REWRITE//A new face

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Dream's POV

Time Skip 3 hours,, 8:23 pm

"Ngh" I hear his groan, waking me up. I wake up with my eyes still closed, to tired to actually want to get up. Feeling him push himself up then flop down on top of me, made me know this boy was oblivious to our position.

As air is knocked out of me as he did so, I open my eyes and he's staring right back at me. Woah, his eyes are really brown. His face is flushed and he immediately sits up, making my arms fall from around him to his ass. I yank my hands back and sit them on either side of his thighs

I chuckle at the position I'm in, a cute British boy sitting on top of me with a flustered look on his face. "I'm so sorry" he stammered and I wheezed, receiving a glare from him that was soon brought down to a giggles as he rolled off of me.

That was my first sleep since I got to England, and it was probably one of the best I've had. I sit up and stretch out, yawning. Rubbing my eyes I look over to him as he picked up our cups and the pizza box.

I look around taking in the small apartment and see the tiny puppy from before running towards me.

"Awe aren't you a cutie" I scratch her ears. Standing up and finding my way to his kitchen where he was cleaning up I hop on the counter top, crossing my legs.

"Is it fine if I crash here tonight? My apartment doesn't have shit in it, I mean it's fine if not I can book a hotel" I ask him. "Yeah sure you can have my bed if you want, I can take the couch". I nod not wanting to sleep on the couch. Yeah it was comfy, but I was a little do tall.

I slip off the counter and start wondering around the apartment. Opening a random door I find a really clean bathroom, I close it and continue to walk around. I hadn't even been in my apartment, I still had to get all my stuff shipped. Opening another door I find a bedroom.

Seeing a computer setup and bright blue leds around the room, I assumed this was his. The walls were littered with posters mainly consisting of Minecraft. I missed back in the day playing Minecraft without a care.

Closing the door, I walk back to the kitchen and see he's resting on his elbows, rubbing his head almost like he was in pain. "Hey are you okay George?" I walked up to him rubbing his back.

"Huh, oh ya I'm fine. Just today was..well a lot" I nod and remove my hand. "Well let's get to bed I guess" he ushers me to follow him to his room. Opening the door I'm met with the same scene as before and he pulls the blanket up and grab some pillows from his closet.

"This is where you'll be sleeping, I hope it is good. If you need anything help yourself, and uh you can always leave if you aren't comfortable. Uh yeah here's the remote to my TV" he hands me a remote and starts to walk out.

"Goodnight, if I'm not up before you, you can wake me up or not whatever you're comfortable with" it felt awkward having someone being so hospitable, I rub the back of my neck.

"Yeah, goodnight and thanks for everything" I tell him and he smiles, shutting the door. Oh my gosh, is he clueless? A random person in his house and he acts like this. He must be prepared to die or something. I shake my head getting into the bed, which the pillows smelled a lot like him.

That sounds weird, but he did have a certain scent to him, almost like an old spice cinnamony warm smell. Strange. I nestle into the bed covering up with a large amount of covers, cold and tired.

Drifting off to sleep, I plan my day for tomorrow.

George's POV

Opening my eyes and stretching, I begin my day. Getting up and hearing some noises in my kitchen, I go investigate.

Casually walking and peeping my head, I see Dream making something and sniffing the air, it smelled like pancakes. Really good pancakes.

"Well good morning" I say and I see his body flinch and he turns around holding out a spatula as a weapon.

"Bahahaha, what are you going to do? Flip me?" I laugh at the tall man's actions. "I just might" he says before wiping his finger in something and walking towards me. My sleepy brain didn't move as he wiped some kind of batter on my face.

"Uh" I gasp at it and he turns tail smirking and walks back to the food. Wiping it off and walking back towards him and wipe it on his cheek. He scoffs nod wipes it off.

To be honest, I didn't know why he was cooking, but it looked good. The plate of a stack of pancakes all fluffy and a perfect brown enticing me. Finally noticing a little puppy at our feet, I bend down and pick her up.

"Hey Sadiee" I say in a baby voice. She licks my face and I put her back down making a note to take her outside later. "So you can cook?" I ask him and he glances at me for a second, before turning down the heat and turning towards me.

"Yeah, not to boast but pretty well" he had a smug look on his face, very proud of the fact. "Well these look really good" I complimented and his face got even more proud. I remembered his mask on the coffee table.

"So what's with the mask?" His smile slowly faded and he rubbed his neck. "We'll long story short, uh I guess facial dysmorphia and insecurities" I nod, we'll that kinda reminds me of my body issues. "I understand" is all I say before he flips up the last pancake and puts it on a plate.

Grabbing another plate from my cabinet, which I didn't tell him where the plates were, he turned towards me. "How many?" I look at the stack and decide 2. "2 please and thanks!". I grab syrup from my cabinet and open it up.

"Well today I was planning on moving my stuff in. I was wonder if you'd help me?" He asked as he brought both plates over to my dining table. "Of course!". "Drink?" and I replied with water.

Sitting down and eating with someone felt nice. Having their presence with you in is comforting in itself. I bit into the pancake and it was as delicious as it looks. "This is really good" I point at it swallowing my food.

He wheezes and I laugh with him. His laugh was out of control, it ranged from chuckles to full on wheezing and crying. We continued to eat our food and discussed our plans for the day.

Hooking on Sadies harness was the worst part of taking her on a walk. She was so wiggly and jumping around it was practically impossible to put on.

Though once we did she was quite tame. We had decided to walk together as I had to take out Sadie. "So, you do this twice a day?" he asked as we walked out of my apartment and into the elevator. "Yup twice a day and feed her once" I report.

Walking out the apartment building we start our walk around the neighborhood. We planned on moving his very few things as he said around 1 and it was 11 now.

Sadie smelled everything. Sniffing and peeing around certain spots. Eventually we made it up to a alleyway and she perked up. I looked into the alleyway and didn't see anything, but soon heard a few pitiful meows.

"Huh a cat?" Dream perked up and trudged into the dark alley alone and I jogged after him. Turning on my phone flash since it was quite dark, Sadie turned to a trash can and dipped her head down.

Turning my phone, there was a tiny tabby kitten. "Awe, it's only a baby" Dream whispered crouching down and offering out a hand. The kitten hesitated, before rubbing its head against his hand.

He picked it up and turned towards me. I couldn't see his face as he had a mask on, but his actions spoke for itself. "C'mon let's get her cleaned up and some food" he bounced up and down like a child.

We began walking towards our nearest pet store.

And end~

A/N~ PATCHES YES! I needed to have patches in the story no doubt. This is steering of the course of the original and that's need, don't worry the dance scene will still happen...or maybe it won't >:) ANYWAYS I love you and I hoped you liked this chapter, drink some water and eat something..

1516 words

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