Chapter 6: Surprise Visit from Kiro

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Liliana woke up that morning and stretched out. She walked over to her radio and turned on her CD that she made. She walked to her kitchen and put the coffee beans in her coffee maker and water. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and yawned. It was 7:30 am and Liliana was simply not ready to start her day. She rested her head on the counter and sighed. "Can I just pretend to be sick?" Liliana picked her head up and pressed the button.
*Knock. Knock. Knock.*
"Hm I wonder who it is this early in the morning?" Liliana yawned again and walked over to her door.
"It's probably Lina I'm sure." She stretched and opened her door.
"Ms. Chips!" She was toppled to the floor embraced with a warm hug.
She picked her head up rubbing the back of her head. "Kiro?"
Kiro picked his up and smiled. "Did you miss me?"
Liliana smiled wide and hugged him tightly while laying on the floor. "I've missed you Kiro!"
Kiro laughed and hugged her back. "Lets get off of the floor."
Kiro held his hand out and helped Liliana up. It had been about six months since Liliana seen Kiro last. She missed him so much. She knew they had a lot of catching up to do. Kiro walked over to the front door and shut it. "So how have you been?"
Liliana walked back to her kitchen and grabbed her coffee cup out of the cabinet. "Honestly I've been doing great Kiro. So how was the tour?"
Kiro sighed and walked to the island and sat in one of the stools. "Tiring."
Liliana giggled and poured herself some coffee. "Want some coffee?"
Kiro nodded her his head and smiled. "Yes please."
Liliana poured Kiro a cup of coffee and made his like hers. Sweet. "So how's the doll house company going?"
"Actually it's going well. A lot of clients. Sadly today I have to go to the wood-working shed today to finish up a doll house and.-" Kiro cleared his throat.
"Nope! Today you get a day off!" Kiro took a sip of his coffee.
"Kiro look I want to spend the day with you and catch up. Trust me I do. But I need to get this doll house done." Liliana sighed. 'Especially since Mr. work-alcoholic himself kept me away all weekend.'
"Tell your boss you're sick." Kiro took another sip of his coffee.
"Kiro that's kinda of a bad idea." Liliana sighed and took a sip of her coffee.
"Why?" Kiro sat his cup on the island and looked at Liliana.
" see... Hmmm." Liliana a little nervous.
"Ms. Chips tell me. Why is it a bad idea?" Kiro scratched his head.
"Well.. Me and my boss.. We're dating..-" Liliana twiddled her thumbs.
Kiro looked at Liliana's blushing face and twiddling her thumbs. 'She's not lying. She really is dating her boss.' "Well what's his name?"
Liliana held onto her necklace. "Do you remember Victor.-"
Kiro stood up and walked over to Liliana and placed his hands on her shoulders. Shaking her now. "YOU'RE DATING THE BOSS OF MY BOSS!! SINCE WHEN?!?!?!?!"
Liliana being shook by Kiro. "A.. Few.. Weeks."
Kiro started shaking her even more. "A few weeks?!?!?! YOU'RE DATING THE BOSS OF LFG?!?!?!
Liliana smiled still being shook by Kiro. "Y-E-S!"
Kiro stopped shaking Liliana and looked at her. "Do you.. Like him?
Liliana looking at Kiro. "Yes.. I've liked him for about a year. I've just held out and waited for him until he was ready.. We are still taking things slow.. Sorta.."
Kiro seeing Liliana's blushing face his eyes got wide. "What do you mean sorta?"
Liliana blushing a bright shade of pink. "Well.. I'll stay at his place sometimes or he'll stay here sometimes. But he won't be back for a month or so. He has a business meeting in the states so I'm sure since you're home we can have some fun like we use to."
Kiro sighed. "Sadly I'm leaving out tomorrow night."
Liliana cocked her head to the side. "Why tomorrow? You just got back?!"
Kiro sighed again. "I have a movie shoot in Thailand. I won't be back for three to four months."
Liliana dropped her jaw. "For real! Well ya know what. I'm taking the day off. Let me go and get dressed and we can go do something fun today!"

Liliana and Kiro decided to go to the Loveland Amusement park for the day. Since Kiro bought Liliana's apartment she felt it was right to pay for Kiro and anything he wanted. 'He may already be rich but I want to at least to something for him for a change since he has always been there for me when I needed him.'  It was nearing noon and Liliana was getting a call from Victor.
"Kite shh. It's Victor." Liliana did a 'shh' motion and Kiro gave the thumbs up.
Liliana picked up her phone. "Hey Victor."
Victor was sitting in his Limo going through downtown New York. "Hey dummy. How's your day going? Finished the doll house yet?"
Liliana and Kiro sat down at a picnic table outside of a food stand. "Uhmm well.. You see."
Victor looked out the window. "Why is it so noisy? Where are you?"
Liliana started to sweat. "Uhm.. at the Amusement park.. with Kiro.."
Victor sighed and rubbed his temple. "You do realize the client wanted to doll house tomorrow right?"
Liliana rubbed the back of her neck. "I-I-I know but you see Kiro is leaving out tomorrow night and is going to Thailand. I haven't seen him in about six months. Can you at least let me have a few more hours? Then I'll go to the wood-working shop and finish the doll house. Please."
Victor sighed again. "Just take the rest of the day off. I'll call the client and let her know that you will be a little late. Do you at least have it almost finished?"
Liliana smiled and gave Kiro and thumbs up. "Yeah I'm just about finished. Just needs a few touch ups then it'll be good to go. So no need to call up the client. I'll have it delivered to her when it is finished."
Victor nodded his head. "Good. So are you enjoying yourself?"
Liliana smiled. "Yeah I'm enjoying myself. I wish you were here to enjoy it with me."
Victor chuckled. "Is a certain dummy missing me already?"
Liliana felt her cheeks getting a little hot. "N-N-No! I'll call you later when I'm home. Have fun and be safe."
Victor looked at his phone. "I can't believe she actually hung up on me. I didn't even get the chance to say 'Bye'." Victor chuckled.

An Ember That Burns OutOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora