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Mark: HELLO everybody Markiplier here, we are doing this again cause we already got 3 questions. So, first one is from Luigigirl708 : Dear Discord: DID YOU REALLY THINK IT EAS THAT BAD!!! (*tears forming in eyes*)
Awww now look what you did you made her cry!

Discord: woah woah woah! It's ok! It's not that it's a bad story it's just it's not my taste is all. you are good story writer, I promise.

Mark: say your soooorrry.

Discord: I'm sorry, there happy?

Mark: ok good. next question is also by Luigigirl708 : Ps, if so I DARE YOU TO KISS FLUTTERSHY AND IF YOU DONT I WILL USE MY DRACONIQUIS POWERS ON YOU AND BUKING FORCE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discord: good thing I don't need to do that. Because you know who I actually like *cough* Orcid *cough* and that would be a problem.

Mark: and ChaosQueen2001 ,the mares need to go in one room and us colts need to go in a different one and talk about our life. I don't need to since I already did on "draw my life". So let's go.


Queen: I'll start: I was very young, I was only taught how to deceive ponies to survive, though my kind would rather eat like regular ponies, we only had the choice to trick others to feed us. A changeling was spotted and was immediately reported, so we had all been captured and banished, my parents sentenced to death for their crime, I swore on Equastria that I would avenge them. when I became queen, I knew it would be the perfect thing to take over Equastria as my first act. I had gotten much farther into claiming Equastria than I thought, I was so close, we had gotten banished again like you saw. My subjects were either separated, dead, or just left. They didn't want me as queen anymore, when I came back, I was planned to be reformed, that's when I met FlufflePuff, my bestest friend in the entire work of Equastria.

Nightmare: my turn: me and my sisters adventure truly started when the war between alicorns and draconequi, we hid in the castle for 5 weeks in darkness, as the princess of the night I was ok, but I worried for my sister Tia, she got weaker and weaker without the sunlight. When the war stopped, we found out neither of the species survived, we wept, especially when we knew our parents were gone forever. So we took our place on the throne, we met Discord shortly afterwards, he played tricks and games on us, we didn't mind though. But when he was starting to get out of hand, we got mad at him and told him to stop, he became angry, and his chaotic side corrupted, he took over Equastria and we had no choice but to turn our foe to stone. you would think he was a friend, but none of us considered it that way. And after we defeated Sombra, my best friend, Tia become too proud of herself and gave all the credit to herself as the hero of Equastria, I became jealous. I thought no pony loved my night, and only Tia was appreciated. I got the idea of having the moon up for one day, but as the sun princess she forbade it. I was livid! She wanted no pony to have any respect for me and only her, so I slowly became mad and as you know it...became Nightmare Moon.

Orcid: ok my turn: I was different from other draconequi, so I couldn't have any friends, when I tried they'd bully me. I was the first female in century's to be the Lady of something powerfully evil. My brother took me under his wing and always helped me carry through. I
was still a young little filly when the war began, my father as the Lord of Murder, died for trying to fight. So there was only me my mother, and my brother Rag. we walked away everyday as far as we can from the war, but it's like it was chasing us. when we had to go through so timber wolf territory, we got separated by a pack, I killed some to avenge them, and to also protect myself. I walked through the woods for the next few years, I lost track on the exact years. I was just about to turn into a young adult when I saw Equastria, I wasn't running away I was only getting closer I stayed close for awhile, when Equastria was being taken over for the second time from Discord, I stayed in Ponyville disguised as a pony until he would be reformed. The day he was reformed and when Equastria celebrated, I saw him, just a glance, of course I wasn't going to miss a party, not without wickedness of course hehe. I accidentally ran into him, he new straight away that I was different, we talked and somehow we got to the subject on our kind, I revealed myself and then we soon got to know each other.


Sombra: do you want to go first?

Discord: yeah sure, I'll go : I had a father and a mother like every pony else, my family as rulers of the draconequi, we were the first to be warned about the declare of war from the alicorns. My parents left me at home, but when the enemy invaded our territory, I had to run away for my own safety. I stayed in a cave for awhile until the war was over, when I adventured out, it didn't take long for me to realize I was different from others, REALLY different. Animals I came across would run in fright and others laugh at the sight of me. then on came Equastria, a land filled with ponies that lived in harmony, I tried fitting didn't work. So I went up in the mountains and found a cave, Celestia found me there, and took me to her castle. She told me that my magic can be used for good, well she wasn't pacific on the term good. I may have rained down a few parades and crashed a few banquets. That was after I accidentally turned the road into soap, then ponies started calling me a freak and thing got REALLY out of hoof. I really don't like being called a freak, every pony who did i would something to them. Celestia and Luna got mad at me, I got mad back, so I took over Equastria and know the rest.

Sombra: my turn? *sigh* ok: It started when I was the Lead Guard of the Crystal Empire, after Discord was defeated, Celestia and Luna would visit the Crystal Empire frequently. Luna was not at the proper age to understand what the Queen and Celestia would talk about, so she sat outside and we would talk to each other. when I fell in love with her, I knew she didn't need some pony that's not powerful as I was before, she needed some pony strong, powerful, saluted, she needed a KING. I went into the Empires library and went to the most top secret spot. There I found a book that had been locked up for years, I read, read, and read. my mind slowly turned to dark magic, and when I had gained all the power I needed, I killed the Queen and took the throne as my own. Celestia and Luna didn't take to long to come, I mind possessed Celestia and tried to turn Luna to dark magic and as my queen. She refused....and I was defeated. Little did she know that a princess holds a warrior they transform into during battle, which she is known for as Nightmare Moon. Celestia has one too, so does the other alicorns. but I was defeated by my love..and foolishness.
Mark: that's all we have for this time, please ask some more questions and dares and as always, we will see you in the next ask, we will answer more questions later we just didn't have enough time for it. so see you next time.BU-BYE!!!

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