In The Rain

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I lay outside in the rain.
Cold. Wet.
If you saw me then, you would have joined me.
You would have laid down beside me and held my hand. 
Told me that everything was going to be ok because you were here with me.
Now, you can't.
Because you left.
Left me sitting in the rain all alone,
drenched to the bone, knowing that I'm almost gone.
You told me that you couldn't keep sitting in the rain with me.
Because the rain was too cold for you.
That just because I needed the rain to keep me alive, that you didn't need it too.
The rain was just a burden to you, serving no purpose.
And in that way, me and the rain were alike.
So you left us both behind.
Now I loose myself in the rain because I don't have your hand to keep me grounded.
I don't have anything keeping me here, so I let the rain take me.
I wait here in the rain, hoping that one day someone will come take your place beside me and pull me back.
Where? I don't know. That's for them to decide.
But where ever they take me, it will be out of the rain. Somewhere where they can tell me that everything is ok and that they'll always be there to pull me back.
Something that you couldn't do.

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