"I Wish I Was As Happy As You"

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"I wish I was as happy as you"

Something I hear 1,000 times a day.
I just wish I could turn around and face them and say,

I'm glad you aren't.

I'm glad your smiles don't come out of habit, but of happiness.

I'm glad your laughs come from joy, not from the fear of making someone uncomfortable if you don't pretend to be having fun.

I'm glad that your nights are filled with comfy pillows and sweet dreams, not ceiling fans and tired eyes that refuse to close.

I'm glad that joy comes from spending time from your friends, not from the thought that "You get to go home and cry in the bathtub later, just hold it in."

I'm glad that your happy.

And I'm glad that my act was performed well enough to fool you into thinking I was too.

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