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1339 words

George's POV

This was the craziest thing I'll ever experience, if I live that is. I trust Dream or we'll Clay, I still can't believe we kissed. We actually kissed, I feel the blush creeping onto my face again but quickly push past the thoughts of the day before.

"So, we just have to wait for the confirmation that we've been listed as killed?" I ask Sapnap again. "Yup, we just have to wait. You said you haven't done a face reveal yet right?" I nodded, "okay well that's perfect. Schlatt is sloppy at what he does, he doesn't care to check occupation, but you may have to get a new plate for your cars"

"Okay, so change the plates, keep the job, your boss is lazy" he chuckled. "Exactly and Quackity should be calling this month" Okay Karl and Dream are inside our apartments grabbing the last bit of our stuff, really they should be out any minute now.

Oh and here they come. Karl's carrying 2 animal taxis, with Sadie and Patches in both of them, and Dream is carrying 3 boxes which I think I have the rest of my setup and clothing. I'd already signed all the papers saying I have moved out and such, so really this is all going smoothly.

"Okay, Sapnap. Once you see Patches you'll understand why we have to get kittens" Karl shouts as soon as he opens the car door, and Sapnap just shot a glare at Dream who was cackling.

"I'll think about it" Sapnap tells him and Dream gets into the truck, sitting in the back with me.

Walking inside our new home for now, which was actually Sapnap's and Karl's place, I sat down Sadie and Patches and opened their crates. Sadie rushes out and hops around on the couch, while Patches slowly crawls out looking around.

It was quite cute to see the difference in personality despite them getting along so well. "Hey Sapnap said we can share the room in the back, so neither of us have to sleep on the couch" Dream huffs as he carries in multiple boxes.

"Sounds good" I call back, walking towards the room in question. Opening the door, it wasn't much. A queen size bed, a dresser and a desk. But it would do for now. I walk back out and start grabbing boxes and unpacking as I bring them in to the room.

I didn't have much, but it was still a hefty load of stuff not including Dream's stuff. Which was really 5 boxes and a backpack, he didn't own the stuff from before it was all paid for from his company.

Moving like this reminds me of when I helped Dream move in. The song, the twirling around, the entire atmosphere of the apartment. I can't help but wonder if he felt the same way I did when we danced. I want to kiss him, to touch him, to have him hold me.

Did he crave the same things I wanted from this? I know he said he cared, and I can't believe I almost backed away from kissing him. I can't believe in the short time I've known him, how much he's been there for me. More than anyone I've met put together.

My mind starts to drift off to my parents. What would they think now? How's mom doing? Would dad ever love me again? I still wanted to be in his life if he wanted to be in mine. It still hurts what he did that day, just thinking about it makes me upset.

Arms snake around my waist and I gasp from the sudden touch. "What ya thinking about?" Dream. His chin was resting on my shoulder, I could feel the slight stubble forming from multiple days of not shaving. Honestly it was very attractive on him.

"Just random things" I reply after a moment. He hummed in response. I stopped folding clothes and just relaxed in his embrace. Releasing a breath I didn't know I was holding, I closed my eyes and just let the new warmth wash over me.

Little kisses danced around my neck. Sweet and short each one was, yet each one  still held something with them. I let out a sigh as they got more spirited, my legs wobbling a little. I just wanted to lay down and let him do whatever to me, but we had others in the house.

His tongue slid smoothly over the marks he started making lower down. The ones that were hidden, the ones only the two of us were going to know about. My sighs grew more frequent as the kisses turned to biting and the grip around my waist tightened, a warm hand sliding into my shirt.

"Clay" and "Please" were beginning to be the only words to leave my mouth. With every time I said his real name, the bites and nips were rougher, the hand underneath my shirt gripped hard enough to bruise me. But I liked it, being able to do these things to him, the thought of driving him further made me feel hot and bothered.

But I had to be mindful of the other residents of this house, so I had to be really quiet. My sighs were on the verge of moans, I brought a hand to my mouth to try to soften the sound.

Although, the hand was immediately brought down by him. So instead of trying to cover them up, my hand went to his hair. Tugging and pulling, gently and roughly, I bit down on my lip and was going to bleed if I bit down any harder.

Eventually he stopped, and I released my hold on his hair. "As soon as they leave, you can be as loud as you want" he mumbled before walking out. His gruff voice sent tingles all over me, the way his face was dusted in pink, his glossy eyes. Everything about the moment seemed surreal.

I shakily continued to fold the clothes and put them away as one of the last things we had to do before being fully done with moving. After a few minutes I was finally done, moving wasn too hard besides all the picking things up and moving things around aspect.

I sat down on the bed, tired from unpacking. The room had my leds strung around, and posters, and just little things. Sapnap said we'd be here for 5 or so months before moving out if the plan worked out. Now all to do was wait.

"George!" Dream busted in the room. "Huh? What?" I jumped a little. "Sapnap just got a call from Quackity! My boss fucking believed it and my name was cleared from the system. Oh my god, oh my god, George we fucking did it!" He picked me up and was bouncing and dancing all around.

It had been a few weeks from the time we started this whole thing, and finally we did it. I wrapped my arms around his tightly, and when we walked in his face was flushed just like the time he cried before. Was this time tears of happiness?

My legs wrapped around him as he started to settle down, I cupped his face and brought him into a kiss. This wasn't our first kiss, but it had the same passion. I pulled away, resting my forehead on his. Our breath mingled as we stayed in the position, him wheezing and me giggling.

Tears threatening to slip, I gave him another kiss. Another emotional and tender kiss. "What now?" I ask as I pull away again, his face beamed as soon as the question left my mouth.

And end~

A/N~ Well we are almost at the end of this story. I hope this chapter is up to your satisfaction..I hope you make it to the prologue your not gonna wanna miss what I have for you! I love you all, stay healthy.

1339 words

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