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Mark: HELLO everybody Markiplier here, we got a few questions that we're going to answer,some are devious MWHAHAHA. Anyways, first question is from flute_player_1 : Discord how would you react if I said my pony self Carol had a crush on you? Which by the way I do even (even though I ship fluttercord) Also Orcid did you like kissing Discord? And is he a good kisser!?!

Discord: my goodness you shippers are just never to any good are you? Well fact is, if you do have a crush on me then...ok I guess? And uh...Orcid?

Orcid: *facepalms and shakes head* why me?...

Discord: you liked it didn't you.

Orcid: no! I'm still mind blown that you kissed me, AND THAT WAS MY FIRST FRAPPIN KISS!!

Discord: well we kissed 3 times now you should at least have an answer.

Orcid: I'm not going to argue, so I'm just going to say yes ok?

Discord: *uses hand to whisper* she liked it.

Mark: hahahaha, ok ok, next question is from luigigirl708 : to Discord: people say that Screwball is you DAUTER is that true P.S., CAOS ROCKS!!!!!!

Discord: see, I'm glad you mentioned this cause Screwball is NOT.MY.DAUGHTER. I'm wondering who came up with this theory, because in season 2 where you guys met me, it shows Screwball right in front of the screen when Twilight got well...discorded and all. I wouldn't do THAT to my own DAUGHTER!!! THATS CRAZY EVEN FOR ME!!

Sombra: dude! Calm down will ya?!

Discord: sorry got carried away.

Mark: next is from again Luigigirl708 : I DARE YOU ALL TO READ MY BOOK CALLED THE PRINCESS OF CAOS

Discord: ok! Sounds interesting! And *sigh* spell chaos right next time please?

**later on**

Mark: ok when Discord read some of it he kinda panicked and hid under a bed and won't come out, just to updating on what's happening.

Orcid: Discord come on it wasn't that bad!

Discord: yes it was!

Orcid: it's just a story, it's not like it actually happened!

Discord: BUT STILL!

Orcid: why are so afraid of this book?

Discord: because it said I was *shivers* loved struck.

Orcid: I know I know, but will you please come out?..

Discord: fiiiiine..*crawls out*

Mark: we're almost done ok last one by MaddieHouston : what would you do if you were stuck at the Rainbow Factory, and had no magic?

Orcid: it's either I will fight them or work with them cause I am NOT going to be turned into a rainbow.

Discord: yeah same here.

Mark: well that's all we have for this time, please leave some comments and dares. and as always, we will see you in the next ask. BU-BYE!!!

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