REWRITE// A new thought

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1365 words

Dream's POV

How could I think like that? I'm an assassin. A killer. I can I kill him? I mean he's getting as close as Sapnap, but my feelings for him are.different? I open and shut the car door quietly as possible, as I walk to the other door, opening the door.

"George, wake up". "Nghh..five..more." He started to trail off. Cmon George, don't give me a hard time. "Cmon Gogy" I shake him a little, his body turns the other way...well I guess we did do a good bit of things the past few days.

"Alright, have it your way" I grumbled, undoing the seat belt I tried to carefully slip it off his body. Okay got this far..I didn't know how to go about picking him up. What about like a baby? Bridal? I don't remember. I slipped one arm underneath his legs, and the other supporting his back.

Sliding this small man out was a pain in the ass, but it wasn't like I was just going to leave him in the car. "Gogy you ready?" I knew no answer was to come, but I still asked. His body turned inwards towards my chest, his hand grabbed onto my shirt. Scrunching it up, his head nuzzled into me.

Oh my god, that's adorable. My heart was thumping as I carried him into the apartment building and into the elevator. I did get a few weird stares, I mean I'm a big man with a mask on, carrying someone at night. Who wouldn't be suspicious, but I'm worried why they didn't even stop or ask me any questions.

As the elevator opened, I continued my journey towards his apartment. His keys? Where are his keys? I think there in his pockets..fuck how am I going to get them without dropping him? Okay, okay..if he can get his legs around my waist we can get somewhere.

"Hey George, move your legs for me" His eyes opened a little bit and he mumbled something, but moved his legs in the position I needed. If I kept him up any longer, who knows how he'll act.

His legs are wrapped around me and his arms draped over my shoulders, my hands are underneath his thighs..not the best position but gotta make do with what I have. I move my hand to his pocket and slip my hand into it feeling for his keys, which I find quickly. Pulling them out, I push the only black key into the keyhole turning it.

Little paws meet me, Patches and Sadie. "Hey guys" I whisper before kicking the door shut and trudging to his bedroom. Carefully opening the door, I try to slip him off of me. "Come on you gotta let go, I can go sleep in my apartment and don't gotta bother you anymore" I eventually slipped his arms and legs off of me, but I decided to just flop down on the bed.

I sure was going to miss sleeping here. I gazed around the blue covered room, yeah I was gonna miss it. His bed made me even more groggy than I was before. "Come on, you gotta get up" I stood up and slipped my shoes off and took off my mask and glasses, walking over to the door and shutting it. Okay now I gotta get his shoes off.

Slumping over to him, I slip his shoes off as well and set them on the floor. It should be fine if I slept here tonight right? I pull up the biggest cover and slip under it, pulling it over George.

I turn to face him. He looked peaceful when he slept. I just, I-I don't know anymore. I'm not sure of how this'll end, I don't really want to think about it, but I know I have to. God, why couldn't I be normal. Lived a normal life, have a normal job, not bother this normal man.

I continue to stare at him. A few wisps of hair are hovering just above his forehead. His darker eyes are nice as well, almost comforting to look at, despite his eyes being closed, I can still see them in my mind. Almost engraved into my memory, staring back at me.

Will his eyes remain and memory or will I be able to see them everyday, living, warm and bright like always. If it isn't I'd like to spend more time gazing at him, I want to keep his memory alive and warm in my mind.

I lower my stare to his lips. Everytime he smiled, it was always toothy and bright. With every grin, his eyes would crese. He was always glowing, well I've seen how his expression changes when walking past any reflection of himself. He always looks almost scared and empty when he did, it was such a sad expression to see for the first time and every time after.

I wonder if he is insecure about himself? I can understand that. I yawn, my eyes falling with every second passing. The almost deathly quiet home drowned out all outside noises letting me eventually fall asleep.

George's POV

Twisting over my head bumps into something hard. My wall? No, I have too many stuffed animals on my bed for my head to hit the wall. Wait am I even in my bedroom. My eyes flutter open, to see black.

Dream? Why's he in here? Wait, why am I in here? It's not even that bright outside, I can still sleep and figure it out later. I roll back over, but he scoots closer. His arm drapes over me pulling me in to him. Are we..spooning right now? Oh my god.

I just shut my eyes and just relax, it wasn't bad. It was comfortable actually, having someone larger than you holding you is really relaxing and comforting. Before long, I just fall back asleep.

"George" what was a lion calling my name for? "How do you know my name lion?" I had to ask. "George wake up" the lion walked over to me and shook me. "Wha? I am awake lion" I tried to tell him, but I was lifted up by him.

My eyes fly open, "Woaah, what's what's going on?" I looked around quickly, but soon calmed down realizing Dream had picked me up. Wait, why'd he pick me up? "Good morning sleepy head" he wheezed. "G-good morning" I was unsure of his capabilities of holding me up, so my hands almost instinctively went around his neck.

"Woah at least buy me dinner first" he wheezed again. "Oh my god" I felt heat rise up to my face. "So you're awake now?" I nodded and he sat me down. "Why'd you pick me up anyways?".

""You wouldn't get up, and I wanted to make food. And it's like 12" 12!? I need to take Sadie on a walk, I don't remember taking her out last night. "Okay you go make whatever you're wanting to make, I'm going to take Sadie out for a walk" I tell him and start standing up trying to get adjusted to the grogginess I felt.

"Okay, you like omelets?". "Yes, also I've been craving brownies for a while now, do you want to make some later?". "Yes, I love making brownies!" He did show a liking to cooking, maybe for Christmas I could get him a nice pot and pans set or something. Who knows?

We walk out of my room, and I hook Sadie to her leash and head towards my door, "I'll be back soon!". "Byee". He sure was joyful this morning, I wonder what's gotten into him.

And end~

A/N~ Sorry this is just a buffer chapter :')..I kinda like it not my best had a little writer block during this but next chapter is awesome...also sorry my time I post os different, I have school and work so sometimes I post late or really early..anyways! I love you all and I'm proud of you, please eat something and drink something!

1365 words

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