Letharia Vulpina

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"What the hell?" I ran down from the roof, my brother and Scott following behind.

I could hear the sparks of electricity flying everywhere as I continued to run forward.


Derek and Scott pushed their arms out in front of me and the three of us halted as water spread closer to us.

I looked over, spotting Kira stood in the water and the electricity wire flying towards her.

She grabbed it and placed her hand over it.

I opened my mouth in shock as she looked over at us, her eyes glowing orange.

She dropped the wire to the floor as her and Scott stared intently at each other.

My brother suddenly ran off and I turned to follow him, pausing when I saw he was bent down next to Isaac.

"He's not breathing!" Derek exclaimed.

And then I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I felt like the whole world had crashed down on me and now I was just empty.


"Scott, he's not breathing! Scott, he's not breathing!"

I looked over at my brother's frantic expression and then over to Scott.

And then it finally sunk in.

He's not breathing.


I arrived at the hospital at exactly the same time as Scott and Melissa. We stepped into the lift in silence.

It dinged open and we stepped onto floor three where I spotted Allison asleep on the chair.

Scott touched her shoulder and she jolted awake.

"Have you been here all night?" He asked.

"Yeah, they won't let me see him because I'm not family. I told them he doesn't have any" Allison replied.

"He's got us. And I've got a key card" Melissa smiled.

She swiped it in and the door opened.

"Be quick"

Scott and Allison slowly stepped in whilst I hung back slightly.

Allison grabbed Scott's hand and squeezed it.

The door shut behind me.

I stepped closer to Isaac's bed.

The repetitive hospital monitor was beeping loudly.

"I thought he'd be healing by now" Allison said.

"So did I"

Scott touched his arm which was blackened by the electricity.

"Is he in pain?" I asked.

Scott nodded and grabbed his arm tighter.

I watched as the veins turned darker as he took the pain away from Isaac.

Scott winced and took a deep breath.

"It won't heal him, but it helps with the pain" he said.

"Did Stiles really do this?" Allison asked.

"Whatever's controlling him did it. Whatever's inside him" I said.

"Then how do we get whatever's inside him the hell out of him?"

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