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Mark: HELLO everybody Markiplier here, we got some questions that we are going to answer, first one is from MaddieHouston :I need your help. I need a ship name for Sombra and Midnight Dusk. Can you guys help me?


Queen: dang it you stole my idea! I guess SombDusk

Orcid: ooooh I like that one!

Sombra: *blushes* lets go to the next one please?

Mark: uhm.....ok? Anyways, next one is by flute_player_1 : Discord I dare you to switch bodies of any of the mane 6 of your choice for 3 whole days :D

Orcid: ha! Good luck on that!

Discord: oh that's easy! *turns to Twilight*

Orcid: why Twilight?

Discord: she's an alicorns that's why

Mark: oooook next question. its from flute_player_1 : For all of you what is your favorite song in the show (what I love music)

Queen: This Day Aria

Discord: that's also easy, Glass of Water.

Orcid: smile song!

Sombra: umm, Hearts Strong as Horses

Nightmare: B.B.B.F.F.

Mark: next question is from ChaosQueen2001 : Discordant if you want ponies to stop bothering you about fluttercord and discelestia then tell us all one thing....who's your special some pony?
Also Chrysalis if you had to favor one of the princesses who? (Aka I looooooove Luna or my favorite version of her Nightmare)

Discord: I don't HAVE a special some pony! I wish I did but I don't. I'll make a deal with you, if you can guess who I like, I'll kiss her and you'll get your answer.

Queen: that's a deal we'll bargain for, and I prefer Luna too.

Nightmare: really?

Queen: yeah.

Mark: and last question is from Luigigirl708 : I dare Discord to turn into his pony and show us what he looks like in his pony form.

Discord: ok *becomes pony form as an alicorn with a black and white cutie mark*

Orcid: another alicorn? Seriously?

Discord: yep!

Mark: as always I will see you in the next ask questions, BU-BYE!!

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