Filler Chapter: Part 5; Days gone

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As time grew on, Liliana became very distant with everyone. She waited for him and now, he was gone. She promised that she would find him, she shouted it to Lucien. But with each passing day became harder for her to bare, as days turned into weeks, and those weeks turned into months. Spring flew and now it was summer, Lucien would come by to visit her each day, but not even he could help her. She couldn't concentrate on her work, building doll houses became a chore, getting up in the morning became harder for her. Lucien on most nights would find Lilana on the floor passed out from drinking, he'd pick her up and lay her on the couch, covering her up and gently taking her flats off so not to disturb her.

"V..Victor...where'd you go.."

Liliana would mumble in her sleep, tears streaming down her eyes as though yearning for him. The man who suddenly vanished from Liliana, not a single trace of him could be found. And Lucien had to watch her wait for a man to show up when he wasn't or hadn't. He leaned in a wiped away her tears, his thumb gently brushing against her cheek as each tear would slowly fall down her soft cheek.

"You little fool.."

He lightly mumbled as he slowly dropped his head, it pained him to see her like this. If only there was something he could do for her, or even help her. As he thought this Liliana slowly opened her eyes and looked towards Lucien, she slowly sat up as the blanket dropped down to her waist. Lucien helped her again, this was embarrassing. All she wanted to do was be alone with her pain, her sadness. She felt her cheeks and they were slightly damp, she was crying again. She took the blanket completely off and placed her feet to the floor.

"Lucien... You can go home, I don't need your help.." She coldly said to him, she had no reason to be happy, so why now? She didn't want to be around anyone, she stumbled as she stood up, a little too quickly than what she should have. Lucien quickly stood up and caught her.

"I said.. I don't need your help.." Her voice sounding bitter, almost like knives. She pushed herself off of him and leaned against the arm of the couch, she had way too much. More than what she usually had, the room was spinning. Everything was spinning, she placed her hand on her forehead and shook her head,  'Okay, maybe I just need to sit down for a little while..' she thought to herself. Lucien could see and tell how drunk she was, plopping down on the couch as she looked down with her hand still resting on her face.

She felt her eyes becoming watery, she didn't want to cry and was tired of crying. "Lucien.." She softly said towards him, she was tired of being alone. Tired of waiting for Victor if he wasn't obviously coming back.

"Yes, Liliana?" His soft monotone voice brought her some sort of comfort, was it because she was drunk? Or perhaps it was just needing someone to talk too. She shut the world out and was cruel to Lucien, all he ever did was try to help her and she did nothing but hurt him.

"Why... Why won't he just come home? Why did... Where did he... How could he..?" She couldn't put her thoughts into words, why did he leave me, where did he go, how could he leave me; is what she thought. Her tears streamed down her cheeks again as she held her hand to her face, each thought made her heart break. Each piece shattered in her heart like glass, Lucien leaned in slightly and rested his hand on top of hers. His long slender fingers stroked the top of her hand, Liliana wept and brought her hand down and wrapped it around Lucien's neck, she laid her head down on his shoulder. "Why... Does everyone who I care about leave me."

Lucien knew what she referred too, her grandfather. The man he had taken from her a year ago, he was the cause of that pain alone. Even though he didn't take his life himself, he still had his blood on his hands. He brought his arms up and wrapped them around her and pulled her into his chest, stroking his hand up and down her back as she continued to cry. "It's going to be okay, Liliana. I'm not going anywhere." He picked up and carried her to her bedroom and gently laid her down, he sat next to her as he caressed the top of her head and stroked it. She began to slowly drift off to sleep, Luciens light touch slowly cooing her to sleep.

Liliana woke that morning, a hangover and her cheeks puffy. She slowly sat up in her bed and looked around her room, she noticed a glass of water and a note next to it. It was Lucien, again.

"Good morning,
I hope you slept well, you probably woke with a hangover and so I left you a glass of water. Get some well needed rest, my little fool."

Liliana sighed and stuffed the note in her dresser drawer and brought her knees up to her chest, why was Lucien so nice to her; she wondered. Maybe that was who he was, but she was well undeserving of it. She knew Lucien wasn't home right now, she needed to talk to him later. Deciding that she needed to finally do something different today, she would go back to Victor's today. Maybe she would find something there that she missed.

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