the street covered in blood, ashes, and her clothes were torn. That girl was the one who was missing from the accident."
Victor was still sitting in silence. Victor remembering back to his childhood. Taken from his family and placed in some kind of room. A little girl sitting in the corner crying. "Make them stop...  Please I don't want it to hurt anymore.." the little girl rocking back and forth in the corner cowering in fear. "Mommy... Daddy... Help me.."
"Hey! Are you listening?" Victor snapped back into reality.
"Look I haven't figured out what they are planning to do but I call you when I have em." Victor nodded his head and stepped out of the vehicle holding the thick folder in his hands.
"Hey man don't worry. I got it covered. Chow!" The man rolled up his window and he was gone.
Victor stood and watched the man leave. Victor walked to his vehicle and got back inside. He placed the folder next to him in the passenger seat and drove back to the house in silence lost in his thoughts.

"Liliana.. Hey. Liliana." Liliana woke up and stretched. Liliana stepped out of the limo and yawned. Goldman closed her door for her and smiled.
"So are you happy the world knows about you two?" Goldman asked looking at Liliana.
Liliana smiled. "Well yes and no."
Goldman and Liliana walking up the walk way towards the house. "And why is that?"
Liliana walked with her fingers laced behind her back. "Well I happy because now I won't have to worry about other women stepping over their boundaries. And no because well now we won't get really any privacy.."
Goldman chuckled. "Well there is always a positive to a negative I suppose."
Liliana giggled and nodded her head. "Your right."
Liliana unlocked the front door and took her shoes off. "Well I'm sure Mr. Li will be back soon. If you need anything just give me a call."
Liliana nodded her head and waved Goldman off. She closed the front door and locked it. "Wow.. it's so different being here alone without Victor.."
Liliana walked to the living room and sat down on the couch. She pulled out her phone to look at the time. "3:43pm"
Liliana sighed and placed her phone on the coffee table. Liliana walked upstairs and into Victors room to change into something comfortable. "Hm, I'm sure Victor wouldn't mind it I wore one of his t-shirts."
Liliana imagined Victor walking inside to see Liliana wearing one of his and blushing. She giggled at the thought of Victor blushing. 'A rare sight to see.' Liliana thought to herself. Liliana walked into Victor's closet and took a look at his t-shirts. 'Hmm, I wonder what I should cook?' Liliana thought to herself as she was changing her dress into Victor's t-shirt. She turned and looked in the mirror. 'Holy shit! Victor's t-shirt is HUGE!' Liliana twirled in Victor's shirt. 'It's almost like a dress!!' Liliana turned and walked down out of Victor's bedroom and down the stairs. Liliana heard a ding on her phone. She walked to her phone and picked it up. "Oh it's Victor."
     On my way back home. See you soon."
Liliana giggled.
      Alright be safe. And see you soon."
Liliana walked to the kitchen and looked around Victor's cabinets. "Hmmm."
Liliana seen Japanese white rice and placed it on the island. She looked in Victor's freezer to see what type of meat he has. "Hmm. Chicken, Pork, or Beef."
Liliana decided she would make Pork fried rice with wontons and egg drop soup. Liliana grabbed Victor's apron and turned on the oven. "Oh I need some music before I get starter."
Liliana put on her classical station on Pandora and started cooking.

Victor unlocked the front door and Liliana was in the kitchen cooking the wontons and listening to her pandora. Dancing side to side.
(Sing me to sleep-Alan Walker)
"I can hear your whispers in my mind. I've become what you can not embrace. Our memory will be my lullaby."
Victor sat the thick file down on the table and came up behind Liliana and held her. Liliana laid her head on Victors arm and smiled. "Are you hungry?"
Victor smiled. "Of course. Smells good. I'm surprised you were capable of making dinner all by yourself."
Liliana nudged Victor in the gut with her elbow. "Well go get cleaned up and dinner will be ready soon."
Victor kissed the top of her head. He stopped and looked down at Liliana. "Are you.. Are you wearing one of my shirts?"
Liliana turned around and looked at Victor holding a wonton in her hand with a smudge of flour on the tip of her nose. "If you want me to change I can.-"
Victor pulled her into his arms, leaned down and kissed her cheek. "You look cute in my shirt actually."
Victor became a little flustered and cleared his throat. "I'm going to go change my clothes. I'll be right back down."
Liliana holding the wonton in her hand she was still in a little shock. 'I could get use to this..' Liliana thought to herself. Liliana blushed and went back to making the wontons.
Victor grabbed the thick folder on the table and walked upstairs. He went into his bedroom and shut the door. He opened the thick folder and sat it down on the bed. He sat on the edge of the bed looking through the papers that the hooded man gave to him. His memory as a child came back to him.
"Where are we? How do we get out?" Victor asked the little girl sitting in the corner.
"We leave when the big scary man comes and gets us.." the girls eyes had dark circles under them.
"How did you get here?" Victor asked the girl.
"I don't know. I was in the car on the way to Popop and Memaw's house. We hit a car and I woke up here. Have you seen mommy or daddy?" The little girl asked looking up at Victor.
He shook his head. He crawled over to her and sat next to her. "What's your name?"
The little girl picked her head up and looked at Victor again. "My name is Liliana.. Liliana Mitzuki. What's your name?"
Victor looked at her. "My name is Victor. Victor Li."
Victor grabbed Liliana by the shoulders and looked deeply into her eyes. "Liliana I'm going to get us out of here.. Just wait."
Liliana shook her head. "Thats if we don't die like the others.."
Victor was trying not to panic. "What do you mean like the others?"
Liliana brought her knees closer to her chest. She started to panic in the corner. "No.. No he's coming.."
Victor was starting to panic. He could see she was trying everything she could to get out of the room. A chunky dark figure stood in front of the metal barred door. He unlocked it and walked over to the corner and picked up Liliana. "Liliana!"
Victor kicked and punched the chunky man. "Let go of her!"
Liliana screaming. "Victor help me!"
The chunky dark figure punched Victor and he fell to the ground. The man locked the door and walked with Liliana thrown over his shoulder. "HELP ME!!"

*Knock. Knock.*
"Victor.. Dinner is ready." Liliana called Victor out of his memory.
"Alright! I'll be right down." Victor stood up and put the papers back in the file and put it in his night stand. He wiped off the sweat on his face and changed his clothes. 'I don't know what those monsters want with her but they won't have her. Not while I'm here.' Victor thought to himself. Victor opened the door and walked down the stairs to enjoy the rest of his Valentines day.

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