The First Time I Saw You

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I saw you from across the lot.
You suddenly paused and looked at me.
I looked back, curious.
You opened your mouth to talk but something stopped you.
It was as if we didn't need to say anything,
like our eyes said it all for us.
I sighed,
knowing this moment couldn't last forever,
and tore my eyes away from yours.
I couldn't let myself have too much,
as I knew that I would become an addict.
Addicted to you, your gaze, your smile.
And I knew that I was crazy for playing it over and over in my head
like a song that I couldn't get out.
Maybe I was romanticizing it.
Or maybe,
you felt it too.
Maybe you played it over and over in your head,
like I am now.
I knew that it was the first time I saw you.
The first time you smiled at me.
The first time we met eyes.
But I knew that I couldn't let it be the last.

I'm so glad I'm doing this anonymously. If they saw this I would simply pass away *^*

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