OLD//Chapter 2

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George's POV
    I get up quite anxious as if I'm not daily,but today im visiting my parents,my very hmophobic parents that I do not wish to see as I havent come out to them and every time I try to they always start asking me when I will bring a nice lady home as my girlfriend and that they aren't getting any younger and they want grandchildren. I always have a valid excuse like I have to do my work or I haven't found the right person,but that's all just lies.
    I am up and out of bed grabbing a pair of clothes out of my drawers.A light blue oversized sweater with tan khakis and a white polo undershirt with some white nikes.I make my way down my hallway to my bathroom about to get n the shower,but not yet stripped of clothing when I hear my dog coe barking down the hallway most likely asking for food.
    "Sadie what is it?"I ask her knowing she won't respond to me.I let the warm water continue running as I walk into my kitchen to feed my dog grabbing a cup and dipping it in her food bag and pouring it into her muted pink bowl or so I hope is pink.She does her food and I let a chuckle go through my lips."You're so funny girlie,take your time before you joke"I giggle and turn to go back to the bathroom.
    I close and lock the door and turn back around. I don't know why I lock the door,but I just do. I strip out of my oversized t-shirt and joggers and slowly start to get in the shower,but as I do I  catch a glimpse at myself. I start to think of how small I am and how skinny and tiny I am. God I'm so ugy as well. I slowly started falling into a self critical despair for what seemed like many minutes,but in reality was only around 10 seconds.
    I look away and run my fingers through my hair as I am engulfed in the warmth of the shower. I slowly feel at ease without all the comments my own brain comes up with when I see myself. Instead I let the warm water wash over me making me feel cozy and nice on the inside and out. I grab the shampoo and start to wash my hair and rinse then repeat with the conditioner. I finish up as the water is growing cold telling me I've been in for too long and slowly get out.
I ry off and put my clothes on getting my hair dryer out along with my cologne per say. It smells like marshmallows and cinnamon. I know it's not the most manly smell,but I like it so why not it also just brings the outfit together as it is fall turning into winter after all. I grab my brush and start drying my hair off brushing it out making it extra fluffy. I hear my dog running down the hallway and let her in.
"Hey girlie",I say as I start talking to her,"You know I gotta go in about 2 minutes right?".She sits there happily in the doorway with her tongue lolling out the right side of her mouth."C'mere"I say to her and she comes bounding towards me. I began to pick her up and take her out of the bathroom turning off the lights as I closed the door. I start walking towards my room grabbing my phone and sitting her down on my bed wishing her well and saying goodbye.
I go outside and the wind soon blows in my face turning it a slight color of blotchy red on my cheeks. I get in my car and start driving to my parents house which is a relatively small drive only about 5 minutes,so it doesn't take long for me to pull into the driveway. I sigh slowly getting out of my car. I walk up to the door and before I know it I'm bombarded with my mother hurrying me in out of the early morning chill.
"Georgie,how have you been? It feels like forever since we last saw you",she takes a pause,"well it's good to see you"she smiles warmly at him. I look at her thinking about how that smile is going to change soon after I tell her what I am planning to say. "It's good to see you too mum"I replied with a fake smile. I hear my father coming to the living room where we had been talking."Hey son you got a girlfriend yet?"he asks. I freezes up,but gains the courage to speak up.
"About that",I paused, rubbing the back of his neck nervously,"Can we sit down?"I asked them in a voice a little above a whisper. Mum nods her head and takes my hands as we all sit down on the couch. They look at me with concern in their eyes. I breathe in and let a shaky breath pass my lips."Mum and Dad I won't be getting a girlfriend"I breathe out as I feel the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "What do you mean honey"my mum starts slowly. I hear my dad growl,"Yeah what do you mean?"I gather the confidence I have left to spit out,"Im gay"I say weakly.
My mom gasps,but leans in to hug me. I hug back thanking her silently through my sobs. I hear my dad stand up not knowing where he is going. I look up slightly to see him looming over me and my mum. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE"his loud voice booms through the house. I visibly shake and so does my mum. "What do you mean Henry?"my mum questions my dad now standing up in front of me as if she was guarding me."What do you mean women that are not my child and should not be in this home"his voice booms,but mum is standing her ground.
"Henry you better lower your tone right now she snaps or so help me"her voice now growing louder.''Mum it's fine i'll call you when I get home"I say quietly standing up heading towards the door. I feel 2 hands pushing me towards the door and I slowly fall forwards till my hands catch me before I face plant right before the door. I go to stand up,but feel a kick in the gut and I roll over in pain hugging my sides crying out."HENRY STOP IT RIGHT NOW"I hear my mum scream faintly as the pain drowns out all the sounds surrounding me.
I stand up painfully and run out the door hearing screams behind. I'm definitely not going home. I jump into my car and pull it into reverse as I put my seatbelt on. I wince in pain at the gnawing discomfort I feel in my lower stomach. I see a local diner and decide to pull in as I haven't had anything to eat yet.

Hey guys the next update will be of my schedule also have a good day lovelies
1228 words :))

Assassination~DNFWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt