Chapter 16: Victor's disappearance

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Liliana woke that morning to birds chirping and the pitter patter of Victor's fingers typing away on his IPad. She rolled to her side and looked up at Victor, his neck covered in her love bites. She smiled remembering what happen last night, butterflies now in her stomach. Victor had his glasses on still naked under the covers, Liliana brought her hand up and wrapped her arm over his stomach. "Good morning, dummy."
Liliana cuddled into Victor's side , smiling. "Good morning, Victor." She slowly ran her nails up and down his side.
"What time is it?" Liliana was slowly propping herself up.
"It's 9:50am." Victor said still typing away at his IPad.
Liliana looked out the window, her body a little stiff from last night. Victor placed his IPad down and kissed her shoulder. Liliana brought her hand up and caressed his face rubbing his cheek with her thumb. Liliana smiled again. Regardless how her body was feeling Victor was gentle with her and did what she asked him too. Victor rubbed her arm, smiling into her shoulder. "Lets go take a shower."
Liliana nodded her head, Victor taking off his glasses and sitting them on the nightstand he got out of the bed and picked up Liliana carrying her to the bathroom. She kissed Victor's neck, wanting to continue last night with him. Victor smirked placing her down on the floor, leaning over to turn on the hot water. "You naughty girl."
Victor turned on the shower, turning to look at her and pulled her into his chest. He leaned down bringing her lips close to him and kissed her. Giving her exactly what she wanted.

After Victor and Liliana took their shower, they were both in the kitchen cooking breakfast before Victor had to LFG. "So, I was thinking. After I get some things done in the office, how about we go and see your Memaw." Victor said flipping over a pancake.
"Are you sure, Victor? I know how it can go at LFG." Liliana said cutting up strawberries.
"Of course, I did say we would go see her after things died down didn't I?" Victor said placing the cooked pancake on Liliana's plate.
Liliana nodded her head. "You did say that. Well let me know when you are on the way home and I'll be ready to go."
"There is something I would also like to talk to you about.. Since we are kind of on that subject anyway." Victor said taking a measuring cup of pancake dough and pouring it into the skillet.
Even though Liliana couldn't see his face she knew him well enough to know he was flustered and he was trying his best to hide it in his voice and demeanor. She giggled cutting up blueberries. "Well?"
Victor cleared his throat. "Well, I'd like for you to move in with me.. I mean if you want to that is.."
Liliana quickly looked up at Victor dropping her knife on the cutting board. To most being asked to move in would seem like it's not much of a big deal but this is Victor we are talking about after all. Liliana walked over to Victor standing at his side looking up to him, his face flustered. "You really want me to move in?"
Victor cleared his throat. "I mean if you don't want to just say so, you already know how busy my schedule is.-"
Liliana quickly wrapped her arms around Victor and held him tightly. "Of course I want to move in! I practically live with you anyways."
Victor smiled flipping the pancake over. "Dummy."
Liliana smiled into Victor's side. "I love you, Victor."
Victor patted the top of Liliana's head. "I love you too, Lili."

Liliana gave Victor a long, deep, passionate kiss and waved him off. "Have a good day at work, Victor." She smiled up at him, suddenly feeling a pain deep in her chest. Like something just didn't feel right.
"Please call me when you get to LFG." Liliana said still feeling that pain in her chest.
Victor looked at her. "Of course, dummy."
Victor walked to his car, got inside, and pulled off. Liliana sighed watching Victor leave. Liliana turned around and stepped back inside sighing to herself again. Since Victor wanted to wait until the weekend to get the rest of her things she decided she would just draw plans for her two new clients from the Charitable ball event. She turned on her Pandora and sat drawing out her designs. Her mind still on what happen last night. The way Victor held her, his kisses, the way his eyes looked deep into her with lust. Liliana having a hard time concentrating her phone began to ring. She looked at the caller ID. "Oh, it's Lucien."
"Hey, Lucien!" Liliana smiled.
"Hey, Ms. Liliana." Lucien said looking out his window.
"I haven't seen you in a few days, everything alright?" Lucien asked resting his head on the palm of his hand.
"Oh, I'm fine. I've been staying at Victor's for the past couple of days." Liliana said turning down her music.
"Ah, I see. So are you two living together now?" Lucien asked Liliana.
"Actually, we were talking about this morning. I practically live with him anyways." Liliana got up and paced around the living room.
Lucien halfheartedly chuckled on the phone. "Well, I'm glad my delicate flower is happy."
Liliana giggled. "I'm very happy. So can I ask you something since we're on the phone."
Lucien sat down on his bed. "Sure, ask."
Liliana sighed and explained her dreams to Lucien that she was having. The feeling of how real they felt to her. Liliana heard Lucien taking a deep sigh. "They could something in your past, or it could possibly just your mind making up dreams."
Liliana sat back down on the couch leaning back. "But, they just feel so real. But it is possible. Well I'm sure you are busy at work. I'll talk to you later, Lucien."
Lucien halfheartedly chuckled. "Alright, take care Liliana."
Liliana sat her phone on the end table and smiled. 'It was really good to talk to Lucien. But.. he seemed very distant.. Well I did kind of lead him on..' Liliana leaned back on the couch looking up at the ceiling. 'Stupid!' Liliana yawned and laid back on the couch cushion starring up into the ceiling. 'Maybe, since things have calmed down I can go talk to Lucien. Maybe clear some things up, I need to apologize honestly.' Liliana yawned again. She rolled on her side and looked towards the wooden floor. 'I just hope I can figure out someway to make things better between me and Lucien..' She yawned again, her world fading into blackness.

Victor pulled in front of LFG and got out of the vehicle. He stepped inside the double doors of LFG greeting everyone. Goldman quickly speed walking next to Victor stumbling his papers a little. "Mr. Li, why did you leave so suddenly from the Charitable Ball Event?! There were still plenty of important CEO's you needed to talk too!"
Victor cleared his throat pressing the elevator button. "That is none of your concern. Tell the men I was suppose to meet me in my office in a few days. As of today, I have plans."
Goldman fixed his glasses. "What do you mean?! You have plans today?! Mr. Li, I apologize for speaking out of tone but ever since you started dating Ms. Mitzuki your work has been falling.-"
Victor stepped inside looking at Goldman with a stern look on his face. "I would highly advise not finishing that sentence, if you want to keep your job."
Goldman dabbed the sweat on his forehead. "Yes sir, I do apologize for my behavior. I'll get right to it."
The elevator door shut and Victor shook his head. A year ago around this time Victor was busy with his company and the next client. Not all that interested in having a lover or settling down yet. But all it took for him to meet Liliana for him to change all that. He smirked a little reaching the 10th floor. He stepped out and walked towards his office. He walked inside, walking over to his desk and sat down at his desk. Pulling out his phone he typed a text out to Liliana.

"To: Lili
          I made it to LFG safely. I'll be home in a few hours, make sure you get some work done for the client while I'm gone... I love you." Sent.

Victor put his phone back in his pocket and began typing away at his computer. As Victor was typing a small black hole began to form in his office. 'What the..?' Victor stood up and walked over to the small black hole now starting to become larger. Victor could slowly see a picture forming in the black hole. 'Is that the future?' Victor thought to himself. He could feel himself slowly being sucked into the black hole becoming even larger. 'I'm sorry, Lili.. Please don't worry about me..' Victor now gone with not a trace of him left behind.

Liliana quickly sat up and looked around the room. She grabbed her phone off of the end table and looked at the time. "5:30pm?!?!?!" Liliana quickly stood up. 'Oh a text from Victor.' She pulled up the text from Victor.

"From: Victor
         I made it to LFG safely. I'll be home in a few hours, make sure you get some work done for the client while I'm gone... I love you."

Liliana smiled but realized that was at 1:30pm. 'But, that was 4 1/2 hours ago.. He would've at least called me by now, or at least came home. Victor would've told me he had to work a little later or something came up.. I'll just give him a call.'
*Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring..*
"Hello, no one is able to take your call. Please leave your message after the tone."
"Hey, Victor.. I'm sure your at a meeting or something. I'm glad you made it to LFG safely. I'll make sure to have the plans finished for the client before the deadline.. Uhm, I love you too. Please make sure you get back safe and sound. Okay, bye." Liliana hung up the phone and placed it back on the end table.
"Okay time to get some more work done." She turned back on her Pandora, and began drawing for the client's doll house.

Liliana woke up that morning on the couch. It was 8:00am. "Victor." She sat up and looked around. She got up and walked to the kitchen, no Victor to been seen. She went upstairs and searched, but no sign of Victor. She walked down the stairs and grabbed her phone calling Goldman.
"Good, morning Ms. Mitzuki what can I do for you?" Goldman said typing away at his keyboard.
"Hey, Goldman. I have a question for you. Did you see Victor at all yesterday?" Liliana said sitting down on the couch.
"I did, he went to his office to go get some things done before going back home to see you." Goldman said still typing away.
"Have you been to his office recently? Would he by chance still be in his office? I know he sometimes has a tendency to fall asleep in his office." Liliana said stretching her arm out.
"He's not in his office, he might have left on a sudden trip." Goldman stopped typing on his keyboard.
"No, he would've told me. Goldman I gotta go." Liliana hung up the phone. She looked outside and it was raining. She got her jacket, shoes, and ran out the front door. Texting his phone and calling him until her phone died. She refused to stop looking for him, she didn't call the police just because of how much of an important person he is to LFG. It would cause a wide spread search for the CEO and Victor didn't need that right now. She searched all of Loveland City. She searched at LFG and there was indeed no sign of Victor. She searched until she reached the woods at the end of a clearing, falling to her knees she looked at the ground. Her tears mixed with the rain. 'Victor.. where are you.' She brought her hands up to her face crying into her hands.

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