Chapter 7: A Day With Lucien

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Liliana was sitting in her bedroom that morning looking out her window. She wasn't able to sleep a wink since seeing the figure in her back yard. She felt that this might be the beginning of something to come. First the emails, then her grandfathers death, next the black figure she seen in her back yard just staring at her. 'Who was that?' Liliana thought to herself. Liliana brought her knees up to her chest. 'Lucien has been very distant lately. I usually receive a call or at least a text message from him but ever since Victor and myself started dating he's pushed me away.. Again..' She rested her head on her knees and scratched her head. She picked her head up and looked at the time. 'It's 8:00 in the morning.. I'm sure Lucien is already in the lab..' Liliana laid her head back down on her knee's staring out the window again. She reached over and grabbed her phone to text Victor.
"When you get back from the States I need to talk to you about something.. No need to worry. It's nothing about you and myself but.. It's about those emails you found.." Sent!
Liliana wasn't sure how Victor would react. 'It is pretty late over there..' Liliana thought to herself. Liliana heard a ding and picked up her phone. 'Oh it's Lina.'
"What are your plans for tonight?" Sent to Liliana.
"Hm well nothing particular. I finished the doll house and gave it to the client so I have nothing until Wednesday. Why whats up?" Sent to Lina.
"Well we're getting together tonight for a Karaoke night at the bar. You wanna come?" Sent to Liliana.
Liliana sat and pondered to herself. 'Hmm Karaoke does sound like fun..'
"Do you mind if I invite a friend? I'm not sure if he will show up but I'd still like to invite him.." Sent to Lina.
"Hey the more the merrier. Hopefully your friend shows up. See you tonight at 7 bubs!" Sent to Liliana.
Liliana smiled. "I'll see you tonight sis." Sent to Lina.
Liliana flopped on her bed and looked up at the ceiling. 'Should I try and inviting him?' Liliana thought to herself. 'What if I gave him mixed vibes? Well I did kiss him..' Liliana took her pillow and brought it to her face.
"Ughh! What do I do!!" Liliana yelled into her pillow.
"You know what I'll just send him a text and see if he replies. But I do hope he comes tonight. He needs to take it easy for a little while.." Liliana moved the pillow off of her face and text Lucien.
"Hey Lucien.. Tonight my friends are having a karaoke night at the bar in downtown Loveland. I'd really love for you to come. I hope you are taking it easy and taking care of yourself.." Sent!
Liliana threw her blankets off and got out of her bed. "Alright time to start the day!"

Lucien's phone buzzed, showing a text message from Liliana. Lucien hesitated at first but decided to look at her message.
"Hey Lucien.. Tonight my friends are having a karaoke night at the bar in downtown Loveland. I'd really love for you to come. I hope you are taking it easy and taking care of yourself." From Liliana.
Lucien sighed debating if he should reply back. Lucien sat his phone back down on the counter and sat in silence.

Liliana was at the bar still at the counter drinking saki when Lina came running up to her. "Bubs it's your turn to sing."
Liliana nodded her head and smiled. "Okay, okay."
Liliana stood up and walked up on stage to the microphone. She looked at the list of music and seen one of her favorite songs. She peered around the crowd and didn't see Lucien. "Woo you go Liliana! Sing your heart out."
Liliana giggled. 'I haven't even started yet and Lina is already rooting for me.'
(Faded- Alan Walker)
Liliana swayed side to side a little to the music. "You were the shadow to my light did you feel us. Another star you fade away. Afraid our aim is out of site wanna see us. Alight. Where are you now? Where are you now? Where are you now? Was it all in my fantasy? Where are you now? Were you only imaginary? Where are you now? Atlantis. Under the sea. Under the sea-ea. Where are you now? Another dream. The monsters running wild inside of me. I'm faded. I'm faded. So lost. I'm faded."
Liliana was lost in the music when she noticed someone walking up to the stage. 'Is that.. Lucien?' Liliana thought to herself. 'Is he coming to sing with me?' Liliana smiled happily that Lucien finally came.
Lucien picked up the microphone and started singing. "These shallow waters never met what I needed. I'm letting go, a deeper dive. Eternal silence of the sea. I'm breathing. Alive. Where are you now? Where are you now."
Liliana chimed in with Lucien. "Under the bright light faded nights you set my heart on fire. Where are you now? Where are you now?"
Lucien looked at Liliana and smiled. "Where are you now? Atlantis. Under the sea. Under the sea-ea. Where are you now? Another dream. The monsters running wild inside of me. I'm faded. I'm faded. So lost. I'm faded. I'm faded. So lost I'm faded."
Lucien and Liliana took a bow and everyone in the bar applaud. Lucien and Liliana walked off the stage and walked up to the table where Lina and Goldman were sitting. "Everyone this is Lucien. Lucien this is Lina and this is Goldman."
Lina gasped. "Aren't you that new Professor that moved here to Loveland last year?"
Lucien nodded. "I'm very good friends of Liliana's. It's very nice to meet you both."
Goldman reached over the table. "Likewise. Liliana are you sure Mr. Li will be okay with this? You know how he feels with you hanging out with the Professor."
Liliana knocked Goldman on the head. "There is no harm in spending time with a friend. Now stop trying to ruin the mood and lets have fun!"
Liliana and Lucien sat down at the table across from Lina and Goldman. "Oh I know what game we can play! Spin the bottle! Loser takes a shot."
Liliana's eyes got wide. "Oh no see now you both are really trying to get me into trouble."
Lina giggled. "Pft no not at all. Now I'll spin it first."
Lina spun the bottle and it landed on Goldman. "So do you have any complaints working for Mr. Li?"
Goldman decided not to answer and took a shot. "See now you aren't gonna be the fun one."
Goldman stuck his tongue out at Lina. "Okay my turn."
Goldman spun the bottle and it landed on Liliana. "So do you really like Victor like you say you do or is it for the money?"
Liliana dropped her jaw and punched Goldman in the cheek. "I'm not sure what possessed you to ask such a silly question yes I truly like Victor and no I'm not using him for his money. I own a company. Why would I need Victor's money if I have money of my own."
Liliana grabbed the bottle. "Okay. It's my turn."
Liliana spun the bottle and it landed on Lina. "So is there anyone you like?"
Lina became a little flustered. "Yeah.. Sorta kinda.. But he is way out of my league."
Liliana smiled. "Oh who could that be?"
Lina smiled. "Kiro.. Ah he's so dreamy. They way he smiles. His eyes as blue as the sky. His personality is everything. Not to mention he seems like he is a down to earth type of guy. But of course he probably wouldn't want someone like me."
Liliana shook her head. "Nonsense! I'm sure he would really like you!"
Lina looked at Liliana. "Are you sure?"
Liliana smiled. "Mmhhm!"
Liliana passed the bottle to Lucien. "Okay your turn Lucien."
He took the bottle and spun it. It landed directly on Liliana.
"Hmm. So it's my turn." Lucien feeling a bit of the alcohol.
"Liliana.. Who is the most important to you?" Liliana choked on her soda.
"I know your with Victor but who truly is the most important to you?" Liliana looked at Lucien.
"Lucien you already know how I feel about Victor. Regardless of how he was to me or how he treats me sometimes I love him. I know it's too early to say that but he's been there for me since I began my business and has helped me grow.. He.. He's the most important to me!" Liliana took a shot
"I'm going to go use the bathroom." Liliana stood up, grabbed her bag, and walked to the women's restroom.
"Liliana wait!" Lina got up and followed after Liliana.
Goldman downed his shot. "Well.. that went well huh."
Lucien sat in silence and took a shot. "Hey man no need to worry about it. I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it."
Lucien stood up and walked followed behind Liliana and Lina.
Goldman took another shot. "And there went the fun.."

Lina following behind Liliana. "Liliana wait!"
Liliana walked into the women's bathroom. "Bub's would you hold up a sec!"
Lina following into the women's bathroom.
Lina stood by the bathroom door. "Bubs.. I'm sure the Professor meant no harm by asking that question.."
Liliana sat on the toilet seat. "Lina.. I brought this on me. Before me and Victor started dating.. I kissed Lucien."
Lina sighed. "Bubs.. did he try to stop you?"
Liliana shook her head. "No.. But I thought Victor was with Chik! I thought.. I thought"
Lina sighed again. "Look bubs.. You are both to blame for this. You for the misunderstanding between Victor and Chik and leading Lucien on but Lucien didn't stop it. He knew you weren't all right in the heart and in your feelings.. you at the time didn't know who you truly wanted."
Liliana sighed. "Unfortunately it's true. Lucien just.. the way he held me.. the way he spoke to me.. the way he was gentle. He was so gentle he could run goosebumps down your spine. And Victor he is everything that I want. Not for money like you guys think. The way Victor is in public and in private is completely different. To you.. You think I'm making a mistake being with Victor but you guys just don't understand.."
Lina wiped a tear from her eye. "Is this how you truly feel Liliana..?"
Liliana nodded her head. "Sis I love Victor with every ounce of my being. I would die for Victor."
Lina sighed. "Well what about Lucien? Have those feelings changed?"
Liliana rested her head on her hands. "Yes and no.."
Lina leaned against the door. "Explain?"
Liliana sighed. "Well he's secretive and mysterious. I feel like he is pushing me away. I want us to stay as friends. It won't be the same I know but I know him but at the same time I don't know him. It's like something within him is changing. Maybe it's me or maybe it's Lucien but something is different.."
Lina sighed. "Well come out of the bathroom and talk to him. I'm sure he'll understand."
Liliana opened the door. "Your right. Let me wash my hands and I'll be right out."
Lina gave Liliana a hug and smiled. "It's going to be okay bubs. I have faith things are going to turn out fine."
Liliana smiled. "Your right."

Lina walked out of the bathroom and seen Lucien standing in the hallway. "Hey Lucien. Liliana will be right out to talk to you."
Lina could see that Lucien was a little drunk. "Now behave yourself."
Liliana stepped out of the women's bathroom and seen Lucien standing out in the hallway. "Oh.. Hey Lucien.."
Lucien stumbled a little and slammed Liliana against the wall. "Lucien.. What are you doing?"
Lucien held onto Liliana's wrists. Pinning her against the wall. "Hey... Lucien.. Why are you acting like this?"
Liliana was startled smelling a unique grassy scent and faint alcohol. Liliana looking at Lucien in total shock. "Lucien look I'm sorry.. Just calm down.."
Liliana's heart was racing in her chest. Lucien looked mistily into her eyes. "So the person who is the most important person to you.. Is Victor.."
"Huh?" Liliana looking into Lucien's eyes.
"Tell me! Why!" Liliana scrunched her eyes.
"Lucien he was there for me.. Okay! I've known him since I started my company.. He was there when my grandfather was murdered. He was just there. Look we can't talk like this when your drunk. Please Lucien calm down!" 'Lina.. Goldman.. Someone.. Anyone!' Liliana pleading to anyone. Hoping someone can calm Lucien down.
Lucien slowly sobering up he realized what he was doing. He let Liliana go and he slouched to the floor. "I'm sorry.. I..- I should.."
Liliana got on her knees. "Lucien.. Do you know who else is important to me..?"
Lucien slowly brought up his head and seen a beautiful pair of deep sea blue eyes looking into his eyes. "Who?"
Liliana hugged Lucien tightly. "You Lucien.."
Lucien's eyes got wide. "Why..?"
Liliana smiled. "Because.. You've also been there for me. You helped me when I really and truly needed someone. You've been a very very good friend to me and I'm sorry I led you on the way I did. Please forgive me.."
Lucien felt the pieces of his heart breaking he hugged the girl and held her tight.. "Please just hold me a little while longer.."
Liliana nodded her head. "Okay.."

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