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Mark: HELLO everybody Markiplier here, we got a few questions and two new guest.

Pinkie: HI!!

Celestia: hello subjects

Mark: we're here today because someone guessed who Discord likes. We have three contestants, Orcid, Pinkie Pie, and Celestia.

Discord: I-I'm nervous...is it ok I sit next to you Orcid?

Orcid: of course you can.

Discord: thanks...

Pinkie: is that why we're here?! ITS LIKE A GAME SHOW!!!WOOHOO!!!

Queen: sure Pinkie a game show *rolls eyes*

Mark: first question is from MaddieHouston : who are your crushes?
For once I don't have one.

Queen: I kinda have one on FlufflePuff

Nightmare: Sombra

Sombra: Luna

Orcid: don't have one

Discord: you'll find out

Celestia: I don't have one either


MARK: ok, next question is from Luigigirl708 : DISCORD HAS A CRUSH ON ORCID P.S.: I dare you all to meet JEFF THE KILLER, the creepy pasta.
Oh god no..

Orcid: you guys are crazy *snaps* *Jeff appears roped up*

Jeff: huh? Hey! Let me go!

Orcid: like I would want to let loose a killer

Jeff: what are you anyway?

Orcid: a draconequus, a creature you don't know about.

Jeff: I see that. I just want to get out of here.

Orcid: good. so do I. *snaps him away* ugh, killers.

Mark: next is from flute_player_1 : I dare all of you 2 play Five Nights at Freddys 1 and 2. also if you were a element of harmony what would your element be? (I'm guessing Discords is chaos)

Queen: if we had to choose the actual elements I would be generosity. If not, I would be deceiving.

Sombra: I would be the element of loyalty. the other would be dreadfulness.

Nightmare: I would be honesty, otherwise the element of hate.

Orcid: I would hope to be kindness, but if not, as you know it wickedness.

Discord: I would no doubt be laughter, but yes indeed chaos.

Pinkie: then whose magic?

Orcid: who would be magic?

Nightmare: *shrugs* I don't know

Mark: last is from ChaosQueen2001 : I say either Pinkie or Celestia. oh and I dare you all to call each other by what Discord nicknamed you all (except Orcid) Chysi Sommy Moonbutt and *laughs* Dissy.

Orcid: yes! Lucky me!

Queen: well it's not like they don't call me Chrysi already.

Sombra: why Sommy?!

Discord: it was the only thing I could think of!

Mark: so what's first, Five Nights at Freddys or Discords crush...thing?

Orcid: let's do the game first.

***minuets later***

Orcid: NEVER.MAKE ME.PLAY THAT.EVER AGAIN. *shivering in fear*

Mark: oooook time for Discords crush thing, so girls er... Mares, close your eyes.

*Celestia and Pinkie close them*

Mark: *pushes ORCID next to the contestants* you too Orcid.

Orcid: what?! I-I thought you were kidding!

Mark: nope! Go on, close them!

Orcid: ok ok. *closes them*

Discord: here goes nothing...*kisses Orcid softly*

Orcid: mmm! *ears prick up and eyes fly open*

Discord: *breaks kiss* I'm sorry...


Mark: uhhhhhh well... we'll see you in the next ask....BU-BYE!!

Ask the Villains of  Equestria (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now