REWRITE//A not so good meal

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2471 words

George's POV

What was that? That was like a scene out of a romance novel or something. Well he was just being friendly, yeah that's it! That's what friends do.

I bring my attention back to him. He answered the phone for someone named, Schlatt? "Yeah yeah I'll get it done. No, yeah bye" he huffed as he turned back to me. He looked irritated.

"Hey sorry my idiot boss called. Oh uh also thanks for the past few days..and helping me move in..and letting Patches sleep over at your place" I laugh at the many thanks. "It's no problem, it wasn't a problem". "Well I really appreciate it" I smile at him and his phone dings.

He grins wildly at his phone. A girlfriend? "Hey what do you think about eating out with a friend of mine? He's like my best friend, I think I've mentioned him. His name is Nick, but we all call him Sapnap".

"Yeah sure when?". "Say 6?". I nodded and then it was settled.

Dream's POV

It's about 5:45 and it's supposed to be really cold this evening. "Hey I'm going to go get ready" I look up as he gets up and heads to his room. I hear the thumps of his footsteps fade away. I stayed seated on the couch, I was already ready. Since we were eating out I decided to wear sunglasses and a black half mask, so I could actually eat, and just a classic lime green hoodie and black jeans.

I continue petting both Patches and Sadie, but raise my head up when I hear footsteps softly walking down the hallway. He pops out from the corner wearing a pale cerulean shirt.

I don't mean to, but I look him up and down taking in his outfit. The shirt goes with his black ripped jeans and I see he added some bracelets as well. "Why are you always wearing blue?". "Can't I wear the color of my choice" he retorts. I laugh, "Okay okay feisty Gogy".

"Gogy? Why Gogy?". "Why blue?". "Okay fine it's not even a secret, I'm color-blind and it's like the only not gross looking color", he shrugged," so why Gogy?". Woah he's colorblind? I pull my mask down and remove my glasses. "So you can't see this?" I point to my hoodie.

"No. It's the color of piss. Now tell me 'Gogy?'". Piss he says? Well what did he plan to do with only a shirt? Looks like someone doesn't check the weather. I suddenly got an idea. I stand up and start walking towards him grinning wickedly.

"W-what are you doing?" I didn't respond. I remove my hoodie and smoothly slip it over his head and over his body. I had a thick black long sleeved shirt on underneath, so I was fine for the night, but him going out like that he's trying to freeze to death.

It's over his head and his face is undoubtedly flushed, bright red shaded his player skin. "Well I went with Gogy's cute" I shrugged, ''I liked cute things "and I don't think you wanna take off the piss hoodie since it's going to be really cold tonight". "You disgust me" I wheezed, having to hold my stomach from laughing so hard, his face was even more red. I bet if I touched it, it'd be warm to the touch.

He slipped his arms through the sleeves and shook his head. "Okay are we gonna go meet up with Nick now you weirdo?" I wiped a tear from my eye, this guy is the funnest victim I've had in a long time.

"Yeah, yeah let's go" and with that we were off towards the restaurant.

George's POV

"Hey I'm George" I greeted myself to a raven haired dude. We're we're practically the same height, and he looked nice. His smile was warm and welcoming and I liked that, I think we could be good friends.

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