OLD//Chapter 3

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Dream's POV
I never take my mask off like ever. I've had it on since I was around 16 or so and only take it off in private or around my best friend Nick even then he has only gotten to see my face about a year ago and i've known him since we were 17 I am now 21. I am now pulling into a diner accidently seeing my target pull into the same one. God how dumb wait this is my tme to meet him. I see him park in a spot next to the exit and I park a little way down.
He gets out of his car,but is crying? I get out of my car and slowly follow him in the restaurant. He
gets seated and I decided to take this time to get to know him afterall he is here and is my target. I get seated with weird stares,but I don't take any time to notice them. I am doing far better things than worrying about being self conscious.
For some reason seeing him cry pains my heart to see him cry. What,no what am I thinking. I see him still quietly sobbing his face being stained with tears. I wonder why I mean should I go comfort him or would that be weird? While I was thinking my legs voluntarily moved to his booth. "Um hi"he says with a hoarse voice wiping the tears that have come to dry up.
"H-hi",what did I stutter,"can I sit here?"I asked him cringing at myself. He looked at me with interest and slowly nodded. I sat down looking at him slightly blushing,but he couldn't tell that. "Oh right I just came over here to check if you were okay"I asked him sympathetically. He looks dumbfounded like no one has ever asked him that before. "I-I don't know"he whispers tears coming back to fill his eyes. "Hey-hey it's okay"I reassure him. He hangs his head looking at the table before I stand up.
What am I doing , what am I doing. I slowly move over to his part of the booth and sit down beside him. I start drawing shapes and rubbing his bath soothingly. "Hey it's going to be fine",I pause thinking for words,"do you want to talk about it?"I asked him hopefully soothingly. He nodded surprisingly. "Um, did you want to talk here or?"he asked me. I was kinda flustered by this question,but gave him the choice of coming to my home or to his. He said his and now we were getting into our cars and I was following him to his house.
Apparently we are neighbors. "Ha I just moved in right next to you"I commented as I walked into his home. He told me I could sit down on his couch and wait for him to get a new change of clothes,but while I was waiting a whole lot of barking came bounding down the hallway of his tiny house. A little brown puppy came jumping on me, licking me all over the mask. This is going to be hard to kill him. He has a dog and he is so naive. While lost in thought he had come back down the hallway with a new light blue sweater,but this one was a little big new big and some grey sweats that seemed to hang a little off his tiny hips.
I felt heat rise to my face and was glad the mask covered my face. He sat down after asking me if I wanted anything and I politely declined wanting to know why he was crying. His face was still slightly red and eyes were kinda puffy and pinkish,but his face still looked so delicate. I went closer to him and asked him what was wrong and why he was crying."I well",he started,"I went to my parents home and I told them I was gay after years of being asked if I was ever going to get a girfriend"He stops teasr now falling again.
I scoot closer to him and rub my hand on his back and he melts in the touch. "My mother was supportive,b-but my dad told me to leave and then he u-um pushed me and..."he finished. To be honest I was almost in tears as I felt the pain for him,so I did the only reasonable thing I could do. I hugged him. I wrapped my arms around him and he melted into my arms sobbing."Shushhh it's okay"I rub his back.
After a little bit he finally calms down and apologizes for wetting my jacket,but I tell him it's fine.
"Wait I don't even know your name"he sits up and asks me. "My name is dream",I respond,"And yours?"I ask him knowing his name,but just pulling it together."George,George Davidson."he smiles at me. We talk for a little while finding comfort and ease in each other's presence which is nice to have a good conversation without worrying about anything.
    "Oh um if you don't mind me asking what's up with the whole y'know?"he points at his face I guess talking about the mask." Um I don't know really I guess I just feel insecure more or less"I wasn't completely lying. I did find myself not that attractive, I wasn't skinny,but I wasn't over weight. I was quite fit with a little bit of chub which made me insecure about that and my freckles were another thing.
    "Well what do you look like?"he asks innocently. I think a moment,but decide to tell him the truth.''I of course am 6'3 I have dirty blonde hair which you can see of course that needs a haircut bad",I pause giggling with him,"Um I have toned skin,green eyes,freckles,uh I don't know,but you might get to see me one day"I look back over to him and he reaches up to ruffle my hair. I start to stand up."Do you want to go grab something to eat? I'm starving?"I ask him as he stands up."I mean I could just order something Dream"he looks up at me expecting my answer.
    "Why not?"I shrug and sit back down.He grabbed his phone and started looking up places."What do you want?"He asks me,"Um, I don't know pizza?"I suggest.He nodded and put in an order. He looked over at me and smiled"You wanna watch a movie?"he asked with a goofy grin.I smiled back,but he couldn't see it and nodded my approval.

Hi lovelies!!
I got this app to work and I told y'all it's going to be a good chapter I hope :) cya tomorrow
1163 Words

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