REWRITE//The plan

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3rd POV

"Come on in" Sapnap ushered the two boys. Dream was beyond suspicious and also confused. He had thought of many things that could save George, but none of them that would be truly successful without telling George.

As he and George sat on Sapnaps couch, he began to grow nervous. Anxious at what Sapnap would say. "I'll be right back, stay here" Sapnap commanded as he jogged to his room. "I wonder why he told us to stay here" George muttered. Dream's mind wondered as well.

'What was Sapnap up to?'. "Okay, promise not to freak out" Sapnap called out from the hallway. "We promise" Dream answered and as he did a curly brown headed man walked out with Sapnap. Dream immediately knew who it was, one of Sapnaps past targets, Karl.

Dream's POV

"So, this is Karl..and he is also my Husband" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He married an old target, who was supposedly dead by poison. "Well it's nice to meet you Karl! I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier Sapnap, but Im gay. I didn't know how you would react so I kept it to myself" George stood up and was walking up to Karl. "Oh it's fine, I totally understand!".

My best friend was married and I didn't even know? I'll definitely get him something later on after all this. "Congrats Nick, I'm proud of you" I also got up and started walking over to greet myself. Karl didn't look at me weird when I had my mask on, and I'm guessing Sapnap had told him I wore one.

"Im Dream, it's nice to meet you"I shook his hand and looked over to George. "Im George" he shook his hand as well and Karl giggled. He seemed like a perfect match for Sapnap, I know they really care for each other. But, how is he even here?

"Sapnap, what about what we talked about on the phone?" I asked him. "Exactly, so are you going to tell him?" I freeze up, how could I tell him anything. He'd hate me forever..I don't want him to hate me. I mean if he tells me to stay out of his life after then what would I do?

I look over to George laughing with Karl, as long as he gets to live, that's enough for me. "Okay, but how?". "Look me and Karl can be beside you when you tell him, but it's not something for us to tell him. You need to do that on your own, all I can say is he is calm about it and make sure he hears you out" He advised and I nodded.

I try to muster up what courage I could, and called George over to me. "George, I have something to tell you..uh sir with me on the couch" He looked confused but followed me.

"What did you want to tell me?" He questioned and I took a deep breath in. "You promise not to be mad, well you can be mad but promise not to freak out" George was a rational person, so when he said he wouldn't freak out I believed him.

"George, first off I'm so sorry for all of this. I never thought that me meeting you would lead to this, but I was hired to kill you. BUT I would never do that, and Sapnap has a plan to save yours and hopefully my life" he looked terrified, but as the silence grew he let out a deep sigh.

"Sapnap and I are assassins of sort, Karl was actually one of his targets" George's head turned toward Karl and Sap, who were holding each other's hands listening to us. "Sapnap, please explain the plan since I haven't heard it either" he cleared his throat and broke away from Karl and stood in front of us.

Sapnap was always a passionate person, but the fiery look in his eyes was on another level. "So, the unspoken rule of our business is if you fail to kill your target you get killed and so does your target either way" I nodded already knowing, but George gulped as he continued to listen, "me and Karl were able to get out of the business by faking our deaths!".

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