Author Note 1

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So, if anyone could tell by my more recent..~things~,
I'm really struggling with my mental health. I know that most, if not all, people that read my "poetry" are too, but it's gotten to the point where I'm struggling to get out of bed again. I haven't talked to my friends in weeks, and it's not that I don't want to, but that I can't. (I really need to stop over-sharing online, and under-sharing in person)

I guess I should get to the point lol. I might start updating multiple times a day for a few days, and then just randomly stop, but please don't worry. I've been going into these 'episodes' where my anxiety forces me to get up and do something in fear or failing or whatever, but my depression makes me stay in bed, so my solution is to write my feelings down in a beautiful and poetic way (or at least try to), as opposed to the chaotic mess that is my head, which is what I do here. Other times, I can't bring myself to do anything for days at a time, so I don't really have the energy to publish anything.

So I guess my point is, my publishing times are probably going to get really crazy and messed up, but please do not worry. I guess that's just my new normal now until I get things back under control. 

Thank you for listening and hopefully understanding. - Sophie ^~^ (that's my name btw for those of you that don't know)

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