Contradictions and Collateral Damage

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*A/n~ I know I'm slipping and this is basically just mindless ranting but I thought it was an interesting concept*


Love it like giving someone full access to your soul.

No, let me rephrase that.
True love, is like giving someone full access to your soul.

You open up, you give them everything, all of you.

Trust them with that much of you even when you know your just one wrong move away from heartbreak.

No, not heartbreak.

But our love, though true, was not real.
Yes, I gave you my soul, but real love is being able to hold each other's souls together in the most natural of ways.

Not too tight, not too loose, not too rough, not too gentle. Clean, pure...Love.

When I gave you my soul you handled it with strangling, dirty hands.

You have me no room to breath and when I asked for a breath of air you dropped me and let me drown.

No, not me.
My soul.

You broke my soul, I broke our true, non-real love, we broke.

You broke our love, and I was collateral damage.

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