REWRITE//The future

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1153 words

Dream's POV

"What now?". I grinned, I had so many ideas and thoughts ever since we first heard the plan. We could live together if he wanted to, be together, have a life together. "What are you smiling at?" His soft voice interrupted my thoughts.

"What do you want to do, we have our lives to ourselves. I can finally do whatever and find a real job!" I spun around again and allowed us to fall backwards onto our bed. "Well I do have a question". "Yup?". "Well what are we? I mean our relationship" his face cringed. I hadn't really thought about a label.

"George, will you go out with me?" I asked, but I was scared of the answer. What if he didn't want anything to do with me after this. "Of course," he answered, kissing my cheek. "You need to keep the beard you got going on, it looks good on you" he told me, rubbing both sides of my face.

I thought I looked messy, but if he liked it I would definitely keep it. I pulled him into a kiss, once I'd craved since this morning. We kissed multiple times a day, honestly I could never get used to kissing him. It always gave me butterflies when we did, I was still getting used to it really.

I gently pull away, he rests his head on mine. "Y'know, we can go on dates now" I spoke up, running my hands through his hair stopping as he lifted his head up to speak. "Yup, we can do whatever relationships do. Are we going to live together?" I nod vigorously at the idea.

We hear a knock at the door and George rolls off of me, I already miss the warmth he gave me. "Come in" George calls and Sapnap and Karl opens the door. "Hey, we're going out. Didn't know if you wanted to come or?" Sapnap asked and I looked at George.

"I kinda want to relax, it's been stressful recently" he answered and I nodded along with him. "Alright, you two better not fuck" he brought two fingers to his eyes and pointed them back at us as he left the room. "Your stupid snapmap!" I call out loudly as I hear the front door open and shut.

"Gosh, he's so dumb" I grumble under my breath, but would we ever do stuff like that? I don't have much experience, but I think when I met him he said he I guess hooked up with a guy. Does he have experience with that stuff?

"Hey George, have you ever had sex with a man?" He practically spits as I ask the question. He looked over to me, his mouth wide open and eyes wide. "W-well yeah, why?" So he has had experience. "I haven't. I've never dated anyone either, never had the time. I've kissed someone in the past, but it was a mistake" I told him.

I think when we first met, I must've seemed like such an ass. I'm normally rude in general, but I normally don't think about when I'm rude to a target. "Oh well that's fine! You could learn with me", he paused and I started laughing, "okay that sounds weird, but you know what I mean" he explained flustered.

"Yeah I understand, just don't want to fuck anything up" I chuckle, and he nods. He flops onto me, playing on his phone. I let my mind wander. Will we always be together? What am I going to do about a job? I like cooking. Should I go to culinary school? I don't know how the school system is here. Will I be living here?

"Want to be a youtuber?" Almost as if he was reading my mind, he spoke up. "A youtuber? Won't I have to get a pc? And how will I know I'll blow up? And I don't even-". "Dream, you'll be fine. You don't have to, but if you do you can join me in my videos and I can join you" I get a little hope for the future.

Dream's POV

We had been living together for 2 years and it's been the best 2 years of my life. Our anniversary is coming up, and I can't help but think of all the things that were happening when we first got together.

Now we had our own lives, I had become a streamer, and I've recently been blowing up. Gaining over 10 million subscribers on YouTube, I was a popular Minecraft youtuber. Not exactly how I thought life would pan out in this short time, but it works.

"Dream, Karl wants to stream the smp in 5" George called busting into my office which I used for streaming. "Okay, are you playing?" I had also started my own server, which had been a real boost for us, once a kid named Tommy joined. He was a good kid and every time I talked to him I thought of Toby. I hope he's okay.

"Nah, I'll chill with you in here" he walked over to me and sat down in my lap, I gave his cheek a kiss before loading up the Dream SMP and opening discord. Karl had indeed texted me and I join the call him and Sapnap were in. Sapnap had also started streaming.

"Hey Dream!" Karl greeted me. "Sup Dream" Sapnap spoke up right after. "Hey guys, George is here as well". "Hi" he leaned forward into the mic. "Hey Gogs" the both spoke in unison. "Is this a chill stream?" I asked. "Yup, just wanted a chill stream on the alt". "Alright, are you about to start?". "Already did, have them on the loading screen".

"Okay, I'm already on the server" I switched tabs and opened his stream and then to Minecraft. After a few moments I hear him talk to his stream and then say who's playing, we said hi after each name call. "And we also have George, because dnf" Karl giggled after exposing the fact George was with me.

Of course we were dating in real life, but they didn't need to know that. I switched to his steam and saw the chat already spamming DNF. "Hey guys, I'm here, but I'm not playing" George leaned in again, but fell back against my chest. I loved my life. It couldn't get any better than this.

With our anniversary coming up, I started thinking about marriage. Would we ever be able to do that, I don't have anything about myself. Well I guess we can cross that bridge when we get there, I need to focus on the stream.

And end~

A/N~ this is so cringe, but I hate writing bad endings. You would not believe how many times I rewrote this ;~;. Anyways, I love you stay healthy. Read the next chapter for future plans!

1153 words

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