Filler chapter: Part 1: Special Day

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Liliana woke that morning in a lot of pain. "Ugh don't tell me it's that time of the month.."
Liliana got out of her bed and looked at her calendar to make sure she was correct.
She sighed "Well at least I have some days off.."
She walked to her closet and grabbed her heating pad. Still in the package. She plopped down onto her bed and just looking at the ceiling. Feeling bloated, cramps at least every five minutes. Pain ranging between 5-10. Liliana was starting to get comfortable when her phone rang. She slowly moved to her night stand and seen it was Lucien calling her. Liliana picked up her phone and answered.

"Hello Lucien.." Liliana trying her best to hide back her tears. No matter what position she was in it felt very uncomfortable.
"Hello Liliana. You don't sound like your normal usual self.. Everything alright?" Lucien looking out the window watching the snow fall. Liliana formed a small smile.
"I'm fine. How was your sleep?" Liliana held her abdomen hoping the pain would just go away.
"I don't sleep much. But stop dodging the question. What's wrong?" Lucien watching the snow falling to the ground slowly adding another layer of snow.
"I'm not dodging it. I'm alright! Honestly no need to worry about me. You are a very busy man and my 'problem' wouldn't make it any easier for you. I would probably just be a burden." Liliana wiping her tears away.
"I'm coming over. Unlock the door. And don't say no either." Liliana sighed and slowly sat up. "Alright I'm on my way to unlock the door." Lucien chuckled. "Good girl."

Liliana got to the door and slowly unlocked it and opened the door.
Lucien took a glance at her "You don't look so well. Are you feeling okay?"
Liliana turned around and slowly walked over to the couch. Lucien shut the door behind him and walked over to Liliana and sat next to her.
"Your lips are looking very pale. Are you sick?" Liliana shook her head no.
"If your feeling uncomfortable you can just lean on me." Liliana slowly leaned towards Lucien.
Lucien quickly moved his arm and she landed on his chest.
"Where does it hurt? Is it a headache?" Liliana shook her head no.
Lucien looked upon Liliana's face seeing how she has lost some of her color and that beautiful smile she had was not on her face. That smile keeping him out of the darkness. He slowly reached out his hand and touched her arm.
"Here?" She shook her head.
"Here?" Touching her leg.
"Here?" He touched her abdomen.
Liliana nodded her head. "Let me rub it for you."
Lucien gently brought up his left arm and touching her abdomen slowly rubbing it for her. Liliana could feel his hot fingers with each touch back and forth on her abdomen.
"Lucien?" He stopped and looked at her.
"Yes?" Liliana cleared her throat.
"Would you mind making me something to drink?" Lucien slowly picked her up and laid her gently on the couch.
"No I don't mind." Lucien grabbed a cup and instant tea mix in it.
"This is boiled ginger brown sugar tea." Liliana looked up at Lucien realizing that a friend who is a man is helping her with her female problems.
"I think I understand." Lucien could see just by the look on her face that she was a little embarrassed.
"It's okay. I won't ask." Lucien realizing that Liliana isn't really properly dressed.
"Why don't you wear a coat? Hmm not wearing socks either." Lucien turned to walk towards Liliana's bedroom.
"Don't let your feet touch the ground. You'll catch a cold." Lucien grabbed Liliana a pair of socks and slowly put them on her. He picked up Liliana's head and placed it on a pillow and covered her with a blanket.
Lucien held her again and sat underneath her placing her in between his legs. "Hold my neck."
Liliana wrapped her arms around his neck. She could feel his hot breath pierce her ears 'What is wrong with me!' Liliana started to get a little flustered and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Does your lower abdomen hurt." Liliana nodded her head.
"Lean on me." He slowly pulled her close to him and rubbed her back and slowly rubbed her lower abdomen. Liliana took a deep breath and sighed 'Ya know this isn't really so bad.. Any girl would love to have him.' Liliana thought to herself.
"Now be good. Don't say it's nothing." He continued to rub her back and her lower abdomen for her.
Feeling the warmth coming from his fingers she was slowly starting to get relaxed in Lucien's arms. "Are you warmer now?"
Liliana slowly nodded her head. Lucien chuckled. "No need to worry about me Lucien.."
Lucien chuckled again. "Silly. How can I not be worried."
He came really close to Liliana's ear and whispered. "I'm worried sick."
Liliana felt chills go down her spine and the hairs on the back of her neck started to stick up. Lucien held Liliana in his arms and carried her to her bedroom.
He gently placed her on her bed. "Lay down. I'll tuck you in."
Liliana slowly laid down. "Slower." Liliana laid on her pillow and Lucien tucked her in.
He sat next to her and looked at her. "Hm your feet are cold again. Let me warm you up."
He took Liliana's feet in his hands and slowly rubbed them warming them up. Liliana started to feel her cheeks getting warmer and warmer and warmer.
"Do you feel better." Liliana quickly nodded her head 'Please lord help me!' Lucien turned and looked at Liliana.
"Let me see your face." Liliana took the blanket and hid her face under the covers 'Noo he can't see me like this!!' Liliana slowly moved the blanket off her face and seen a Lucien sitting next to her on the other side of the bed.
"Come lean on me." He pulled Liliana towards him and laid her in between his legs again rubbing the top of her head.
Liliana yawned and could feel her eyes getting a little heavy. "If you want to rest. Just close your eyes."
Liliana flew her eyes wide open and seen Lucien leaned in a little too close to her face. "Are you feeling better?"
Liliana nodded her head. He chuckled and went back to rubbing her head. "Your hair is so soft. It smells nice too."
Liliana's cheeks were now a brighter shade of pink. Liliana cleared her throat. "I'm really sorry if I'm causing you any trouble Lucien. I'm sure you have plenty of work you need to get done."
Lucien lightly chuckled. "It's no trouble at all. I had the day off so why not spend time with my delicate flower. No need to thank me. Just relax."
Lucien watching as the girls eyes starting to close when Liliana held her abdomen 'Ugh why now just go away!' Lucien seen her face change from a smile to a frown.
"What is it? Did you buy the body warmer?" Liliana nodded her head and pointed to the edge of the bed.
"Was it too painful to put it on?" Liliana nodded her head. Lucien chuckled.
"Silly. I'll help you put it on. Is that okay?" Liliana nodded her head.
"Relax. Don't be shy." Liliana watched Lucien grab the body warmer.
"Just lay down. Wait for me for a bit." Liliana watched Lucien open the body warmer. She watched his hands delicately open the body warmer.
"Hmm..Alright. Come on put it on." She sat up and put the body warmer on.
"Hmm can I put on here?" Liliana shook her head and slowly laid back down.
"Going a little..lower. Liliana's cheeks were a bright pink again.
"Okay. All done." Lucien sat next to Liliana and reached out his hand.
"Come on. Hold my hand." Liliana reached out her hand and held Lucien's. The palm of his hand was warm and soft. His fingers wrapping around her tiny hand and rubbed the back of her hand. Liliana felt very lucky to know such a man like Lucien. Thoughtful, caring, sweet, kind, compassionate, but a mystery. She hoped that one day Lucien would open up to her more. She felt little by little Lucien was beginning to trust her and she was beginning to trust him more.
"My hands.." Lucien's soft voice brought her back to reality.
"Are they as warm as the body warmer?" Liliana shook her head.
"Then wait a little longer." Each word he spoke sent goosebumps down her spine. Soft monotone voice. But each word that was said she wished Victor would say to her. She wished she could see his thoughtful and sweet side more than what she has experienced in the last year and two months she has known him.
"I can rub your stomach. Is that okay?" Liliana nodded her head.
Lucien leaned over and slowly rubbed Liliana's stomach. The warmth from his hand was helping the cramps not be so painful.
"Lucien you should have yourself something warm to drink." Liliana said looking at Lucien.
Lucien reached for Liliana's cup. "Hmm this ginger brown sugar tea is getting cold. I'm going to go make you a fresh one. Can you wait for me?"
Liliana nodded her head and watched Lucien leave the room. She could see him from her bed Lucien moving about in the kitchen. She could hear the water being ran and being poured into a tea maker. Lucien dropped a few ginger leafs in the water. He walked back over to Liliana and sat next to her.
"Alright all done. Let me rub your stomach again." Lucien began to rub Liliana's stomach again slowly. With each motion Liliana could feel her eyes becoming heavy again. Liliana reached on to her night stand and grabbed her cup.
She took a sip and made a sour look on her face. "What's wrong? More brown sugar?"
Liliana nodded her head and gave the cup to Lucien. "Okay. Got it."
Lucien went to the kitchen and placed her cup on the counter. And he pressed the machine's button to start the process. He stood in her doorway and looked at her.
"Do you feel a lot of pain every time?" Liliana looked at Lucien.
"Sometimes but it varies. I really do appreciate you caring for me Lucien.." Lucien chuckled a little.
"Well I certainly do care about you. But in the future.. You won't endure it alone." Lucien walked over to Liliana and held her hand.
"Let me take care of you. Okay?" Liliana nodded her head blushing a little.
Liliana opened her mouth to talk but Lucien placed his index finger over lips. "Try not to talk. I'll take that as a yes."
Lucien smiled his handsome smile he always has.
Liliana moved to sit up. "Don't move, just lay there."
Liliana blushed a bit more and stayed laying down. "I'll bring the ginger brown sugar tea over."
Lucien patted Liliana's hand and walked to the kitchen to get her tea.  He poured the mixture in her cup and added a little more brown sugar. He stirred up her tea for her walked back over to her. He sat next to her holding the cup.
"Can you sit up?" Liliana nodded her head.
"Does it still hurt?" Liliana nodded her head.
"Lean on me." Liliana slowly sat up and leaned on Lucien's shoulder.
"It's okay. I can hold you." Lucien moved his arm and brought Liliana to his chest. She could hear his slow but steady heart beat.
He blew her tea for her and stirred it with his other hand. "Drink slowly. Be careful, it's hot."
Liliana reached her hand up and grabbed the cup.
She brought the cup up to her face and could smell a evenly amount of ginger and brown sugar. "Does it smell good?"
Liliana nodded her head.
She took a sip. "Is it sweet?" Liliana nodded her head again smiling at Lucien.
"It was my first time making it." Liliana giggled a little.
"Well for your first time making it I would not mind drinking this every day." Liliana took another sip.
"Drink slowly. There's no hurry." Liliana drank a little slower.
"Let your stomach warm up a little bit. It won't be too painful." Liliana dropped a little on her shirt.
"Can't drink it yourself? I will spoon feed it to you." Lucien took her cup and spoon fed her tea to her. Liliana pushed a spoon a little.
"Are you trying to push me away?" Liliana shook her head and took the spoon into her mouth.
"Is it good?" Liliana nodded her head.
"I will make more for you in the future. Is that okay?" Liliana nodded her head again taking another spoonful of tea into her mouth.
"Okay wipe your mouth." Lucien took some tissue paper and cleaned Liliana's mouth off for her.
"Lucien if you want to you can go home.. I'm sure you have other things you need to get done." Lucien looked at her with wide eyes.
"You can't take care of yourself. I would be worried and get mad.."Liliana looked at him with wide eyes as well.
"You would be me?" Lucien still looking at her.
"For the first time, I would be angry with you." Liliana looking at him 'I've never seen Lucien mad before. I wouldn't want him to be mad at me..'
Lucien placed her cup on the night stand. "Do you feel better now?"
Liliana nodded her head. Lucien patted her on the head.
"That's good." he whispered into her ear. She got goosebumps again and felt them in her spine. Liliana laid back down.
"My hands are very warm. Let me rub your stomach again. Is that okay? Liliana nodded her head and watched Lucien again.
She yawned and could feel her eyes getting heavy again. 'Ya know.. I wouldn't mind having Lucien around more often. Even if it was just for a little while.' She could feel her cheeks getting hot again.
"A little too hard?" Liliana nodded her head again.
"Sorry. I'll be more gentle." Liliana slowly drifted off back to her thought. 'I hope Victor is okay? I'm really looking forward to this date this weekend.. Well if it is a date.. Maybe Victor and myself could take things a little further than what they are now.' Liliana thought to herself.
"Is this okay?" Liliana slipped back into reality again and nodded her head.
"Good." Lucien smiled at her slowly and gently rubbing her stomach.
"Then I'll keep rubbing like this." Liliana brought her hand up and slowly rubbed Lucien's back.
"Are you tired Lucien?" He chuckled and turned to look at her.
"I'm not tired. Don't worry about me." Lucien went back to rubbing Liliana's stomach. 'Lucien is always pushing himself. He even sacrifices sleep in order to get something done. He needs to take better care of himself too..'
"Let me know if you are not feeling comfortable." Liliana nodded her head.
"Lucien.." Lucien turned again to look at Liliana.
"Hmm?" Liliana looked at Lucien and stopped rubbing his back.
"Will you always be here? You'll never leave me.. right?" He smiled at Liliana.
"I'll always be here." Liliana smiled back at Lucien.
"Lucien can you go a little lower.." Lucien slowly moved his hands down a little.
"A little lower?"
"Here or here." She nodded to his second here and he slowly and gently rubbed it for her.
"What about now? How do you feel?" Lucien rubbing her abdomen.
"Better?" Liliana nodded her head.
"That's good."
"When I hold you like this.. I feel comfortable too." Liliana blushed a deep shade of pink. 'I feel like I'm in a romance movie.' Liliana thought to herself. 'This does not happen in real life!' She thought to herself. 'I'm truly living every girls dream.'
Liliana yawned and rubbed her eyes.
"Getting sleepy?" Liliana nodded her head.
"Just a little.." Liliana yawned again.
"Take a nap." Liliana became a little flustered..
"My bed is too cold.. can you..warm it up.....for me." Lucien looked at her and chuckled.
"The bed is too cold? Then.. I'll accompany you to sleep. Is that okay?" Liliana nodded her head.
Lucien stood up and walked to the other side of the bed and got under the blankets with Liliana. "Come." Liliana slowly moved towards Lucien and laid in his arms. 'He smells nice.. pine needles, flowers, grass, mixture of a lab..'
"Lean on me." Liliana leaned into Lucien more and yawned. He wrapped his arms around her gently warming her up.
"This isn't cold, right?" Liliana shook her head.
"Getting warm?" Liliana nodded her head and formed a small smile on her face taking in his body heat.
"That's good." He rubbed her hair and could feel her body becoming heavy in his arms.
"I don't keep other people warm." He got close to her ear and whispered.
"Only you." The tips of her ear getting warm from the touch of his breath.
"Only me?" Liliana blushed.
"Yes. I only belong to you." Liliana yawned.
"Sleep. Close your eyes.. I'm not going anywhere." Liliana feeling her eyes becoming heavier with each passing second. Laying in the arms of a man she never thought would ever happen. If her Memaw knew she would ask for all of the details.
"Whether you need me or not.. I will keep you company." Liliana slowly starting to fall asleep. Her world slowly turning into a never ending black abyss. He could feel the girl slowly taking her breaths with each second becoming slower and slower. Now deep breaths.
"Good night." Lucien looked into the girls sleeping face.
"After waking up, all of the pain will be gone."

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